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Monday 1/9Bellwork Check #1#1 Define imagery. If you do not know, take a guess. Write down an example of imagery.Classwork:Read background on Natasha Trethewey page 147Generate and answer questions on the poem.Questions on “At Dusk”Explain the image you see in the first eight lines. What words does the poet use to appeal to the reader’s sense of hearing?Why do you think the poet chose the word constellation instead of group or cluster to describe the fireflies? How does the word choice add to the image created by the phrase?What does the cat’s home represent in this poem?What does the phrase “trails off” suggest about the speaker’s feelings when the neighbor stops calling the cat?Interpret the poem into your own words. Complete the imagery chartLines from the poemInterpretation“street lamps just starting to hum/the backdrop of evening”What does this image establish here?What does the poet want readers to see and hear?What mood is created by the sky?“the cat lifts her ears, turns first/toward the voice, then back/to the constellation of fireflies flickering /near her head. It’s as if she can’t decide/whether to leap over the low hedge,/… or stay where she is”What does the speaker imagine here?Why might the cat have trouble deciding what to do?What do you learn about the speaker by the thoughts and feelings she assigns to the cat?“She’s given up calling for now, left me/to imagine her inside the house waiting,/perhaps in a chair in front of the TV”What is the speaker doing here?What feeling does the image of someone giving up and settling in front of the TV convey?“certain the sounds I make /are enough to call someone home”How does the poem end?What is the mood of the last line of the poem?Whom might the speaker want to call home?Tuesday 1/10Bellwork Check #1#2 Identify the imagery in the line. What sense does it appeal to? Also, complete this story. (You must add at least two more sentences.)The unoiled hinges of the trunk lid shrieked as I slowly lifted it.Classwork:Finish the chartCollaborative discussion bottom of page 148Analyzing the text questions 1-6 page 150Wednesday 1/11District Wide Writing AssessmentThursday 1/12Classwork:Read the background on page 39 of your close readerBegin close reading “And of Clay Are We Created” page 39-41 make sure you answer all of the questions and define the vocabulary words. Write a sentence summary next to each paragraph.Write a question that you have at the bottom of each page. Begin completing the theme chart (You need at least one example for each detail each day)Details in the text ExamplesDescriptive details about a character’s appearance.Character’s words and actionsCharacter’s thoughts and observationsSymbols used to convey themeFriday 1/13Classwork:Continue to close read and fill out the theme chart page 42- top of 45Monday 1/16Martin Luther King Jr. DayTuesday 1/17Benchmark TestingWednesday 1/18Benchmark TestingThursday 1/19Bellwork Check #1#3 Make a list of five things you remember about “And of Clay Are We Created”.Classwork:Continue to close read and fill out the theme chart page 45-49 line 268Work on the theme chart.Details in the text ExamplesDescriptive details about a character’s appearance.Character’s words and actionsCharacter’s thoughts and observationsSymbols used to convey themeFriday 1/20Bellwork Check #1#4 In “And of Clay Are We Created” a young girl is stuck for days. Many people believed that it was the governments fault. Do you think the government should be blamed for what happened? Explain. (Your response must be at least four sentences.)Classwork:Finish close reading and filling out the theme chart page 49 line 269-52Complete the short responseMust be at least four sentencesMust include a direct quoteMonday 1/23Bellwork Check #1#5 Create a plot diagram for “And of Clay Are We Created”Classwork:Finish close reading “And of Clay Are We Created” page 49 line 269-52Tuesday 1/24Bellwork Check #1#6 Why do you think the author chose the title “And of Clay Are We Created”? What do you think the title means? Could it have more than one meaning? If so, what could be another possible meaning?Classwork:Complete the short response page 52Must be at least four sentencesMust include a direct quote“And of Clay Are We Created” questionsWednesday 1/25Bellwork Check #1#7 “And of Clay Are We Created” is based off of a true story. How is it possible that something like this could have happened?Classwork:Finish “And of Clay Are We Created” questionsQuiz on “And of Clay Are We Created”Thursday 1/26Classwork:Begin reading “With Friends Like These…” page 141-top of 142Make a list of three things, according to the author that makes friendship possible between two people.Write a sentence summary for every e up with a question for every page. Write down and answer questions 1-4Friday 1/27Classwork:Continue to read “With Friends Like These…” pages top 142-143Make a list of two things, according to the author that makes friendship possible between two people.Write a sentence summary for every e up with a question for every page. Write down and answer questions 5-10Monday 1/30Classwork:On your own, complete the collaborative discussion at the bottom of page 143Must be at least four sentences.Must include a quote from the essay.Write down and complete the Analyzing the text questions on page 144Complete the performance task at the bottom of page 144.Tuesday 1/31Bellwork Check #1#8 Today we will read two poems. One is called “My Ceremony For Taking” and the other is called “The Stayer”. What do you think these poems will be about? What possible theme might these two poems have in common.Classwork:Read the background page 57 close readerRead about the two authors page 57 close readerCreate an interpretation chartWords from the PoemsInterpretation“burned my family’s death scaffold”line 4 p.58“birth dirt”line 8 page 58“a lock…pressed into the dirt I took for payment, to leave part of myself” lines 22-23 p. 58“light, the way it darted through holes in the tin roof” line 11-12 p.59“motes danced in the shaft of white light” line 20 p.59“the meaning of stay”Close read “My Ceremony For Taking” page 58Complete the interpretation chart for “My Ceremony For Taking” ( The first three) Answer the first two questions form “My Ceremony For Taking” and “The Stayer” “My Ceremony For Taking” and “The Stayer” questionsLines 1-5 of “My Ceremony For Taking” define the situation in the poem. What does the speaker express in the first two lines? What has