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Conshohocken Calling……

The Official Newsletter of the Greater Conshohocken Business & Professional Women’s Organization


When: Monday, September 28, 2020

7:00 –Business Meeting

7:30 pm – Program

Where: ZOOM Meeting

(President Donna will send out details for the on-line meeting closer to the date)

Program: WHO am I?

Results of the GC BPW Facebook picture contest

?????????What contest you ask??????????? Read on…..

Throughout the month of September Greater Conshohocken BPW is running a contest of Who Am I? on our Facebook page. Each day there will be a different picture. Your job is to figure out who the person is each day and reply with your guess. The contest is open to all who view our page. There will be a prize awarded at the end of the month for the person with the most correct responses throughout the month.

(Good luck and keep those guesses coming!)

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic][pic]



Hi Everyone: I would like to thank all of our Essential workers. You have worked tirelessly to ensure that we are safe and healthy. I don’t know what we would have done without you continuing to perform your work as selflessly as you have.

We are taking this year to rebuild and become a stronger local. With all of the challenges out in the environment that we face, we are trying to be more creative. Until we are sure that it is safe to venture out into the restaurant world, we will be conducting our monthly meetings via zoom. I will be working with Jessica to set up our communication method for these meetings and will forward the invitation to everyone. Our first meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 28, 2020. The meeting will be added to our Facebook page with the hope that a few people who are not members will dial in and see what we are all about. Hoping you all can make it. I truly hope that sometime soon, we can meet in person. I miss seeing everyone and catching up with your lives and your families.

If you haven’t had a chance to renew your memberships, I encourage you to please renew. The membership brochure is included with the newsletter. It’s been exciting, because we have had 2 returning members join. Welcome back to Teresa Browne-Parris and Nancy Mortimer O’Brien.

We are trying new methods and hopefully fun activities to encourage all of our involvement with the Club. If you haven’t joined our Facebook page, please consider it. This month we are posting our Who Am I? pictures. We have had a few people check it out and several people have actually responded. There have been a few photos so far that have stumped our viewing public. If you haven’t submitted your guesses, it’s not too late to catch up and go out and see if you can identify the 7 people we have highlighted. We will be having a contest each month. The prize will be announced at each of our meetings. It is based on the most number of correct responses. Hint: You can provide a response for your own picture.

I would like to thank Mary Weeks for all of her help and encouragement this summer. Thank you so much for taking back the gauntlet and working on the newsletter.

Lastly, please let me know if you would consider any of the following Executive Board positions: Vice President, Recording Secretary or Treasurer. Also, all of our Chair positions are open. If you want more information about each position’s responsibilities, please let me know.

Looking forward to a great year. Respectfully, Donna

[pic] Michael Kors Bag drawing to benefit local projects

Greater Conshohocken BPW’s first benefit of the year is a $400.00 Michael Kors bag (see picture). This would make a great holiday gift idea for you, or your friend or relative! The donation is $5.00 per ticket and the drawing will be held at our December meeting (either in-person or virtually). Contact President Donna for tickets or more information.

[pic] BPW NEWS

BPW/PA ZOOM State Convention – JUNE 12-14, 2020

For the first time, the BPW PA annual convention and Board of Directors’ Meetings were held via ZOOM. There were 110 members present, representing 31 Locals.

After opening business, awards were presented. Judge Andrea Hudak Duffy, Montgomery County received the Public Servant Award. District 3 (western PA) won the Eleanor Briner Award for best district; Ginny Bailey from Central Montgomery County BPW won Woman of the Year; and Mt. Aloysuis College won Employer of the Year.

The 2020-2021 BPW/PA Officers are Marisa Harmon, President; Tiffany Burger, President-Elect; Melissa Wieand (Quakertown BPW), Vice President; Glenda Aucker, Recording Sec.; Roxanne Pease, Treasurer; and Ginny Schultz, Corresponding Sec.

