Open World 2 Vocabulary exercises Unit 13

Open World 2

1 Knowledge

Name these items:

Vocabulary exercises

Unit 13

Open World 2

Vocabulary exercises

Unit 13

Write down a synonym of these expressions:

living being, animal

strong, sturdy, hard

handle, button, hold

laptop, notebook, PC

cable, line, cord

monitor, display

writing table, counter

claim, require, want

workplace, bureau

precious, expensive

suppose, guess

reporter, writer

saving, liberation

traveller, rail user

helpful, practical

crash, accident

android, automaton

engine, apparatus

detonate, blow up

make better, enhance

turn, rotate, twist

lately, freshly, just

new, latest

save, liberate, salvage

propose, recommend

crash, ram, bump

Write down the opposite of these words: weak realistic long ago useless

outdated, old-fashioned

animal worthless receive, get

Open World 2

Vocabulary exercises

Unit 13

2 Comprehension

Fill in the missing words:

Technology in the future 1 Did you know that the earth is _________________ fast? 2 Do you like to read _________________? 3 Don't be so _________________! You're always telling me what to do! 4 Don't touch that _________________! It could be dangerous. 5 For my birthday I got a _________________ necklace. 6 He's a computer fan; his room is full of _________________ equipment. 7 He's a _________________ man with lots of money. 8 Her _________________ is always neat and tidy. 9 How big is the _________________ of your computer? 10 I _________________ we'll be finished by 10. Is that right? 11 _________________ the knob to start the machine. 12 I hope you realise the _________________ of your actions. 13 I would love to have a _________________ to do the housework. 14 I'm more interested in _________________ than in history. 15 Is that packaging _________________? 16 _________________ your password and then choose `Options'. 17 It's a _________________ that helps you find your way. 18 Mermaids are mythical _________________ that live in the sea. 19 My father shares an _________________ with two colleagues. 20 My grandparents _________________ went on holiday to Greece. 21 My _________________ hurts after looking up at the screen for so long. 22 My sister hates _________________ that don't work. 23 _________________ communication is very practical. 24 My uncle knows all about _________________. 25 She's not a robot. She's a _________________ being! 26 The _________________ on the roof is broken. 27 The bomb _________________ in a quiet area of the city. 28 The workers _________________ a pay rise from their boss. 29 They gave me some _________________ advice for my project. 30 This necklace is _________________ of silver. 31 Turn the _________________ clockwise to switch the oven on. 32 We want to get a new _________________. 33 When do you _________________ your new job?

If you have difficulties in finding the words, use your workbook (ps. 84 to 103). But cover the sentences ;-)

Open World 2

Vocabulary exercises

How things have changed 1 His idea was _________________. It's no wonder it didn't work. 2 I always listen to the _________________ in the car. 3 I didn't think the ending of the film was very _________________. 4 Just call me if there is an _________________. 5 Mobile phones make _________________ very easy. 6 Oh dear! I've left my _________________ at home. 7 The professor is working hard on a new _________________. 8 This electronic device is very _________________. Call it an emergency 1 Be careful you don't _________________ that other bike! 2 Being a _________________ must be really interesting. 3 Firemen had to _________________ the cat from the tree. 4 How many _________________ were on that ship? 5 I told him to stop but he just _________________. 6 My grandmother has just learnt to write _________________. 7 Oh dear! There's a _________________ in my new shirt. 8 Please _________________ my instructions carefully. 9 The _________________ is the front of a ship. 10 The _________________ told the passengers to stay calm. 11 The _________________ was a long and complicated operation. 12 The _________________ received a medal for his bravery. 13 The ship _________________ a signal that everything was okay. 14 There was a big _________________ on the motorway this morning. 15 We live in a _________________ house with a big garden. 16 When he saw the fire, he ____________________ at once. The story continues 1 At the end of the story the hero _________________ the princess. 2 Drinking tea is a _________________ of the English. 3 I really want to _________________ my French. 4 My aunt writes and _________________ children's books. 5 My mum _________________ going into town but I was busy.

Unit 13

Open World 2

Vocabulary exercises

Unit 13

Which word is meant by these definitions?

1 a very firm statement that you want something


2 to turn something in a circle with your hands or fingers


3 a system of broadcasting information and programmes that people can listen to


4 someone whose job is to report the news for a newspaper, magazine, __________________ radio programme, or television programme

5 someone who saves someone else from a dangerous or unpleasant __________________ situation

6 to continue doing something


7 to burst with a lot of force and a loud noise


8 a written message that you send or receive using a mobile phone


9 at a time that was not long ago, or that started not long ago


10 a table that you sit at to write or work, often with drawers in it


11 someone who is __________________ keeps telling other people what to do, in a way that annoys them

12 a round handle on a door or drawer


13 a room or building where the people in an organization or department __________________ work

14 to make something better; to become better


15 if people or things __________________, they crash into each other

16 helpful for doing or achieving something


17 to do something that you have said you will do or that you have been __________________ told to do

18 made of silver; light grey in colour


19 anything that lives except plants


20 the process of speaking or writing to someone to exchange information __________________ or ideas

21 to make it possible for someone or something to avoid danger, harm, __________________ injury etc

22 an accident in which a person or vehicle that is moving crashes into __________________ something

23 worth a lot of money; very useful and important


24 based on facts and situations as they really are


25 a piece of equipment consisting of a long thin piece of metal, used to __________________ receive radio or television signals

26 a particular quality or feature that is typical of someone or something __________________

27 able to influence or control what people do or think; physically strong __________________

28 an act of saving someone or something from danger, failure, or an unpleasant situation


29 a machine or piece of equipment that does a particular thing


30 the person in charge of a ship or aircraft



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