Core Academic Area of Reading 3-5 .edu

What The Standards Say Your Child Should Be Able To Do In the Core Academic Area of Reading

By the End of 3rd Grade Phonics/Decoding:

? Read words containing complex letter patterns and/or word families in isolation and in context (e.g. ieve, eive, ield) in grade level text

Vocabulary: ? Use glossaries and dictionaries to confirm word meanings ? Use the meaning of prefixes, suffixes and abbreviated words to determine word meaning, and describe how word meanings change as affixes are added ? Use prior knowledge, context clues, and text features (e.g. captions, pictures, context, etc.) to predict and determine word meaning in grade level text ? Use new vocabulary from all text in written and oral communication ? Define words and concepts necessary for content area text ? Explain that some words have a different meaning in different texts

Fluency: ? Read aloud familiar grade level text (informational and literary) using appropriate phrasing, pacing (rate) and expression ? Read aloud unpracticed grade level text with fluency in the range of 110-120+ words correct per minute ? Adjust reading rate to match difficulty of text and the purpose for reading (e.g. for pleasure or information)

Comprehension/Strategies ? Monitor for meaning by identifying where and why comprehension was lost and use comprehension strategies to regain meaning with grade level text ? Explain connections between self and characters, events and information within and/or among multiple texts, at grade level ? Activate prior knowledge to aid in comprehension of grade level text with the use of a graphic organizer ? Predict or infer about text content for grade level text, support with evidence, organize into a graphic organizer with teacher guidance, and confirm or revise predictions ? Generate and answer questions before, during and after reading with grade level text and organize into a graphic organizer with teacher guidance ? Draw, write about, or verbally describe the mental imagery that occurs when reading grade level text and organize information into a graphic organizer with teacher assistance

Comprehension/Skills ? State the main idea of grade level text, support with details from the text, and organize into a teacher selected graphic organizer ? State the theme/message in grade level literary text and support with text based evidence with teacher guidance ? Determine author's purpose in grade level text and support with evidence from the text, explain whether or not the author convinced the reader to think or act differently ? Summarize the events, information or ideas in grade level

By the End of 4th Grade Phonics/Decoding:

? Decode words of 2 or more syllables in all grade level text Vocabulary:

? Use dictionaries, thesaurus, and glossaries to find or confirm word meanings, pronunciation, syllabication, synonyms, antonyms and parts of speech of words

? Explain how to derive work meaning from knowledge of affixes and roots

? Use word origins to determine meaning of unknown words ? Use prior knowledge, the text, context clues, and graphic

features of text to predict, clarify, and/or expand word meanings and concepts ? Explain that some words have a different meaning in different content areas Fluency: ? Read aloud unpracticed grade level text with fluency in the range of 115?125+ words per minute ? Adjust reading rate to match difficulty and type of text and the purpose for reading (skimming for facts, scanning for key words and close reading for new or complex ideas) Comprehension/Strategies ? Monitor for meaning by identifying where and why comprehension was lost and use comprehension strategies to regain meaning with grade level text ? Explain connections between self and characters, events, and information occurring within and among multiple texts, at grade level ? Activate prior knowledge to aid in comprehension of grade level text with the use of a graphic organizer ? Predict or infer about text content for grade level text, support with evidence, organize into a graphic organizer and confirm or revise predictions ? Generate and answer questions before, during and after reading with grade level text and organize into a teacher selected graphic organizer ? Draw, write about, or verbally describe the mental images that occur while reading grade level text and organize information into a teacher selected graphic organizer Comprehension/Skills ? State the main idea of grade level text, support with details from the text, and organize into a teacher selected graphic organizer ? State the theme/message in grade level literary text and support with text based evidence, (independently) ? Determine author's purpose in grade level text and support with evidence from the text, and decide if a chosen audience with agree or disagree with the author ? Summarize events, information, ideas in grade level literary or expository text and organize into a teacher selected graphic organizer ? Compare and Contrast information between and within grade level texts, including similar topics written in different genres

By the End of 5th Grade Vocabulary:

? Use text evidence to verify dictionary or glossary meaning in grade level text

? Use abstract, derived root words, prefixes and suffixes from Greek and Latin to analyze the meaning of complex words (e.g. collide, collision) in grade level text

? Use structural analysis and concept building vocabulary strategies to understand new words and concepts in all grade level text

? Integrate new vocabulary from all grade level text ? Identify and define content area vocabulary critical to the

meaning of grade level text and use that knowledge to interpret the text Fluency: ? Read aloud unpracticed grade level text with a fluency range of 125-135+ words per minute Comprehension/Strategies ? Monitor for meaning by using comprehension strategies to regain meaning when lost, with grade level text ? Connect current issues, previous information and experiences, to characters, events and information within and across grade level text ? Activate prior knowledge about a topic in grade level text and organize information in a graphic organizer using before, during, and after reading tools designed to activate and record prior knowledge to understand text (e.g. Prediction Guides, Directed Reading/Thinking Activity Sheets) ? Predict or infer about text content for grade level text, citing passages from text to confirm or defend predictions and inferences, organize into a graphic organizer and confirm or revise predictions ? Generate and answer questions before, during and after reading with grade level text and organize information into a graphic organizer ? Draw, write about, or verbally describe the mental images that occur while reading grade level text and organize into a graphic organizer Comprehension/Skills ? State the main idea of grade level, support with details from the text, and organize into a graphic organizer ? State the theme/message in grade level literary text, support with text based evidence and identify common/recurring themes/messages in books by the same author ? Explain an idea/theme which occurs in multiple grade level texts (e.g. bravery, misuse of power, etc.) ? Identify and explain the author's purpose (e.g. entertain, inform, explain, persuade); target audience; author's tone; author's use of persuasive devices and propaganda techniques (e.g. band wagon, peer pressure, repetition, testimonial/endorsements), and author's perspective, opinion, and stand on an issue in grade level text,