Message from BPW/PA President Marisa Harmon

Welcome to the 2020-2021 BPW/PA year! It’s been an interesting time these last few months, with many things changing and learning how to maintain social distance but still host our meetings. I am hopeful that in the coming year we will once again be able to meet up in person and continue to conduct our business. With that being said, congratulations and welcome! Information can be found on our website: . This year’s official state theme is “Let Your Dreams Take Flight”. I feel that BPW/PA is a great tool to help each of our dreams prosper, by offering networking opportunities, giving us skills we need to succeed, and providing a support system for each other. I wish each of you much success in your BPW year as you continue to help grow the organization, encourage new members to join, foster your existing members, and promote our organization’s goals.


Twilight Wish is headquartered in Doylestown. Their goal has been to make the world a nicer place to age, one Twilight Wish at a time. A Twilight Wish granted recognizes seniors for all that they have done throughout their lives and shows them that they are appreciated and of value to society. To date, 3,331 Twilight Wishes have been granted.

BPW/PA districts, locals and members can all support Twilight Wish by:

1. Making monetary donations - Details on the process as well as the contribution form are in the BPW/PA President’s Manual at ;

2. Nominating deserving seniors for a twilight wish at request-a-twilight-wish;

3. Using DUTY (Diner Unexpected Thank You) cards to pay for senior meals. The Card template can be found at duty-program.

Let us help our seniors in need and let them know they are not forgotten!



The Equal Rights Amendment

“Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any

state on account of sex.”

The Equal Rights Amendment, as authored by Alice Paul, shall stand first, foremost and above

all other items which may appear on the Pennsylvania Federation’s Platform until equal rights

for women and men become guaranteed in the United States Constitution, because all statutory law derives therefrom. BPW/PA members will identify and lobby elected officials and

candidates for public office who support policy and legislation advancing BPW/PA’s Legislative




Actively support pay equity, fair credit, pension reform, and protection of Social Security,

Medicare, and Medicaid. Support affirmative action and equal educational, training and

promotional opportunities. Increase the availability of affordable options for quality elder

dependent and child care.


Actively support legislation that promotes ALL women’s health issues and access to care.

Promote research funding for all female health issues both physical and mental. Promote

reproductive choice and full access to all services. Promote paid sick leave and expanded

Family & Medical Leave. Promote the establishment of a permanent Office of Women’s Health

in Pennsylvania.


To encourage and promote diversity in our membership and in others in our communities and

actively oppose all forms of institutional and individual racism. Actively promote full funding of

the Violence Against Women Act to combat domestic violence and the electronic and physical

stalking of women. Support background checks for gun purchases that prevent domestic

abusers from purchasing and keeping weapons. Actively promote full funding for protection and services for victims and survivors. Ensure equal funding for female and male participation in high school and college athletics. Eliminate all form of sexual harassment and discrimination

against women. Support female veteran’s safety and equal treatment while in military service

and in their return to civilian life. Bring ALL laws into conformity with the Equal Rights Amendment of the Pennsylvania Constitution.

BPW/PA ZOOM State Board meeting – august 7-8, 2020

The Standing and Special Committee Chairs Meeting was held via ZOOM on Friday evening. Informational items were shared regarding upcoming dates, manuals, contests, district chairs, and deadlines. The Summer ZOOM Board Meeting was called to order on Saturday morning. After preliminary business was completed (Standing rules, roll call, etc.), short oral updates were provided. New Business included approving the registration and vendor fees for the 2021 State Convention. Convention dues and Liability Insurance fees for the Locals and Districts were also adopted. The Winter Board Meeting is scheduled for March 12-13, 2021.


Our BPW/PA website has had a makeover. Please take time and go to the website and see all the changes, read about our State Officers, read the Key and don’t forget to check out your listing in the membership directory for accuracy. Once you go to the site, you will need to log on. You will see a blue person icon on the right below the blue bar with words on it. This is where you now go to log on. Remember your login is your email address you used for BPW and your password you set up. You can also change your password here and view your profile. Check out (https:bpwpa.).


