The UK – Tradition and Change

The UK – Tradition and Change

Fill in the empty boxes. In the middle column you will be asked to write either example sentences, collocations, (near) synonyms, definitions, opposites or word families to help you remember the word or phrase.

Words in Context (WiC)

Words in Context: A Dynamic Country Steeped in Tradition

|Word / Phrase |Memory help |German |

|national region |England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are national |Region, in der eine Nation lebt, |

| |~s belonging to the United Kingdom. |z. B. Wales oder Schottland |

|island nation |Tonga is an ~ nation in the South Pacific. | |

| |At its greatest the British ~ covered almost a quarter of |Imperium; |

| |the world. |Kaiserreich |

| |other collocations with permanent: |ständiges Mitglied |

| |permanent damage / basis / staff | |

|United Nations Security Council |China is one of the five permanent members of the ~ Nations | |

| |Security Council. | |

|trendsetter |example sentence: |Trendsetter |

| |Ice swimming is a ~ tradition in Russia. |althergebrachte Tradition; |

| | |altehrwürdige Tradition |

|constitutional monarchy |other collocations with constitutional: |konstitutionelle Monarchie |

|Established Church |The ~ Church is the official religion in a country. | |

|Church of England |example sentence: |Anglikanische Kirche |

|monarch |Should a ~ have the right to be above the law? | |

| |The ~ of Canterbury has appealed for funding for the |Erzbischof von Canterbury |

| |restoration of the cathedral. | |

| |opposite: |herrschen |

| |(to) serve | |

|(to) rule (a country) |word family: |(ein Land) regieren |

| |The British ~ plans to introduce a minimum price for |Regierung |

| |alcohol. | |

|Prime Minister |The ~ Minister will hold talks with state leaders this week.| |

| |The ~ discussed new immigration laws at the meeting today. |Kabinett, |

| | |Ministerrat |

|Parliament |The British ~ has been criticised on its lack of checks on | |

| |ministers’ expenses. | |

| |There are 646 MPs in the ~ house. |Unterhaus |

|House of Commons |example sentence: |Bezeichnung des Unterhauses im |

| | |Parlament des Vereinigten |

| | |Königreiches |

| |Members of the ~ house are not elected. |Oberhaus |

| |The amendment was passed today in the ~ of Lords by 210 |Bezeichnung des Oberhauses im |

| |votes to 90. |Parlament des Vereinigten Königreichs|

|written constitution |definition: |schriftliche Verfassung |

|legislative power has been devolved |definition: |die Legislative wurde auf lokale |

| | |Ebene übertragen |

| |Teenagers will address the Scottish ~ this week on the topic|schottisches Parlament |

| |of education. | |

| |other collocations with national: |Nationalversammlung |

| |national election / heritage / identity | |

|devolution |In September 1997 Northern Ireland and Scotland voted in | |

| |favour of ~. | |

| |= the highest court of a state |Oberster Gerichtshof |

| |= the court where a decision made by a lower court can be |Oberstes Berufungsgericht |

| |changed | |

|constitutional court |= the court which deals with constitutional matters | |

| |= change of the constitution with the intention to improve |Verfassungsreform |

| |it | |

|school system |example sentence: |Schulsystem |

|national curriculum |The government has recently changed the national ~ to | |

| |include more modern technology. | |

|(to) eliminate inequalities |synonyms of eliminate: |Ungleichheiten aus der Welt schaffen |

|political reform |other collocations with political: |politische Reform |

| |Early settlers in the US wanted to establish a classless ~. |klassenlose Gesellschaft |

|social status |Social ~ is very important to the Smith family. | |

Part A: On Being British

A1 Looking for Mr Average

|Word / Phrase |Memory help |German |

|(to) be in debt |example sentence: |verschuldet sein |

|(l. 2) |I was in debt for a long time after leaving university. | |

| |S~s show that over £7.5 billion are spent abroad by British |Statistik |

| |tourists. | |

| |The age of people in my knitting group ~s from 17 to 88. |sich erstrecken |

| |opposite: |übergewichtig |

| |underweight | |

|average person |In the UK the ~ person does not own a BMW. | |

|(l. 14) | | |

| |Your taste in clothes can ~ a lot about your personality. |etwas über jdn./etwas verraten |

| |I’m sorry, but unfortunately you don’t match many ~ for the |vielen Kriterien entsprechen |

| |vacancy. | |

|(to) narrow the search |We have found clues which will help us ~ the search. | |

|(l. 24) | | |

|(to) specialize in sth. |example sentence: |spezialisiert sein auf etwas |

|(l. 25) | | |

|(to) stand out from the rest |example sentence: |aus der Masse herausstechen |

|(l. 47) | | |

| |I’ve lived on the ~ of London for about 10 years. |Vorort; |

| | |Stadtrand |

|(to) become apparent |synonym(s): |bekannt werden; |

|(l. 57) | |sich herausstellen |

|virtual |I’ve ~ly finished my homework – I’ve only got one more | |

|(l. 64) |paragraph to write. | |

| |‘Your plan is a ~ for success!’ |(Koch-)Rezept; |

| | |Garantie |

|contentment |opposite: |Zufriedenheit |

|(l. 83) | | |

A2 A Humble People

|Word / Phrase |Memory help |German |

|self-assessment |definition: |Selbsteinschätzung |

|(l. 2) | | |

|inventive |word family: |einfallsreich |

|(l. 3) | | |

| |Driving while using a mobile phone is extremely ~. |verantwortungslos |

|ill-educated |definition: |schlecht ausgebildet |

|(l. 5) | | |

| |She’s so ~ – she just ate all the sweets without offering me|(hab)gierig |

| |one. | |

| |opposite: |unhöflich; |

| |polite |rüpelhaft |

| |I’d like to start an art course to help me build up my ~. |Selbstachtung, |

| | |Selbstwertgefühl |

|composite term |definition: |zusammengesetzte Bezeichnung |

|(l. 18) | | |

|racial and religious tension |example sentence: |ethnische und religiöse Spannungen |

