HyperStudio/Powerpoint Appearance and Content: Exploring ...

HyperStudio/Powerpoint Appearance and Content:

Exploring Emotions

Student Name:

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Synonyms/ |Includes at least three synonyms and|Includes two synonyms and |Includes one synonym and |Includes no synonyms and no|

|Cognates page |a cognate (if applicable) |a cognate (if applicable |no cognate when one exists|cognates (when they exist) |

| | |or all synonyms and no |or two synonyms and a | |

| | |cognate |cognate | |

|Poetry page |Correctly follows the poetry format |Correctly follows the |Follows the format but |Does not follow the format |

| |for the feelings poem and includes |poetry format, but only |only includes 2 of various|or only includes 2 emotions|

| |at least 4 of a variety of different|includes a 3 of various |emotions with descriptors |without descriptors |

| |emotions with descriptors |emotions with descriptors |or includes 3 emotions | |

| | |or includes 4 emotions |without descriptors | |

| | |without descriptors | | |

|Story page |Focuses on one emotion throughout. |Story is missing one of |Story is missing two of |Story is missing three of |

| |Story has a beginning middle and |the elements from column |the elements listed in |the elements listed in |

| |end. Illustrates the feeling through|4. |column 4 |column 4 |

| |descriptive use of language. | | | |

|Spelling and Grammar |Presentation has no misspellings or |Presentation has 1-2 |Presentation has 1-2 |Presentation has more than |

| |grammatical errors. |misspellings, but no |grammatical errors but no |2 grammatical and/or |

| | |grammatical errors. |misspellings. |spelling errors. |

|Background |Background does not detract from |Background does not |Background does not |Background makes it |

| |text or other graphics. Choice of |detract from text or other|detract from text or other|difficult to see text or |

| |background is appropriate for the |graphics. Choice of |graphics. |competes with other |

| |topic. Color matches emotions |background is consistent | |graphics on the page. |

| | |from card to card. | | |

|Buttons and Links Work |All buttons and links work |Most (99-90%) buttons and |Many (89-75%) of the |Fewer than 75% of the |

|Correctly |correctly. |links work correctly |buttons and links work |buttons work correctly. |

| | | |correctly. | |

|Use of Graphics |All graphics are attractive (size |A few graphics are not |All graphics are |Several graphics are |

| |and colors) and support the |attractive but all support|attractive but a few do |unattractive AND detract |

| |theme/content of the presentation. |the theme/content of the |not seem to support the |from the content of the |

| | |presentation. |theme/content of the |presentation. |

| | | |presentation. | |

|Text - Font Choice & |Font formats (e.g., color, bold, |Font formats have been |Font formatting has been |Font formatting makes it |

|Formatting |italic) have been carefully planned |carefully planned to |carefully planned to |very difficult to read the |

| |to enhance readability and content. |enhance readability. |complement the content. It|material. |

| | | |may be a little hard to | |

| | | |read. | |


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