Unit 1 Amazing Words and Story Words

Sixth Grade Reading Street ( )

| 2014 Edition - Unit 6.4.1 Into the Ice Genre: Narrative Nonfiction |

|Vocabulary Words: |Spelling Words: |

|conquer – to overcome; get the better of |hydrant |

|destiny – what becomes of someone or something; one’s fate or fortune |chronic |

|expedition –journey for some special purpose, |archive |

|insulated – lined or surrounded with a material that prevents the loss of heat or cold, electricity, or sound |synonym |

|isolation – the state of being separated from others |antonym |

|navigator – person in charge of finding the position and course of a ship, aircraft, or expedition |democracy |

|provisions – a supply of food, drinks, and other necessities |hydrogen |

|verify – to prove to be true; confirm |aristocrat |

| |dehydrated |

| |chronicle |

| |hydroplane |

| |chronology |

| |archaic |

| |homonym |

| |synchronize |

| |hydraulic |

| |archaeology |

| |anarchy |

| |hydroelectric |

| |bureaucracy |

| |hydrophobia |

| |chronological |

| |anachronism |

| |pseudonym |

| |aristocracy |

|Amazing Words: | |

|1. myriad –a very great, even countless, number | |

|2. existence – the condition of being or being real | |

|3. calculations – results found by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing | |

|4. circumference – the distance around something | |

|5. mastery – the achievement of a very great skill or knowledge | |

|6. uninhabited – not lived in | |

|7. solitary – alone, single, only one | |

|8. centigrade – a certain kind of scale for measuring temperature | |

|9. maneuvering – plan carefully; move or manipulate skillfully | |

|10. unconventional – people who do things that most people would never even try to do | |

|Comprehension: Cause and Effect, Important Ideas | |

|Fluency: Appropriate Phrasing | |

|Writing: Voice, Narrative Poem | |

|Grammar: Subject and Object Pronouns | |

|Vocabulary: Unfamiliar Words, Context Clues | |

|Spelling: Greek Word Parts | |

|Media Literacy: Analyze Media | |

Sixth Grade Reading Street ( )

| 2014 Edition - Unit 6.4.2 The Chimpanzees I Love Genre: Expository Nonfiction |

|Vocabulary Words: |Spelling Words: |

|captive – kept in confinement |discontent |

|companionship – friendly feeling among companions; fellowship |decline |

|existence – condition of being |outward |

|ordeal – a severe test or experience |dispatch |

|primitive – very simple |unwavering |

|sanctuaries - places of refuge or protection |destruction |

|stimulating – lively; engaging |disintegrate |

| |outstanding |

| |uncommon |

| |outburst |

| |outrageous |

| |defensive |

| |unappetizing |

| |disillusioned |

| |disarray |

| |unconscious |

| |outskirts |

| |unfasten |

| |disenchanted |

| |decompose |

| |unbusinesslike |

| |disembark |

| |deactivate |

| |disenfranchise |

| |outlandish |

|Amazing Words: | |

|pursuing – chasing, following, trying to get, or continuing | |

|infrasconic – sound waves below the range of human hearing | |

|analyzing – examining something carefully and in detail | |

|omnivores – people or animals that eat all kinds of food | |

|procedure – a method of doing things | |

|conservationists – people who want to protect and preserve the environment and wildlife | |

|laboratories – places where scientific work is done | |

|endangered – likely to become extinct | |

|innovations – changes in the established ways of doing things | |

|10. neurologically – related to the nervous system and its diseases | |

|Comprehension: Author’s Purpose, Text Structure | |

|Fluency: Rate | |

|Writing: Organization, Imaginative Story | |

|Grammar: Pronouns and Antecedents | |

|Vocabulary: Unknown Words, Dictionary/Glossary | |

|Spelling: Prefixes dis-, de-, out-, un- | |

|Media Literacy: Persuasive Speech | |

| | |

| | |

Sixth Grade Reading Street ( )

| 2014 Edition - Unit 6.4.3 Black Frontiers Genre: Expository Nonfiction |

|Vocabulary Words: |Spelling Words: |

|bondage – being held against your will under the control of another; slavery |precious |

|commissioned – holding the rank of second lieutenant or above in the U.S. Army |commercial |

|earthen – made of ground, soil, or earth |especially |

|encounter – meet unexpectedly; meet in a battle |ancient |

|homesteaders – persons who own and live on land granted by the U.S. government |gracious |

|settlement – a group of buildings and the people living in them |position |

| |question |

| |suggestion |

| |friction |

| |lotion |

| |potion |

| |digestion |

| |artificial |

| |glacier |

| |cautious |

| |efficient |

| |sensational |

| |vicious |

| |official |

| |ration |

| |fictitious |

| |vaccination |

| |beneficial |

| |precocious |

| |emancipation |

|Amazing Words: | |

|frontiersman – a man who lived on the frontier, or unsettled country | |

|liberate – to set free | |

|exodus – the act of many people going out or leaving | |

|sharecroppers – a tenant farmer who pays shares of the crops in exchange for rent, food, tools, and so on | |

