A resume is a powerful marketing tool designed to ...

A resume is a powerful marketing tool designed to highlight a job seeker’s experience, skills and accomplishments. A strong resume will help you obtain an interview and enable you to sell yourself effectively in the labour market and land the job you want.

Your resume is an initial introduction to prospective employers and it is crucial, therefore, that you make an excellent first impression. Most employers receive hundreds of resumes and only briefly scan the first page for less than 30 seconds. To ensure that your resume passes this screening process and ends up in the ‘yes’ pile, you must capture an employer’s attention with a visually appealing format and concise content, while encouraging further reading. In actuality, you must effectively sell yourself in the top quarter of the first page of your resume, and you must draw attention to your skills that best match the employer’s requirements. A resume should not just be a listing of duties and responsibilities, but as a marketing document it has to tie these duties to effective outcomes. It is important not only to describe ‘what’ you did, but also ‘how’ you did it, and what was the positive result.

A well-organized and well-written resume establishes you as a professional in the eyes of the employer.

Basic Elements of an Effective Resume


Include your name, address, telephone/cell numbers, and E-mail address and a LinkedIn profile (optional). This information should head your resume on the first page. On subsequent pages, include only name and contact number.

2. Profile or Summary of Qualifications

This section can be viewed as the executive summary of your resume and should include your strongest skills and most important strengths and most significantly, accomplishments, to capture the employer’s attention. This can be done in the form of a short profile, followed by a summary of qualifications, or a combination of both.

The profile should be a brief outline describing your professional expertise, with specific skills, industry sectors, and computer proficiency. Avoid generalities. It is specifics that will grab the attention of the employer. (See sample resumes)

The Summary of Qualifications will showcase your abilities in more detail. You can highlight your accomplishments, skills, and knowledge acquired from multiple work experiences. Alternately, the Profile and Summary of Qualifications can be consolidated under either heading or a heading of your choice, i.e. Highlights of Qualifications. (See sample resumes)

3. Work History

A well-written and concise employment history should include relevant positions held for the past 10-15 years, the exception being a senior executive that requires a more in-depth career path description. Your work history should be presented in reverse chronological order, with the most recent experience listed first. Include company name, position titles and dates of employment. Accomplishments and key duties should be described utilizing action verbs that demonstrate how the company benefitted from your activities. Accomplishments should be specific and quantified using percentages, dollar values and time frames to detail scope of responsibilities, size of budget, geographic territory, number of team members supervised and outcomes. Examples are dollar amounts or percentages of business achieved, or of savings or efficiencies created.

A resume needs to give the reader an idea of past positions you have held, but should not read like a page of job descriptions. Instead, you should write your resume like it is an advertisement for yourself. Provide specific examples of success. Your resume should focus on results. Instead of just telling the reader about your duties, include facts and figures to demonstrate your success and accomplishments. Ask yourself when reading a responsibility ‘which resulted in…” If your resume does not do this, you will not set yourself apart from other candidates with similar skill sets.

4. VOLUNTEER WORK (optional)

You may want to list any volunteer work that you feel will illustrate your general background and versatility. List the agency names with a short scope of accomplishments. Do not go into great detail; a concise outline is sufficient.


In general, an overview of your education is reserved for the end of the resume. In particular circumstances, where it may directly relate to the job target, this section can follow the Qualifications Summary. Also if you have a designation, such as C.A., M.B.A., P.Eng, or P.M.P., you can put this beside your name in the contact section.

Recent graduates with little work experience may wish to place the education overview up front as well. Degrees and awarding institutions should be highlighted together with dates of course completion. Continued education and additional relevant seminars may be added. DO NOT include high school.

Effective Resume Formats

Most resumes will fall into one of three formats: chronological, functional or a combination of the two.


A chronological resume, which highlights professional work experience in reverse date order, is best utilized when the employment history coincides with the targeted position you are seeking. It should ideally demonstrate a progression in responsibility and experience.


A functional resume focuses on skills and accomplishments rather than your chronological work history. Functional headings such as management, marketing, finance and accounting, communications, computer skills, etc. are utilized to group together appropriate qualifications. This format avoids duplication of similar responsibilities with several employers and highlights your transferable skills when changing careers. Your work history would then follow the grouped skills and list only company name, position title and dates of employment.


The combination format incorporates the functional resume’s emphasis on transferable skills with a more detailed chronological work history. In this type of resume, you can place the focus on the skills that you wish to showcase and are relevant to the job at hand.


