
Name__________________________ Date________________________

Title: A Walk in the Desert

Tic-Tac-Toe Reading Choice Board Directions: After reading A Walk in the Desert, complete three activities to complete a TIC-TAC-TOE. Mark your choices with X’s or O’s and staple your completed work together.


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|Write each of this week’s vocabulary words in a complete |Write a synonym for each of this week’s vocabulary words. |Create a picture dictionary using this week’s words. Draw a |

|sentence. | |picture for each word and write the word underneath the picture.|


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| |Write your spelling words in alphabetical order. |Look back at the story and find 10 different nouns. Write them |

|Write 5 statements and 5 questions about the story. | |down and write if it names a person, place, or thing. |


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|Use the RETELLING CARDS to retell the story. Write one sentence|Complete a VENN DIAGRAM comparing cactuses to regular plants |What was the main idea of the story? Write three details that |

|to explain each retelling card. |(how are they the same and how are they different). |support the main idea. |


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