The PA BPW Foundation was established in 2008 as a 501(c)(3) organization, separate from BPW/PA. It has two funds: the Scholarship Fund (grants for furthering education) and the Edith Oler Flanigan Fund (grants for members to draw upon in emergencies). The next application deadline for the BPW PA Foundation Scholarship grant for the Spring 2021 semester is November 1, 2020. Go to bpwpa.PA-BPW-FOUNDATION-BROCHURE for the application form and more information.


October 17, 2020 - District 5 Fall Meeting – Martinsburg. Altoona BPW and District 5 will be celebrating 90th Anniversaries; Tyrone BPW will be celebrating 85 years at this meeting.

October 18, 2020 - BPW/PA and BPW Ohio Ecumenical Event, Steubenville, OH.


The District 11 BPW ZOOM Summer Board Meeting was held on Saturday, August 15th. After opening business, reports of the Treasurer, Officers, Committees and Presidents were given. Of note: The new Individual Development program, developed by District 11 Assistant Director, Sheryl Nierenberg, is in the final stages of beta testing. Under New Business, a virtual District Fundraiser was discussed.


The Fall District Meeting/Memorial Service will be held on October 31st as a ZOOM meeting or in person at Caitlyn and Cody’s Diner (cost- $23). The meeting usually begins with registration at 8:00 am, followed by breakfast, Memorial Service, and business meeting to conclude by noon (timing might be a little different if via ZOOM). Our member, Louise Hepburn, will be remembered during the Memorial Service, so please attend if you can. REGISTRATION RSVP DEADLINE October 16, 2020.

Also, District Director Jennifer Van Ingen, suggested that we wear costumes, since the meeting is on Halloween. Yours truly suggested that we all dress as Rosie the Riveter, so get out your red bandanas and work clothes and join us for the meeting! If you would like to attend, please let President Donna know at the September meeting. You might be asking, why dress up as Rosie the Riveter for our District meeting? Well, keep reading….

[pic] Casey pitching “Rosie” cause in Senate as Levittown’s Mae Krier receives 5,000th mask request (Abbreviated) by Peg Quann :18

When the number of people requesting Rosie the Riveter masks hit 5,000 this week, Mae Krier decided she had to put up a STOP sign on her Honor Rosie Facebook page. At her age of 94, the requests have surprised, overjoyed and, at times, overwhelmed her. Krier, who lives in Bristol Township, began making the masks this spring to keep busy during the pandemic.

But when word got out that she was making the patriotic masks to honor women who served on the homefront during World War II, the requests, and the stories that went with them, poured in. People across the country are requesting the masks to support Krier’s goal of having Congress award all the Rosies who supported the war effort the Congressional Gold Medal. Krier would like to see the medal bestowed while there are still some female members of the Greatest Generation left to receive and relish the honor for their hard work.

So too would Sen. Bob Casey, who sponsored Senate Bill 892 that would award the Rosies the medal. He’s trying to recruit 67 other co-sponsors, the number needed for a Gold Medal bill to be enacted. So far 33 have given their support. The U.S. House voted to support the legislation last year, with Bucks Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick, R-1, as a leading co-sponsor. The Senate has until this Congressional session ends in January to get the needed quorum.

Among those who are helping her locally mail out the masks are three members of the Twilight Wish Foundation, which grants wishes to deserving seniors over age 65. In 2015, the foundation granted Krier her wish to attend the American Rosie the Riveter Association reunion in California. Krier said she would be happy if even one of the 5,000 masks being sent out saves a life from COVID-19. But she’s still not giving up on her original goal of using the masks to promote the gold medal cause. “You don’t really know how good people are,” she said, until they unite for a purpose like this one.

[pic] 19th Amendment: Women Vote Stamp

With this stamp, the Postal Service commemorates the centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees women the right to vote. Inspired by historic photographs, the stamp features a stylized illustration of suffragists marching in a parade or other public demonstration. The clothes they wear and the banners they bear display the official colors of the National Woman’s Party — purple, white and gold. Art director Ethel Kessler designed the stamp with original art by Nancy Stahl. Customers may purchase stamps and other philatelic products through the Postal Store at shopstamps, by calling 1-800-782-6724, or at Post Office locations nationwide.


