Do You Know The Signs And Symptoms Of Diabetes

Do You Know The Signs And Symptoms Of Diabetes?

This article lists some of the signs and symptoms of diabetes that you can recognize yourself at home which, if they occur, need to be checked out professionally.

By Mike Jennings

Do you know what the common symptoms of diabetes are which may be warnings that you are developing diabetes?

Diabetes is a very common metabolic disease brought about by deficient insulin in the body. This disrupts normal blood glucose level in the body and requires medical treatment and a change in lifestyle. A glucose test is often the best method of identifying the levels of sugar in the blood. A blood glucose monitor is also a useful device for determining the normal blood glucose level and the deviations from the norm.

The three most common symptoms of increase in the blood glucose level in the body are polyuria or frequent urination, polydipsia or the increased fluid intake due to thirst, and blurred vision. Thirst occurs due to the effect of osmosis. The kidneys here generate a rather high amount of glucose and since water needs to carry it, there is a fluid loss. The body cells replace the water that is now needed to make up the decreased blood volume and this results in dehydration. Thus the body craves water and the patient is thirsty.

Blurred vision is usually caused due to change in the shape of the lens in the eye. The change occurs if the normal blood glucose level is high for a long period of time. You must perform a glucose test and to continue monitoring with a blood glucose monitor if all or any of the above symptoms occur.

There are several minor symptoms that also need to be watched for. Sudden weight loss and excessive hunger are two such symptoms that can occur when the blood glucose level increases. Sometimes, diabetes leads to disturbance of immune system. This can lead to the slow healing of wounds and even minor bruises. Diabetes can also cause peripheral damage of nerves and this is typified by numbness or tingling in the feet and hands. This damage can cause dry and itchy skin as the nerves get damaged.

However, the symptoms also vary from type to type and need to be watched for. In Type 1, for example, the symptoms develop very fast whereas in Type 2 the symptoms are slow, subtle and mild.

In type 1 diabetes mellitus, weight loss is a major symptom even though the patient may be eating normally or even eating more than usual. There may also be irreducible and persistent fatigue and overeating. There may also be development of diabetic ketoacidosis. Acetone on the patient’s breath, abdominal pain, vomiting, deep and rapid breathing, polyuria as well as an altered state of consciousness characterize ketoacidosis. Hostility, mania, confusion or lethargy are some of the symptoms of the altered state of consciousness. Diabetes ketoacidosis can lead to coma and if untreated can even cause death.

Blurred vision is also a common symptom in type 1. Hyperosmolar non-ketotic state or Hyperglycemia is a rare symptom, which develops in Type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is usually fatal and accounts for a high mortality rate. It is a diabetic coma and is usually preceded by an acute illness. Gestational diabetes occurs in the 24th to 28th week of pregnancy but usually disappears after childbirth.

Diabetes can be prevented if the patient follows a healthy diet and exercises regularly. Your blood sugar level can be monitored with a glucose test and if care is taken, you can maintain a normal blood glucose level. This can be monitored even at home with the help of a blood glucose monitor. The blood glucose monitor, with the help of a specially coated strip containing a drop of blood will measure the amount of sugar in the blood stream and its deviation from the normal blood glucose level. However, it is best to solicit the advice of the doctor since the diabetes care varies from person to person.

Diabetes is sometimes a slow acting and extremely subtle disease. If any of the above symptoms keep recurring, it would be wise to consult a doctor or have a glucose test conducted. It is best to treat the disease early on before it worsens and enters a more critical stage. It may take time, but if it is regularly treated, monitored with repeated glucose tests, the use of the glucose monitor and proper care is taken, then it is possible to lead a normal and healthy life.

Michael Jennings has a special interest in diabetes and more information on blood glucose monitors and diabetes to help you in the management of your condition can be found on his website on Blood Glucose Monitors

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