The Ancient Charges of Freemasonry - Grand Lodge of Free ...

The Ancient Charges of Freemasonry

In Masonry, there are several documents collectively known as "The Ancient Charges of Freemasonry", one version of which has been incorporated in the Grand Lodge Code in the State of Ohio. This test concerns ONLY "The Charges of as Free Mason" as found on pages 11-16 of the Code of the Grand Lodge of Ohio and any place in the "Constitution" of the Grand Lodge of Ohio that refers to those Charges. When taking this test, do NOT base your answer on any other document(s). This test is intended to help you discover the content of that early document to improve your knowledge of the history of Freemasonry. This document is a foundational part of our heritage and remains valid and fully applicable to this day even though some of the statements made therein may surprise you.

1) A Mason must a) adhere to the prevalent religion in his country. b) adhere to that religion in which all men agree. c) avoid membership in religious cults. d) participate in religious discussions with his Brethren.

2) Which ONE of the following should be true of all candidates a) never divorced b) never convicted of any crime c) never sued d) trustworthy parents

3) A Mason is obliged to a) be a Christian. b) adhere to a Judeo-Christian religion. c) adhere to an Abrahamic religion. d) be honest.

4) In Lodge, private discussions from the sidelines are a) permissible if done in low voice. b) permissible at the Master's discretion. c) forbidden. d) permissible via text messaging.

5) Which of the following is permissible in the banquet room after Lodge is closed? a) discussion of a TV show that involves violence, sex or nudity b) arguments c) religious discussion d) political discussion

6) Which of the following is the correct action to take if you disagree with the decisions made by a District Deputy Grand Master? a) appeal those decisions to the Grand Master b) appeal those decisions to the Grand Lodge at their Annual Communication c) circulate a petition against that District Deputy Grand Master d) comply with those decisions

7) Which of these words is a synonym for "indefeasible"? a) unlikely to be declared null or void b) not defensible c) no longer permissible d) cannot be severed by any means

8) In former days, if a Brother missed a Stated meeting of his Lodge without presenting a strong case that his absence was absolutely necessary, that Brother would be a) severely criticized. b) fined. c) suspended. d) treated as if nothing had happened.

9) At what times should the Charges be read a) whenever the Master deems proper. b) once a year. c) when a candidate is initiated and whenever the Master deems proper. d) either on the night of the Lodge's Annual meeting or at their Installation.

10) Which of these words is a synonym for "cavil"? a) call b) acts of civil unrest c) criticism d) chivalric behavior

11) Complaints about a Brother must a) be handled by the Lodge. b) not be brought before a court of law. c) be handled by the Grand Lodge. d) must be handled by the District Deputy Grand Master.

12) Which ONE of the following describes how Masters and Wardens should be chosen? a) age b) merit c) seniority (years since having been made a Mason) d) based upon the station occupied by each Brother during the previous year

13) Which provision in the Charges is explicitly voided by the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Ohio? a) that which applies to the candidate's physical condition b) that which applies to the candidate's age c) that which applies to the candidate's criminal record d) that which applies to the venue for Masonic trials

14) Which of these activities is forbidden in Lodge? a) smoking b) consumption of alcohol c) texting d) speaking while the Master is speaking

15) Assume that a Brother has told you that he is rebelling against the government, but has committed no other crimes. Which of the following is true? a) You are forbidden to tell anyone what that brother has told you concerning his rebellious activities. b) That Brother cannot be expelled from the fraternity. c) You are obligated to report this matter to the civil authorities. d) It is imperative that the Brother must be expelled from the fraternity.

16) Which of the following may become a member of a Lodge? a) a woman b) a married man who is known as a womanizer c) the great grandson of a slave d) a man who has been successfully sued for having defaulted upon a contract

17) If you hear someone defame the character of an honest Brother, you a) should walk away and have no part of it. b) are obligated to defend his character. c) are obligated to take note of what is said about him and see that the Lodge is duly informed. d) file Masonic charges based upon what you have heard about that Brother.

18) Which ONE of the following is expressly forbidden in Lodge a) refusing to shake a Brother's hand b) racist remarks c) swearing or use of vulgar language d) wearing regalia pertaining to other masonic bodies

19) Which of the following is forbidden? a) consumption of any amount of alcohol b) quarrels c) excessive consumption of alcohol d) discussion of Lodge business in the banquet room after Lodge has closed

20) Which of the following reasons is given to prevent Brethren from drinking until all hours of the morning after Lodge has closed? a) Masons are not permitted to consume alcohol b) this in an inappropriate application of the 24 inch gauge c) Masons are not permitted to drink to excess d) neglect of family

21) Suppose that a Brother is approached by two homeless men seeking assistance. That Brother knows one of these men to be a Mason. What should he do? a) He should help the first one to approach him and disregard the other. b) He should give preference to the homeless man who is known to be a Brother. c) He should endeavor to help both of them. d) He should ignore both of them since neither of them has been industrious.

22) Which of these behaviors is appropriate for a Mason when at a shopping mall? a) discussion of religion or politics b) racist language c) swearing or vulgar language d) refusing to shake a Brother's hand

23) Which of the following is appropriate conduct in Lodge? a) The Fellowcraft team ties the Master's shoes together during the Master Mason Degree b) Conversing in a whisper c) the Master tells a polite joke just after Lodge has been opened d) someone plays sound effects of a goat just prior to a candidate's initiation

24) Someone asking for financial assistance is able to satisfy you that he is a Mason. What should you do? a) You must provide him relief or direct him to obtain assistance b) You must provide him relief c) You should bring the matter up at your next Lodge meeting and pass the hat d) Send him to a homeless shelter

25) A Mason must a) have a monotheistic religious belief. b) be a man of honor. c) believe in the Trinity. d) be a member of a recognized religion.

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