Being alone synonym


Being alone synonym

Entry: forlornSynonyms:sad, unhappy, gloomy, sombre, melancholy, sorrowful, subdued, bleak, wistful, homesickAntonyms:happy, glad, alive, pleased, content, satisfied, contented, cheerful, carefree, exuberant Consisting of one part, aspect, or section: Of or relating to someone or something that is set apart Without others; single; only Lonely and sad; unhappy and neglected without any others being included or involved Sole; being the only one of a type. Unhappy due to being alone; lonely Not equaled; unmatched; unrivaled; supreme Alone in its or their superiority; best; finest The definition of detached is separate or not connected, or not emotionally involved. In isolation or seclusion Dissimilar from all others; distinct or individual: (Music) Composed, arranged for, or performed by a single voice or instrument. Emotionally reserved or indifferent: Remaining after others have been paired or grouped. Conforming to a system that segregates racial groups Characteristic only of a particular category or entity: (Archaic) Existing apart from others; separate; individual Far from others or difficult to get to; remote: Without parallel, equal, or match; unequaled. Without precedent; unparalleled: Without the presence or aid of another Exuberantly enthusiastic. Cut off from the public view; hidden, intimate, etc. Occurring or existing as something indefinite, as in time or position: A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude. Without the presence or aid of another In the same place; with one another; not apart Remote; distant; disconnected Having no equal; peerless: To the exclusion of anyone or anything else To the exclusion of anyone or anything else Abandoned; desolate; forlorn Carried out or functioning without aid or assistance: (Linguistics) Relating to or being a first person plural pronoun that excludes the addressee, such as we in the sentence Pat and I are in town, so we can meet you for lunch. Something that has already been separated. One leading a solitary or secluded life. Having no match; without equal. The definition of peerless is something that is unmatched or is so great that nothing can be compared. Without the presence or aid of another Not engaged or married, or not in a similar relationship With or having an escort. Having no husband or wife. Lonesome suggests a longing or yearning for companionship, often for a particular person the child is lonesome for her mother Lonely conveys a heightened sense of solitude and gloom the lonely sentinel walks his post Solitary and the more poetic lone convey the same sense but suggest more strongly the lack of companionship or association a solitary tree in the meadow a lone wanderer Alone , unqualified, denotes the simple fact of being by oneself or itself Find another word for alone. In this page you can discover 91 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for alone, like: single, isolate, solus, solitary, forlorn, friendless, in solitude, hermit, lonely, lorn and attended. LEARNDICTIONARYVOCABULARY LISTSTEST PREP Solitude is the state of being alone. You might crave solitude after spending the holidays with your big, loud family -- you want nothing more than to get away from everyone for a little while. Solitude can also refer to a place where you're completely alone. The middle of the woods, the top of a big mountain, the middle of a vast desert, even your room -- these are places where you might go for solitude. Solitude comes from the Latin word solitudinem, which means "loneliness," but if you have moments of solitude that doesn't necessarily mean you're lonely. The word solitude carries the sense that you're enjoying being alone by choice. For Everyone For Educators Help Leaderboards Vocabulary Bowl Bowl Leaders Today's Leaders Weekly Leaders Monthly Leaders Connect Blog News & Events Tell us what you think Our Story Our Mission Team / Jobs Partnerships Copyright ? 2022 , Inc., a division of IXL Learning ? All Rights Reserved. 1 not being in the company of others a single lonely cactus in the desert quarantined, segregated, separated, sequestered separate, unattached, unconnected, unlinked abandoned, adrift, deserted, desolate, forgotten, forsaken, lorn, neglected attended, chaperoned, escorted adjacent, adjoining, communicating, contiguous, neighboring, next-door attached, connected, coupled, linked 2 sad from lack of companionship or separation from others I was lonely when I first got to Los Angeles, but I soon made friends abandoned, deserted, forgotten, forsaken, neglected, rejected alone, lone, solitary, solo, unaccompanied 3 causing or marked by an atmosphere lacking in cheer the lonely streets of a honky-tonk beach town in the off-season black, bleak, cheerless, chill, Cimmerian, cloudy, cold, comfortless, dark, darkening, depressing, depressive, desolate, dire, disconsolate, dismal, drear, dreary, dreich [chiefly Scottish], elegiac (also elegiacal), forlorn, funereal, gloomy, glum, godforsaken, gray (also grey), lonesome, lugubrious, miserable, morbid, morose, murky, plutonian, saturnine, sepulchral, solemn, somber (or sombre), sullen, sunless, tenebrific, tenebrous, wretched blue, dejected, depressed, despondent, down, droopy, hangdog, inconsolable, low, melancholic, melancholy, mirthless, sad, unhappy, woebegone, woeful desperate, hopeless, pessimistic lamentable, mournful, plaintive, sorrowful encouraging, hopeful, optimistic bright, cheerful, cheering, cheery, comforting, cordial, festive, friendly, gay, heartwarming, sunshiny FEEDBACKImprove Your Writing Improve Your Writing Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright ? 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.Quiz Yourself On New Words And Definitions From Spring 2022START THE QUIZ Ten minutes later, veiled and cloaked, she stepped out alone into the garden.HILDA LESSWAYSARNOLD BENNETTWhen we were mounted Mac leaned over and muttered an admonitory word for Piegan's ear alone.RAW GOLDBERTRAND W. SINCLAIRIf Mac had been alone he would have made the post by sundown, for the Mounted Police rode picked horses, the best money could buy.RAW GOLDBERTRAND W. SINCLAIRAlone Orlean lay trying vainly to forget something--something that stood like a spectre before her eyes.THE HOMESTEADEROSCAR MICHEAUXThe Caf? tender was asleep in his chair; the porter had gone off; the sentinel alone kept awake on his post.GLANCES AT EUROPEHORACE GREELEYThey are unique; that lady there is the Du Barry--a portrait worth, alone, six thousand francs.CHECKMATEJOSEPH SHERIDAN LE FANUPiedmont alone vies with her, and is improving far more rapidly, but Lombardy has great natural capacities peculiarly her own.GLANCES AT EUROPEHORACE GREELEYalone nothing but only solely Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright ? 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. 1 not being in the company of others no one realized the boy was alone in his room so they all left for the movies without him quarantined, segregated, separated, sequestered separate, unattached, unconnected, unlinked abandoned, adrift, deserted, desolate, forgotten, forsaken, lorn, neglected attended, chaperoned, escorted adjacent, adjoining, communicating, contiguous, neighboring, next-door attached, connected, coupled, linked 2 being the one or ones of a class with no other members he is alone among the actors of his generation in his exceptional ability to play both comedic and serious parts single, solo, unaccompanied, unattended distinct, distinctive, individual, separate divers, manifold, multifarious, myriad popular, prevailing, prevalent, rampant perennial, recurrent, repeated adjective tending to spend a lot of time alone adjective someone who is retiring tends to avoid social activities because they are shy adjective very quiet and preferring not to talk to other people adjective not needing the help or friendship of other people phrase to stay alone or with your family rather than spending time with other people adjective living alone and avoiding other people phrase used for saying that two people, especially people having a romantic relationship, would prefer to be alone rather than with other people

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