literary or expository text, citing text based evidence and organize into a teacher selected graphic organizer ? Compare and Contrast information between and within grade level texts ? Recognize and explain cause and effect relationships in grade level text, using evidence from the text ? Draw conclusions from grade level text ? Identify fact and opinion and explain the difference between them using grade level text ? Describe character's physical traits and infer personality traits by what they say and do in grade level text ? Describe the problem faced by a character and how he/she solves the problem in grade level text ? Generalize about common characteristics of literary text, and by comparing similar stories from different cultures in grade level text ? Explain how the setting is important to the story in grade level text ? Identify the narrator in a selection and explain first person point of view in grade level text ? Identify and explain (with teacher assistance) simple elements of style in grade level text (e.g. word choice, sentence structure and literary devices such as similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia). Text Features/Structure/Components ? Explain story ideas, events , or processes from grade level text in sequential order ? Recognize and use previously recognized text organizational structures of simple listing and sequential order in grade level text ? Identify and use text written in the text organizational structures of description and compare/contrast ? Identify two resources and use them to answer a question or solve a problem ? Identify and use grade level appropriate text features (e.g. table of contents, index, glossary, etc.), identify where they might be found in text, and explain how they help in understanding text ? Interpret information from graphs, charts, diagrams and tables in grade level text ? Use icons, menus, pull-downs and key word searches in electronic grade level text ? Use alphabetical, numerical and key word/topic systems to locate information on a specific topic for a specific purpose in an encyclopedia or dictionary ? Use signs, labels or instructions, and environmental print to answer questions or complete a task

Note: New Content is boldfaced

? Recognize and explain cause and effect relationships in grade level text, using evidence from the text

? Draw conclusions from grade level text, giving text based evidence to support the conclusion

? Identify fact and opinion and explain the difference between them using grade level text, providing evidence from the text to support the choice

? Use knowledge of situation and character's actions, motivations, feelings, and physical attributes to determine character traits

? Identify the main events in the plot, including the cause and effect relationships in problem solving for grade level text

? Generalize about a topic after reading more than one text in different genres (e.g. informational and literary) and about characters and characteristics of similar stories in different cultures

? Describe the components of setting and explain how and why setting is important to the story in grade level text

? Differentiate between first and third person point of view in a selection and explain the difference in grade level text

? Identify and explain elements of style in grade level text (e.g. word choice, sentence structure and literary devices such as similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia, personification, idiom and humor), and explain how the author uses them to affect the reader across a variety of text

Text Features/Structure/Components ? Explain story ideas, events, or processes from grade level text in sequential order and recognize and explain literary/narrative text written out of sequence (e.g. flashbacks, tales from other cultures) ? Recognize and use previously recognized text organizational structures and Identify and use text written in the text organizational structure of chronological order ? Use a variety of resources to answer a question or solve a problem ? Identify and use grade level appropriate text features (e.g. table of contents, index, glossary, etc.) , identify where they might be found in text, and explain how they help in understanding text ? Interpret information from graphs, charts, diagrams and tables in grade level text ? Use icons, menus, pull-downs and key word searches in electronic grade level text ? Use multiple organizational systems and resources (e.g. thesaurus, website, directory, etc.) to locate information in grade level text reference and content area materials ? Interpret information from common environmental print to solve a problem

supporting choice with evidence from the text ? Create a summary including main idea, most important

text based facts, details and/or ideas, from informational/ expository grade level text and organize information using a graphic organizer ? Compare and contrast information between and within grade level texts using text based evidence ? Identify and interpret cause and effect relationships within a grade level text, using evidence from the text ? Draw conclusions from grade level text, giving text based evidence to support the conclusion ? Identify fact and opinion and explain the difference between them using grade level text, providing evidence from the text to support the choice ? Use knowledge of situation and character's actions, motivations, feelings, and physical attributes to determine character traits ? Generalize common character themes (e.g. bravery), after reading multiple grade level texts ? Generalize how information in grade level text could be used to solve a problem, using text based evidence ? Identify the major actions that define the plot and how actions lead to conflict or resolution in grade level text ? Explain the influence of setting on character and plot ? Identify the narrator and point of view used in text, and explain how a story would change if a different narrator narrated it ? Explain the meaning of literary devices and , identify imagery, exaggeration and dialogue, explain how they make the story more interesting and influence the audience Text Features/Structure/Components ? Explain story ideas, events or processes from grade level text in sequential order, recognize and explain literary/narrative text written out of sequence, and explain the use of flashback to convey meaning in literary/ narrative text ? Recognize and use previously recognized text organizational structures and, Identify and use text written in the text organizational structures of cause and effect and order of importance ? Differentiate between text organizational structures of informational/expository and literary/narrative text ? Locate and use a variety of library and internet materials to investigate a topic and follow multi-step written directions to complete a project ? Use organizational features and electronic sources such as, headings and numberings, CD-ROM, Internet, pull-down menus, key word searches and icons, to access information and draw conclusions from grade level text ? Use multiple organizational systems and resources to locate information in grade level reference and content area materials and, sort the information gathered from various resources by topic and judge the utility of the information for a specific purpose


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