It is estimated that this year 98,000 women will be diagnosed with a gynecologic cancer and some 30,000 will die from the disease. Gynecological Cancer Awareness Month provides an important opportunity to draw attention to this important women’s health issue and offer vital information on risk cancers, warning signs, and prevention strategies.

Gynecological cancers are those that develop in a woman’s reproductive tract, including cervical, ovarian, uterine, vaginal and vulvar cancers. It’s important for women to be aware of the types of gynecological cancer, symptoms and potential warning signs to watch out for, and screening and prevention strategies. To learn more, start with NCCC’s gynecologic cancers page for an overview of each disease and a chart covering symptoms.

[pic]C September Is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month (TCAM)

While thyroid cancer is usually treatable if found early, some types and variants are aggressive and difficult to treat. People of all ages from children through seniors can get the disease, and patients need lifelong daily medication and periodic testing following treatment.

According to the American Cancer Society, thyroid cancer cases are on the rise. It estimates 54,000 new cases will be diagnosed in 2018, 75% of them in women. Women are, for unknown reasons, at higher risk of getting thyroid cancer. Symptoms can present themselves earlier in women, who are typically diagnosed in their 40s or 50s, while men commonly get diagnosed in their 60s or 70s.ION


To enhance the general public’s understanding of hematologic cancers and their early warning signs, Congress has designated September as National Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Month. The goals of this effort are to get the word out about the prevalence of these complex conditions and their symptoms, and also to point people to trusted information resources, all of which can increase the likelihood of early detection and better outcomes.

Approximately every 4 minutes, someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma or another type of cancer that affects the blood cells, bone marrow or lymphatic system. Due to recent research advances, many of these people are able to successfully overcome these conditions or manage their symptoms while maintaining a high quality of life. In almost all cases, the key to achieving the best possible outcome is early detection.



The PA DOBS sponsors various events every month in different counties throughout the state. Some sessions are for specific audiences, but some events appear open to the public. Topics range from avoiding scams and identity theft, fraud bingo, cocktails and credit (co-sponsored with BPW) to cybersecurity- keeping yourself safe online.

For a list of topics, dates, counties and registration information, go to secure.dobs.?a=events.home.


Lisa's Army has made the difficult decision to cancel our annual Fall 5k.  We will miss seeing all of your smiling faces but we recognize that to keep everyone safe, we needed to change our Lisa's Army 5k to a Virtual Challenge. This year, home is where the heart is! 

Here's the deal - anytime between October 1st and October 31st when you run, walk, bike, etc. you can help comfort those undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer.  Just log your miles on our race site and help us reach our group mileage goal of 2,353 miles.  This number represents the number of individuals we have comforted since 2014. 

The best part?  This year's event is pay what you're able!  We ask that you register, encourage friends to join, log your miles during the month of October, fundraise, and spread the word! Register today at LisasArmyVirtualChallenge.

 [pic] Alix Catania – 9/29




Our happy news is our member Alix Catania and family welcomed son Charlie in April. Congratulations to the Catania family!



Sadly, we have lost our longest-term member Louise Hepburn. Louise was 99 in April and was a loyal and dedicated BPW member for over 60+ years. Louise was our Treasurer for more years than we can count. We would come to our dinner meeting and Louise was at the front table greeting us. She leaves us all with a sad heart.


Our condolences to Eileen Gillin, Souderton-Telford BPW on the death of her mother, Irene Landes. Irene was an active BPW member for 69 years and was known throughout the state.



09/28 Monthly Dinner Meeting

10/18-24 National Business Women’s Week

10/26 Monthly Dinner Meeting

10/31 District XI Fall Meeting



Want to promote your business in our monthly newsletter and on our social media pages? Send your business card and $10 cash or a check payable “Greater Conshohocken BPW” to: Greater Conshohocken BPW, 700 Columbia Ave., Lansdale, PA 19446.






In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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