|(l. 27) | | |

A3 Benjamin Zephaniah on Britain

|Word / Phrase |Memory help |German |

|(to) adapt |word family: |anpassen |

|(l. 11) | | |

Part B: Who’s in Charge

B1 The Queen

|Word / Phrase |Memory help |German |

|(to) attend a reception |I ~ed a reception at the palace and met the Queen and lots |einem Empfang beiwohnen, |

|(l. 3) |of actors. |einen Empfang besuchen |

| |She spent whole afternoons ~ing through the park. |schlendern, flanieren |

|(to) be moved |example sentence: |gerührt, ergriffen |

|(l. 14) | | |

| |He has a very ~ sense of humour. |intelligent, |

| | |scharfsinnig |

| |The President can ~ his power by vetoing laws made by |Macht ausüben |

| |Congress. | |

|popular consent |other collocations with popular: |Volkskonsens, |

|(l. 31) | |Übereinstimmung eines Volkes |

| |Red post boxes are ~ to the UK. |eigentümlich; |

| | |eigen |

B2 The Church

|Word / Phrase |Memory help |German |

| |He ~d the warning and entered the lion’s cage. |jdn./etwas ignorieren |

|irrelevant |opposite: |unwichtig; |

|(l. 6) | |belanglos |

| |Are you ~ing that the butler had something to do with the |andeuten |

| |murder? | |

|a degree of |There is a ~ of uncertainty over where the funding of the | |

|(l. 11) |project will be found. | |

| |I auditioned for PopPrincess but they ~ed me. |jdn./etwas ablehnen |

| |The opinion ~ indicated that the Democrats have a strong |Meinungsumfrage |

| |lead. | |

|(to) take sth. at face value |You can’t just ~ things at ~ value; you have to think for | |

|(l. 14) |yourself. | |

| |Since Julie didn’t care about school, she was also ~ to her |gleichgültig (gegenüber jdm./etwas) |

| |grades. | |

|objection to sb./sth. |word family: |Einwand, Widerspruch gegen jdn./etwas|

|(l. 26) | | |

|(to) refrain from doing sth. |example sentence: |etwas unterlassen |

|(l. 33) | | |

| |synoym: |langweilig |

| |boring | |

|suspicious (of/about sb./sth.) |word family: |verdächtig, suspekt |

|(l. 38) | | |

B3 The Political Parties

|Word / Phrase |Memory help |German |

|credible |opposite: |glaubwürdig |

|(l. 5) | | |

| |What’s on the ~ for today’s meeting? |Tagesordung |

|(to) govern |word family: |regieren; |

|(l. 13) | |führen |

| |I’ve got an ~ at the doctor’s so I won’t be in class |Termin |

| |tomorrow morning. | |

| |They were so ~ to get a job that they took the first one |verzweifelt |

| |they were offered. | |

B4 The National Assemblies

|Word / Phrase |Memory help |German |

| |The people went to the streets in their thousands to protest|politische Richtlinien; |

| |against the new ~ policies. |Regierungspolitik |

| |other collocations with public: |öffentlicher Dienst |

| |public money / spending | |

|devolved government |There has been a ~ government in Scotland since 1999. | |

|(l. 3) | | |

| |There are plans for a ~ on Scottish independence. |Volksbegehren, |

| | |Bürgerentscheid |

| |Mike was ~ed from one department to another. |jdn./etwas versetzen; |

| | |etwas an jdn./etwas übertragen |

|range |synonym(s): |Auswahl |

|(l. 7) | | |

| |The staff provided both technical and ~ support. |Verwaltungs-; administrativ |

B5 The USA I

|Word / Phrase |Memory help |German |

|increasing |opposite: |zunehmend |

|(l. 7) | | |

| |She’s ~ to win the competition. |etwas bestimmt tun werden |

|it’s no accident that … |It’s no ~ that the two suspects were in the bank at the same| |

|(l. 13) |time – they’re working together! | |

|(to) see the need (for sb.) to do |example sentence: |die Notwendigkeit sehen, etwas zu tun|

|sth. | | |

|(l. 15) | | |

| |She’s very ~ of herself. |von jdm./etwas überzeugt sein |

|to be in short supply |Bananas were in short ~ during the war. | |

|(l. 21) | | |

| |The charity has just ~ed a campaign for the protection of |eine Kampagne starten |

| |children. | |

| |People ought to be allowed to die with ~. |Würde |

B7 The European Union

|Word / Phrase |Memory help |German |

| |synonyms: |vorsichtig |

| |careful / prudent | |

| |The soldiers built a road block on the ~. |Grenze |


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