Coding with MedDRA

Coding with MedDRA?

MedDRA? trademark is owned by IFPMA on behalf of ICH

MedDRA was developed under the auspices of the International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH). The activities of the MedDRA Maintenance and Support Services Organization (MSSO) are overseen by an ICH MedDRA Management Board, which is composed of the six ICH parties (EU, EFPIA, MHLW, JPMA, FDA, PhRMA), the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) of the UK, the Health Canada, and the WHO (as Observer).



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Course Overview

? MedDRA background ? MedDRA's structure, scope, and characteristics ? MedDRA maintenance ? Coding conventions ? Synonym lists ? QA of coding

? MedDRA Term Selection: Points to Consider

document ? Hands-on coding exercises



MedDRA Background


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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