Annoyance- a feeling of slight anger

Lesson 7Knowledge Rating Scale Vocabulary WordI’ve never heard this word before.I’ve heard this word, but I don’t know what it means.I know this word…it has something to do with…I know the meaning of this word.deviatefundamentalimmersemaneuverobjectiveVocabulary Words Vocabulary WordDefinition Part of SpeechSynonymAntonymdeviateto change what you are doing and not follow the expected planverbmove away,differ keep tofundamentalvery necessary and importantadjectivebasic, importantsecondaryimmerseto submerge or put underverbsubmerge, duck, occupyavoidmaneuver to move or turn skillfully; especially something large or heavyverbmove, turnobjectivemaking a decision based on facts instead of feelings or beliefsadjectivepurpose, point, goal, reasonExamplesWordExampledeviateMy husband does not like to deviate from his evening routine. He likes having dinner at 6:00 and watching the news at 6:30. He does not like interruptions that cause us to change the plan.Can you think of a time when weather or sickness made it necessary for you to deviate from what you had planned?fundamentalImproving vocabulary is fundamental to improving your reading skills. Improving vocabulary is very necessary and important to improving your reading skills. It is also fundamental, very necessary and important, that you attend class to improve your reading skills.Can you think of a skill that is fundamental to learning math? immerseMy husband was so immersed in the book he was reading that he immersed his finger in his glass of milk by mistake. He put his finger in his glass of milk.Are you more likely to get immersed in reading, videogames, or TV?maneuver The dirt road to my brother’s house has a lot of rocks, potholes, and gullies, so I have to maneuver and drive skillfully around the potholes and gullies to keep my car from getting damaged when I drive to his house. Sometimes I have to maneuver to get into a small parking space.Have you ever had to maneuver to get into a small space?objectiveOne objective of these examples is to get you to think about every day situations where these words are used. My goal is to get you to see that these words are used on a daily basis.Do you think the vocabulary activities we do in class are a good way to accomplish that objective?Fill in the BlankdeviatefundamentalimmersemaneuverobjectiveAn understanding of phonics is ____________________ to becoming a good reader.It will be difficult to _____________________ the large couch through the doorway of the house.The little girl loved to ________________ her French fries in ketchup.The family decided to __________________ from their normal vacation route and stop to see a majestic waterfall along the way.The judge told the jury they needed to be _____________________ when deciding the verdict and not let their personal feelings get in the way.Sentence CompletionOne thing I like to eat immersed some kind of sauce or dip is ________________________.A time I had to deviate from my original plan was ____________________________.Something fundamental to my future success is ______________________________.A time I had to remain objective was _____________________________________.It was difficult for me to maneuver _______________________________________.Yes, No, Why?Is complaining about an assignment an objective maneuver?Have you ever had to deviate from your fundamental goal?Is it a fundamental requirement that you immerse yourself in your studies?Read and RespondBlue Jeans (Source unknown. Grade Level 5. See following page for the passage.)What was Mr. Strauss’ objective for moving to San Francisco?What was a fundamental need of the miners?How did Mr. Strauss deviate from his first plan for making pants?Blue JeansLevi Strauss invented blue jeans over 100 years ago. In 1853, the California gold rush was in full swing. Everyday items were in short supply. Levi Strauss, a 24-year-old German immigrant, left New York with a small supply of dry goods so he could open a store when he arrived in San Francisco. Shortly after his arrival, a miner wanted to know what Mr. Strauss was selling. When Strauss told him he had rough canvas to use for tents and wagon covers, the miner said, "You should have brought pants!" saying he couldn’t find a pair of pants strong enough to last.He realized that people needed strong pants for this rough country. He had a large stock of canvas. He had a tailor make pants from the canvas. The miners liked the pants, but complained that they tended to be rough on their skin. Levi Strauss started making the pants denim. Some people started to call these pants “Levi’s.” Later they were called blue jeans. During the late 1860’s Jacob Davis, a tailor, wrote to Mr. Strauss. He suggested that copper rivets or bolts be put on the pants. They would help to prevent the pants from tearing. Soon the two men became partners.Until the 1930’s blue jeans were worn only in the West. Then rich easterners started to go west for ranch vacations. They liked to dress up like cowboys. When their vacations were over they took their new jeans back home with them.After World War II the blue jean industry grew even more. New fabrics and styles were developed. More companies started to make blue jeans. During the 1960’s jeans became very popular for young people. They are still popular today.Blue jeans have changed little since they were first invented. Blue jeans continue to be worn today. Their ruggedness and durability appeal to both the poor and rich alike. Today, jeans are worn all over the world. ................

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