Chapter 6 Study Questions

_____1.Which of the following are functions of the muscular system?a.production of red blood cells and produce movementb.produces movement and maintains posturec.removes lactic acid and produces red blood cellsd.synthesis of steroids and produces movement_____2.Which of the following is not a trait of muscle cells?a.contractilec. extensibleb.excitabled.motile_____3.Muscles are attached to bones by _______________.a.insertion couplersc. other musclesb.cartilaged. tendons_____4.Choose the term that describes muscles that oppose one another.a.antagonisticc. pairingb.contraryd. synergistic_____5.The end of the muscle that is attached to the bone that moves.a.insertionc. originb.ligamentd. proximal_____6.The contractile unit of a skeletal muscle is called a:a.actin filaments c. myosin filamentsb.myofibrilsd. sarcomere_____7.The striated, or striped, appearance of skeletal muscles is caused by which of the following.a.only actin filaments c. only myosin filamentsb.myofibrils of actin and myosind. sarcomere_____8.According to the sliding filament model of muscle contraction, ________________.a.actin repels myosinb.actin slides along myosinc.myosin slides along actind.both actin and myosin slide toward the center of the cell_____9.Which of the following is smallest?a.actin filament c. myosin filamentb.myofibrild. sarcomere_____10.What is the energy source for muscle contraction at the molecular level?a. ATPc. myosin head moleculesb.glycogend.respiration_____11. Storage area of calcium ions needed for muscle contraction are in the:a.ribsc. sarcoplasmic reticulumb.sarcomered. transverse tubules_____12.In the troponin-tropomyosin complex, calcium ions change the shape of the troponin which then causes the tropomyosin to shift postion. This then allows:a.binding sites on the actin to become exposedb.binding sites on the myosin to become exposedc.ATP to split into ADP and Pd.ADP and P to become ATP______13. The junction between a motor neuron and a muscle cell is called a ____________. a.motor nerve union c. neurotransmitterb.neuromuscular junction d. vesicle_____14.What chemical causes the permeability of the muscle cell membrane to change?a.acetylcholinec. ATPb.actin activatord. calcium_____15.A motor unit is a _______________________.a.motor neuron and all the muscle cells it stimulatesb.motor neuron and the spinal nerves it stimulatesc.sensory neuron and the muscle cells it stimulatesd.the bound actin and myosin filaments_____16.The strength of a contraction depends upon the number of ______________ involved.a.motor neuronsc. neuromuscular junctionsb.motor unitsd. neurotransmitter molecules_____17.When does wave summation occur?a.when a second stimulus is received before the muscle relaxesb.when the muscle has a powerful and sustained contractionc.when the muscle is unable to contract in spite of continued stimulationd.when the relaxation phase is longer than the contraction phase_____18.Which of the following would build the largest muscles? a.aerobic exercisec. electrically stimulated exerciseb.anaerobic exercised. resistance exercise_____19. Which of the following results when a muscle is stimulated before it can fully relax a. tetanusc. muscle twitch b. muscle failured. tendinitis_____20. After an extreme amount of wave summation of muscle twitches take place, the following condition results:a. tetanusc. muscle twitchb. muscle failured. tendinitis 21. Below are two pictures of the sarcomere’s actin and myosin filaments zoomed in at the molecular level. Also in the picture are other proteins and ions that allow for muscle contraction. Be able to label the following diagram of the resting sarcomere and of the cross-bridge formation.495300-27178022. For muscles to contract, the actin filaments need to slide over the myosin filaments in a sarcomere. To do that, they start at a resting period and go through 4 other steps in order for contraction to work. Be able to describe the resting period and the four steps of muscle contraction.23. Be able to describe how the antagonistic pairs of the bicep and the tricep work together. In your description be able to include how they attach to bone (where the origins and the insertions are). Also, do not forget to explain the direction of the movement. (Flexion and Extension)24. Be able to label a contractile unit of a muscle cell. Which is called a ________________________.80010013196125. Know the muscles located on a diagram for anterior and posterior views. ................

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