As technology continues to play a greater role in the job search process, it is essential that your resume becomes ‘keyword rich’ in order to be effective. Many employers currently utilize applicant tracking systems which scan resumes for both mandatory and desirable skills required for a specific position. Keywords are often the same words used by the employer in his employment ad. These would include job titles, specified duties, education and certifications, and industry terminology, to name a few. Make sure to incorporate the appropriate keywords in your resume.

Your resume will often be viewed electronically. Keep it in a format that is compatible with most word-processing and e-mail systems. Even consider plain text. You may be required to paste in your resume into an electronic form or e-mail. Complicated formatting or unusual fonts can create electronic gobbledygook. Remember the goal of the resume is readability and to get you in the door for that face to face meeting. When deciding what features to use, ask yourself: "Will this make my resume easier to read?" If not, don't use it. If it can't be read easily, it won't be read at all.

DOs and DON’Ts


Use spell check!!! Make sure your resume is error-free and easy on the eye. Please note that spell check often does not catch capitalized words so read through your resume in addition to using the spell check.

Eliminate personal pronouns and keep the writing concise.

Size does matter.

Generally, headings should be no larger than 12 or 14 points and bolded. Body copy can range from 10 to 12 points, depending on how much room you have on a page to fit your information. Be mindful, however, that the smaller the typeface, the more difficult to read. Be consistent with fonts, underlining, and other formatting

Use the simple past tense to describe your experiences and achievements. Make sure to stick to one tense throughout your resume.

Let your experience shine through.

Make sure the emphasis of your resume is on content, not packaging. Although presenting a smart, professional look is crucial, too much pizzazz can detract from the whole reason you have a resume -- to showcase your experience. If the reader must wade through too many colours, eye-catching graphics or text treatments, your message could easily get lost.

The exception to this rule is for creative or graphics resumes. In these cases, the rule ‘the medium is the message’, comes into effect. Companies will expect to see your creativity when applying it to yourself. You should also provide a portfolio link, so that companies can see examples of your work.


Do not use the word resume at the top of your first page.

Do not include personal information such as date of birth, marital status, etc.

Do not include outdated technical or business skills.

Do not send copies of diplomas, certifications or letters of reference. These can be presented during an interview.

Do not have too general of an opening statement. Your resume may lose the reader in the first lines. Vague statements like “A challenging position enabling me to contribute to organizational goals….”are overused, too general and a waste of space.

Don't be long-winded on your resume. Interviewers often have hundreds of resumes to weed through. Save extensive explanations of your experience for the interview and keep your resume to one or two pages.

People try to squeeze their experiences onto one page, [although most resumes need not be longer than 2 pages] because they have heard resumes should not be longer. By doing this, job seekers may delete impressive achievements. There are also candidates who ramble on about irrelevant or redundant experiences. Ask yourself, “Will this statement help me land an interview?” Every word should sell you.

Internet Links for Resume Writing

The following computer links can provide additional examples and resources to help you write that perfect resume.

monster.ca (click on career advice)

Skills and Associated Action Verbs:

|Accounting |administered, allocated, analyzed, audited, balanced, budgeted, |

| |calculated, collected, projected, reconciled, validated |

|Administration |Arranged, compiled, coordinated, drafted, edited, generated, |

| |implemented, monitored, organized, prepared, processed, recorded,|

| |scheduled, |

|Computer/Technical |Assembled, configured, created, designed, developed, |

| |diagnosed,installed, maintained, networked, operated, revised, |

| |repaired, solved, upgraded, wired, wrote |

|Customer Service |Achieved, addressed, advised, assisted, clarified,demonstrated, |

| |directed, guided, informed, networked, presented, repaired, |

| |resolved, responded, supported |

|Marketing |Customized, designed, developed, directed, established, |

| |fashioned, founded, illustrated, initiated, introduced, marketed,|

| |originated, performed, promoted, restored, shaped, transformed |

|Management |Administered, analyzed, assigned, attained, achieved, chaired, |

| |consolidated, contracted, coordianted, delegated, directed, |

| |evaluated, increased, improved, negotiated, oversaw, planned, |

| |prioritized, produced, resolved, reviewed,supervised |

Additional Action Verbs and Synonyms:

|ADJUSTED |resolved, settled, adapted, regulated |

|ADVISED |counseled, recfommended, informed, consulted |

|ANALYZED |studied, determined, resolved |

|APPLIED |correlated, qualified, paralleled |

|APPROVED |endorsed, attested, certififed, accredited |

|ARBITRATED ASSIGNED |mediated, justified, managed, performed |

|ASSISTED |prescribed, specified, allotted, ascribed |

|ASSURED |supported, corroborated, maintained, upheld |

|BUDGETED |convinced, guaranteed, ensured |

|COLLABORATED |forecast, planned, estimated, allocated |

|COLLECTED |cooperated, participated, assisted, joined, consulted accumulated, gathered, gained, brought |

|COMMUNICATED |together |

|CONDUCTED |conveyed, transmitted, expressed, imparted |

|CONFERRED |guided, led, controlled, directed, transmitted |

|CONTROLLED |consulted, trusted, discussed |

|COORDINATED |guided, managed, directed, regulated, conducted |

|CORRECTED |combined, acted together, brought about, organized |

|DETERMINED |amended, rectified, adjusted, altered |

|DEVELOPED |decided, resolved, regulated |

|ENCOURAGED |designed, evolved, promoted, progressed |

|ESTABLISHED |fostered, stimulated, inspired |

|EVALUATED |created, effected, inspired |

|IMPLEMENTED |determined, appraised, estimated |

|IMPROVED |accomplished, provided |

|INITIATED |corrected, rectified, amended, refined |

|INSTITUTED MAINTAINED |introduced, instructed, caused, instituted |

|MANAGED MONITORED NEGOTIATED |adjusted, initiated, launched, generated |

|ORGANIZED |supported, sustained, provided, upheld |

|ORIGINATED |conducted, directed, supervised, handled |

|PERFORMED |checked, regulated, controlled, observed |

|PLANNED |conferred, arranged, stipulated, allocated |

|PROVIDED |formed, coordianted, created, integrated |

|RECEIVED |initiated, created, constructed |

|RECOMMENDED |planned, generated, engineered |

|RECONCILED |designed, arranged, projected, devised |

|REVIEWED |supplied, procured, prepared, made available |

|SCHEDULED |acquired, admitted, accepted, permitted |

|STRENGTHENED |entrusted, committed, suggested, advised, endorsed |

|SUPERVISED |adjusted, corrected, steramlined, facilitated |

| |examined, studied, evaluated |

| |appointed, organized, assigned, designated |

| |increased, raised, enhanced |

| |managed, oversaw, directed |


Your Name

123 ABC Street, Toronto, ON M3H 2B5

(416) 787-7777 bettyw@


• Working towards a diploma in Accounting and Finance at Brown College

• Proficient in ACCPAC, MS Excel, Access, Internet, Email

• Completed successfully levels 1 and 2 of the Income Tax preparation course at H&R Block

• Outstanding ability to develop relationships and build positive rapport with clients, management and team members

• Ability to balance several tasks simultaneously in an organized and efficient manner

WORK Experience

Accounts Receivable Collections Clerk White’s Inc. 2009 - 2011

• Responsible for daily and weekly outgoing collection calls

• Notified debtors of overdue accounts and payments, substantially reducing bad debt

• Identified, investigated and resolved discrepancies and other client related problems

• Updated and documented status of accounts

• Maintained open lines of communication between clients, insurance and legal representatives

• Responsible for negotiation, completion and submission of contracts with insurance companies

• Handled insurance claims and queries of clients with a 98% approval rate

Customer Service Manager H&R Block 2007 - 2009

• Organized daily office activities and increased employee productivity by 21%

• Responsible for scheduling, payroll preparation and wage cost calculation

• Streamlined company policies and procedures, eliminating work slowdowns

• Resolved operational and customer complaints

• Managed the daily opening/closing of the office, including balancing cash, recording transactions and completing bank deposits in an effective and comprehensive manner

Receptionist Clerk Black & Davies, C.A. 2006 - 2007

• Operated telephone switchboard to answer, screen and forward calls, provided information, took messages and scheduled appointments

• Greeted persons entering establishment, determined nature and purpose of visit and directed and escorted them to specific destinations

• Provided information about establishment, such as location of departments and offices, employees within the organization and services provided

education AND TRAINING

Accounting and Finance Seneca College 2010 - 2011

Certification, Income Tax Preparation H&R Block 2007


Your Name

123 Anywhere Street, Toronto, Ontario M6B 2N4

Tel: (416) 222-2222 Cel: (647) 666-6666 abc!@

Career Profile

• Responsible customer service / sales professional with a solid record of exceeding sales targets by 23% year over year.

• Honest and trustworthy; handled large sums of cash.

• Responded to customer inquiries and resolved client disputes, improving file processing times by 17%.

