Antonyms worksheets grade 4


Antonyms worksheets grade 4

If you need a first grade synonyms and antonyms worksheet, these options should work whether you're in a classroom or at home. Each worksheet features unique synonyms and antonyms, so they don't duplicate each other. Use your imagination to complete them on the computer screen. First grade school girl working on educational worksheet Beginners

can use this worksheet where they're asked to choose a synonym or antonym from a list of words. Can you think of other synonym examples for each set of words?Big/littleGlad/madSame/alikeGood/badHot/coldEasy/hardEmpty/full Think of an antonym for the underlined word in each sentence. For an extra challenge, see how many antonyms you can come

up with for each sentence. It is time to begin our lesson. My food is very hot. Would you please close the door.Do not start running yet. That is a good dog. This test is easy.My glass is empty. Is that a frown on your face? You have to go up the stairs. I am late for the meeting. This worksheet features two sections, one for synonyms and one for antonyms.

Use each section of the worksheet to teach a group lesson by completing them together and explaining the answers as you go.Take the worksheet a step further and ask kids to write an antonym for each word in the synonym section and a synonym for each word in the antonym section. Use the worksheet as a test.View & Download PDF Kids who fully

understand the concepts of synonyms and antonyms can move on to a fill-in-the blanks worksheet. Students will need to find synonyms and antonyms on their own in parts of this worksheet. Can you think of additional antonyms for each set of words?Bucket/pailSpeak/talkShut/closeHere/thereMessy/tidy Think of a synonym for the underlined word in each

sentence. You are a kind person. __________Please bring me that pail. _________This room is very messy. __________Please shut the window. __________He is as fast as lightning. __________Your desk is very tidy. __________If you are sleepy, then go to bed.I need a paper sack for groceries.Are you happy you came? She needs to speak with you.

Practice both synonyms and antonyms with these examples.Ask students to rewrite the synonym sentences using an antonym for the underlined word. Have students rewrite the antonym sections using synonyms for the antonym pairs they identified. Instead of writing synonyms and antonyms, ask kids to draw a picture that incorporates the synonyms and

antonyms.View & Download PDF Copyright ? 2021 K5 Learning Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms are words with the same (or very similar) meanings. Eg. speak ? talk

easy ? simple Antonyms are words with the opposite meaning. Eg. heavy ? light

empty ? full Synonyms Worksheets Synonyms Word Search Match the synonyms and

then find them in the jumble! Antonyms Worksheets Antonyms Word Search Write the antonyms and then find them in the jumble! Back to Vocabulary Resources You will love these super convenient, no prep, and free synonym worksheets for first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students. Also including in the download with pdf file are antonym

worksheets. These free homeschool worksheets are handy to help kids learn and review a variety of language arts skills while having fun! Antonym worksheets Help students review with these free synonyms and antonyms worksheets. In our pack you will find both free synonym worksheets as well as antonym worksheets to help grade 1, grade 2, grade 3,

and grade 4 students to practice recognizing which terms are the same or similar and which ones are opposites. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler ? you will love these handy free worksheets for helping make learning fun without breaking the bank! Use these as extra practice, summer learning, literacy center in your classroom, or

supplement to your homeschool language arts curriculum. Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> Download Download Synonym & Antonym Worksheets

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