Directions: Below is a think-tac-toe that will help you to understand your 12 vocabulary words. You must choose three squares to create a tic-tac-toe, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Remember you must go in a straight line; you can’t just pick three assignments at random. The twelve words for our unit are: abandon, assault, convert, dispute, impressive, justify, misleading, numerous, productive, shrewd, strategy, villain.

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|You must complete “Completing the Sentence” p. 22 in your |Choose 6 vocabulary words to use in a paragraph. Complete your |Using at least 10 of your vocabulary words in context compose|

|workbook, and identify the genre of each passage. |paragraph in Google Docs, bolding each word. |a chant or song to perform for our class. |

| |Share paragraphs with a buddy, adding one more paragraph using the| |

| |other 6 vocabulary words. Share the work with Mrs. Taylor. | |

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|Create a synonyms and antonyms word web for each of the words. |Create a simile for each of the vocabulary words. A simile is a |Create a PowerPoint- one slide per word. You must write a |

| |comparison of two things or ideas using like or as. It is not |synonym, antonym, and use the word in a sentence with context|

| |enough just to write the simile, you must explain it too. |clues. |

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|Create a crossword puzzle using the twelve words using |Categorize the words into syllables. You will have three |Create a poem using at least 6 words. |

|. Make sure that you include the clues at the |categories. | |

|bottom. You can not use the definition your teacher gave you –| | |

|you must create your own clues. | | |


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