• Proficiency in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and database management.

• Provided data entry service.

• Superior communications skills including conversational French.

Professional Qualifications

Customer Service

• Provided superior customer service in a fast-paced setting

• Recognized by management as a leading ensuring consistent client satisfaction.

• Resolved all customer concerns and complaints in a timely manner.

• Responded and directed inquiries via phone and in person, to appropriate destinations.

• Maintained records in database.

• Recognized by superivosr for exemplary service.


• Professional and courteous telephone demeanor.

• Handled reception and switchboard duties.

• Superior command of both oral and written English as well as conversational French.

• Easy rapport with co-workers and clients.

• Computer proficiency in WORD, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet.


• Successful and established sales approach for new business development in U.S. market.

• Consistently surpassed sales goals and targets by over 10%.

• Built solid rapport with customers, continuing ongoing relationships.

• Maintained high percentage of repeat business (35%).

Your Name Telephone/Cell Email address

Relevant Business Experience

ABC Company 2005 - 2011

Sales Representative

Ticketmaster 2001 - 2005

Sales/Customer Service


George Brown College

Customer Service Diploma 1999


• Volunteer for Lifeline Foundation helping families cope with cancer

• Successful half-marathon runner

• Enjoy fitness programs, jazz concerts and reading



123 Anywhere Street, Toronto ON. M3H 2X6

(H) 416-666-1111 (C) 416-999-9998 nabck@sympatico.ca


Sales and Marketing Executive with over 10 years’ experience in commodity trading and food marketing industries. Proven track record increasing product portfolio annually by 20%. Excellent negotiator and closer with strong motivational skills.



• Helped grow a product portfolio from $5M to $350M in 7 years.

• Hired, trained and directed a team of 8 Marketing Professionals.

• Implemented and oversaw the integration of new products into the company’s product line increasing their sales and bottom line.

• Prepared budgets, forecasts and product ordering to better maximize working capital by 15%.

• Maintained and serviced ongoing and new clients with exemplary service and professionalism.


• Liaison between both customers and staff providing problem resolution.

• Worked closely with suppliers to provide to negotiate and obtain the best prices based on market supply and demand, resulting in 15% reduction in overhead costs.

• Oversaw the delivery of products from overseas and facilitated customs and CFIA/FDA clearing through the proper channels.

• Opened and administered Letters of Credit and Wire Transfers to overseas suppliers.

• Recruited personnel and mentored them through their training.

• Excellent interpersonal and customer service skills.


• Assisted sales team with new computerized order processing system to successfully promote and market new products.

• Negotiated with suppliers on behalf of customers on futures contracts based on demand and needs of the customers product line which enhanced profitability by 12%.

• Arranged and coordinated trade shows on behalf of the company.

• Actively sought and integrated the addition of new customers through direct mailings, eMail, networking and cold calling.

• Developed highly successful marketing strategies in conjunction with sales team.

Your Name Telephone/Cell Email address


Vice President ABC Inc. 2008-2011

• Qualified hundreds of new accounts and conducted site surveys for quotation/budgeting to provide the best way for customer to reduce their environmental footprint.

• Oversaw and provided leadership and training for installation of products, reducing product implementation time by 18%.

• Dealt with staffing requirements; liaised with principals regarding customers’ needs.

• Conducted weekly sales meeting to set objectives and offer support.

Achievement: Instituted startup of a new product line and doubled sales within the first year.

General Manager Canada High Corp. 2004 - 2008

• Supervised staff of 3, directing them in sales and marketing of product line.

• Worked with customs and freight forwarders to facilitate shipment of products.

• Negotiated with freighters and truckers to obtain best rates for storage.

• Facilitated CFIA and FDA clearance issues into North America.

• Marketed, sourced and negotiated best prices for customers based on their requirements and futures contracts.

Achievement: Reduced freight and storage rates by 5% through direct negotiations with brokers and transporters.

Procurement Director Export City Company 2001 - 2004

• Directed a staff of 12 in marketing product portfolio.

• Ordered, budgeted and oversaw product category.

• Full bottom line responsibility based on market conditions, foreign currency fluctuations and working capital constraints.

• Developed marketing strategies to further expand and build on our customer base.

• Travelled throughout North America developing new business opportunities and in Europe and South America sourcing new product lines.

Achievement: Received company award in recognition of top marketing initiatives in 2003-2004.


York University B.B.A., Economics 2000


Men’s Club President • Interests include gourmet cooking, skiing, and judo.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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