|prospered – to be successful or fortunate; to thrive; flourish | |

|colonel – a military rank just below brigadier general in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps | |

|loneliness – the feeling of being alone | |

|desolate – dreary, deserted, unhappy | |

|homesteader – a settler granted a homestead by the U.S. government | |

|10. expansion – increasing in size or volume | |

|Comprehension: Cause and Effect, Inferring | |

|Fluency: Accuracy | |

|Writing: Word Choice, Description | |

|Grammar: Possessive Pronouns | |

|Vocabulary: Unfamiliar Words, Context Clues | |

|Spelling: Words with ci and ti | |

|Listening and Speaking: Advertisement | |

Sixth Grade Reading Street ( )

|2014 Edition - Unit 6.4.4 Deep-Sea Danger Genre: Drama |

|Vocabulary Words: |Spelling Words: |

|ego – a person’s idea of his or her own importance or worth |poem |

|hatch – a door or opening in the floor or ceiling of something, especially on a boat or other craft |poetic |

|intrepid – very brave |direct |

|propulsion – the force by which something, such as a ship, is moved forward |direction |

|silt – very fine particles of earth or sand, carried by moving water and deposited as sediment |origin |

|submersible – a submarine |original |

|tentacles – long, slender, flexible growths, usually occurring on the head or around the mouth of an animal, used to touch, hold, or move |combine |

| |combination |

| |repeat |

| |repetition |

| |critic |

| |criticize |

| |history |

| |historic |

| |academy |

| |academic |

| |inspire |

| |inspiration |

| |depart |

| |departure |

| |erode |

| |erosion |

| |maintain |

| |maintenance |

| |confiscate |

| |confiscation |

|Amazing Words: | |

|gravitational – having to do with the force of gravity | |

|terrestrial planet – planet with land where creatures and plants grow, such as Earth | |

|voyage – a journey by water, through the air, or through space | |

|universe – everything there is, including all space and matter; the cosmos | |

|cavernous – like a cavern; large and hollow; full of caverns | |

|boundless – not limited; infinite or vast | |

|stratosphere – a region of atmosphere above Earth’s surface | |

|indescribable – beyond description or cannot be compared to anything else | |

|oceanic – having to do with the ocean; resembling the ocean in its limitlessness or size | |

|10. unlimited – has no end or limits | |

|Comprehension: Draw Conclusions, Predict and Set Purpose | |

|Fluency: Expression | |

|Writing: Organization, Drama | |

|Grammar: Indefinite and Reflexive Pronouns | |

|Vocabulary: Multiple-Meaning Words, Context Clues | |

|Spelling: Related Words | |

|Listening and Speaking: Dramatization | |

| | |

Sixth Grade Reading Street ( )

| 2014 Edition - Unit 6.4.5 Inventing the Future Genre: Biography |

|Vocabulary Words: |Spelling Words: |

|converts – changes |electricity |

|devise – invent |equality |

|efficiency – ability to produce the effect wanted without waste of time or energy |society |

|generated – produced |specialty |

|percentage – allowance figured by percent |celebrity |

|proclaimed – declared publicly |recognition |

|reproduce – to make a copy of |description |

|transmitted – sent out signals by means of electromagnetic waves or by wire |reduction |

| |tradition |

| |loyalty |

| |security |

| |clarity |

| |popularity |

| |certainty |

| |cruelty |

| |subscription |

| |reputation |

| |intention |

| |deception |

| |penalty |

| |pronunciation |

| |hospitality |

| |subtlety |

| |technicality |

| |demonstration |

|Amazing Words: | |

|1. contemplated – thought about or considered | |

|2. unhealthy – to be in poor health or not well | |

|3. invaluable – value beyond measure and is priceless | |

|4. diseases – illnesses or conditions in which the body does not function properly | |

|5. significance – important and deserves attention | |

|6. specialized – to follow a branch of study or work; to develop in a special way | |

|7. revelation – learning or discovering a surprising and previously unknown fact | |

|8. inquiry – a search for information, knowledge, or truth | |

|9. practical – useful and effective | |

|10. patented – inventions for which an inventor has received a patent | |

|Comprehension: Author’s Purpose, Monitor and Clarity | |

|Fluency: Appropriate Phrasing | |

|Writing: Focus/Ideas, Summary | |

|Grammar: Using Who and Whom | |

|Vocabulary: Prefixes re-, pro-, trans-, Word Structure | |

|Spelling: Word Endings –ty, -ity, -tion | |

|Listening and Speaking: Informational Speech | |


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