Words and Meaning - Pakistan Nokri

Words and Meaning

IER MTE 2011-13

Aberration Unusual and unacceptable, oddness, deviation from standard, irregularity. For example, He was not normal at that time. His act was aberrational. Abstruse Hidden, difficult to understand, deep Accumulation Gather, collect Acrimonious Angry and bitter feelings / words Affection Love Affront To insult Aggravate To make worse

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IER MTE 2011-13

Alleviate To make less severe. Synonym: Ease Ameliorate Improve Amenable Agreeable Anomaly Irregularity. For example, A man ordered 5kg rice, but the shopkeeper sent 4kg. So, there is anomaly in supply. Apart Away, separate, distant Archipelago A group of islands. Few islands make archipelago. Argumentative A person who argues, Not willing to obey it Arrogant Behaving in a proudy way, that is unpleasant for others, Considering oneself superior than others Auspicious Favorable, Likely to be successful, Promising Baleful Harmful and damaging Beget To make its happen, cause to exist Bevy Large group

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IER MTE 2011-13

Tolerate Cacophony A mixture of unpleasant sounds, noice Cajole Deceive. Synonym: Coax Candid Honest, saying as it is. (2) A candid photo is one that is taken without knowledge of the person Capricious Shaky, uncertain Carnivorous Any animal that eats meat Cautious Careful in what you say or do Chary Not taking risks, cautious. Synonym: Wary Chide To criticize or blame sb because they have done sth wrong Coax Deceive. Synonym: Cajole Congnizant Aware Compliant (1) Willing or ready to obey. Synonym: Submissive. (2) Agreement Concealed Hidden, difficult to understand, deep Confront To face Visit here for more Education:

IER MTE 2011-13

Conjoin Join together Consensus Agreement Console to give comfort or sympathy to somebody who is unhappy or disappointed Consul A government official who is the representative of his/her country in a foreign city Contraction becoming smaller Council Ruling body, committee Counsel (1). advice (2). Lawer on behalf of somebody Crestfallen Sad and disappointed Curtail To limit something OR to shorten something Deleterious harmful and damaging Demise Death Deteriorate To become worse. Antonym: Improve Detraction Making something less good/enjoyable/important Disavow Deny Visit here for more Education:

IER MTE 2011-13

Distraction Disturbance Doctrine Established belief Doting Liking/Loving it very much Elected Drawn from many sources, wisely chosen Elated Very happy and excited Eminent Famous Enamored Liking something a lot Enigma A person, place or thing that is mysterious and difficult to understand. Mystery, Riddle Entail To involve something that cannot be avoided Erudite Deeply learned, Scholarly learned Euphony Pleasant sounds Evanescent Disapperaing quickly, short lived, fleeting Evasive Wordy, Not up to the point, using too much words than necessary Exigent Visit here for more Education:


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