happened?Cite text from lines 11-24 that refers to being “split”Describe the tone the figurative language creates in the poem “The Stayer”Explain in your own words the meaning of exile and perpetual longing lines 17-18.Wednesday 2/1Bellwork Check #1#9 Define and create your own example for the following:SimileMetaphorPersonification AlliterationClasswork:Close read “The Stayer” page 59Finish the interpretation chartAnswer questions three and four on “My Ceremony For Taking” and “The Stayer” plete the short response question on page 60.Must be at least four sentencesMust include at least one quote from one of the poems.Thursday 2/2Bellwork Check #1#10 Freewrite Classwork: Finish the work from WednesdayRead the background on Diane Ackerman top of page 163Begin reading and answering questions on from Love’s Vocabulary page 163- 164From Love’s Vocabulary QuestionsWhat is being compared in lines 2-4? What is the effect of including these words?Identify the central idea Ackerman presents at the very beginning of the essay. How does she support this idea?Vocab question. Ackerman says that love is intangible. What are some other things that people might consider to be intangible?Reread lines 28-40. Identify the simile. Does this simile have a positive or negative connotation?Make a list of some facts, reasons, and examples that Ackerman uses to support her idea that love can mean almost nothing or absolutely everything. Lines 41-52.Vocab question. Explain what factors might influence the guise in which love comes?Reread the passage beginning with the statement, “Since all we have is one word” and concludes with “a hundred times that much!” What is the author’s tone in this passage? How does the author’s word choice create this tone?Reread an early passage lines 15-18. How does Ackerman’s description of Elizabeth Barrett Browning lines 74-77 relate to the earlier statement?Vocab question. Give me an example of something that might increase in increments.Reread lines 85-93 and lines 111-122. How does the example of the ancient Egyptian woman in the Detroit automobile factory create a bridge between ideas? What are those ideas? In what way is their order significant? Cite examples from the text to support your conclusion.Vocab question. What would a supple vocabulary of love include?Vocab question. Name some words that describe gradations of hate.Reread lines 138-140. Explain the simile in these lines. What comparison is being made? What does it say about love?Reread lines 143-145. Explain the tone of the description. Cite words that create that tone.Reread the last paragraph. Which sentence in the final paragraph repeats the idea expressed in lines 126-127? How does the second statement expand on the first statement? Friday 2/3 Bellwork Check #2#1 What is your definition of love? (Your response must be at least four sentences.)Classwork:Continue reading and answering questions on from Love’s Vocabulary page bottom 164-166Monday 2/6Bellwork Check #2#2 Do you think “we are embarrassed by love”? Explain (Your response must be at least four sentences.)Classwork:Finish reading and answering questions on from Love’s Vocabulary bottom of page 166-1168Collaborative discussion bottom of page 168Must be at least four sentences.Must include at least one quote.Tuesday 2/7Bellwork Check #2#3 Have you ever been in love? Explain. If not, why not? (Your response must be at least four sentences.)Classwork:Analyzing the text page 170Vocabulary Strategy: Synonyms practice and apply page 171Wednesday 2/8Bellwork Check #2#4 Is it better to be at the center of one group of friends or at the perimeter of several? (your response must be at least four sentences.)Classwork: Read about argumentative essays page 2 in the performance plete source materials step 1 page 4-5Analyze the student model for step 1 page 6Thursday 2/9Bellwork Check #2#5 Do you think you will remain close to the friends that you have now? Explain. (Your response must be at least four sentences.)Classwork:Finish analyzing the student plete the Terminology of Argumentative Texts page plete source materials for step 2 page 10-13Friday 2/10Bellwork Check #2#6 Why do you think it is so important to provide evidence in an argumentative essay? (Your response must be at least four sentences.)Classwork:Practice FSAComplete pages 14-18 in the performance assessmentMonday 2/13Bellwork Check #2#7 Make a list of five things you know about black history.Classwork:Complete pages 21-27 of the Performance Assessment.Take notes off to the sideUnderline things that seem important or things you may use in your essayTuesday 2/14Bellwork Check #2#8 February 14, 1817 is the possible birthday of Frederick Douglass. Who was Frederick Douglass?Classwork:Finish Performance assessment page 22-27Take notes off to the sideUnderline things that seem important or things you may use in your essay.Wednesday 2/15Bellwork Check #2#9 On this day in 1848, Sarah Roberts was barred from going to a white school in Boston. Her father filed the first school integration suit on her behalf. How would you feel if schools went back to being segregated?Classwork:Complete the response to questions on page 28Complete the outline on page 29Write introductionsThursday 2/16Bellwork Check #2#10 FreewriteClasswork:Peer edit introductionsFriday 2/17Bellwork Check #3#1 On this day in 1891 A.C. Richardson, a black inventor, invented the churn. What is a churn? Why would someone need to use a churn?Classwork:Review what needs to go into the body paragraph(s)Begin writing your body paragraph(s)Monday 2/20No school! President’s day!Tuesday 2/21Bellwork Check #3#2 On this day in 1965, Malcolm X was assassinated. Who was Malcolm X?Classwork:Peer edit body paragraphs Wednesday 2/22Bellwork Check #3#3 On this day in 1989, DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince won the first rap Grammy. Name other rappers who have won a Grammy.Classwork:Notes on counterargument Write counterargument and conclusionThursday 2/23Bellwork Check #3#4 Make a list of five African American inventors. What did they invent? Do we still use it today? (Google is your friend!)InventorWhat did he or she invent?Do we still use it today?Classwork:Peer edit counter and conclusionFriday 2/24Bellwork Check #3#5 Dr. W.E.B Dubois was a Famous African American Leader. Besides being an African American leader, what else do you know about Dr. Dubois? Make a list of three things about him. Classwork:Read background on “My Shakespeare” page 173View the video on “My Shakespeare”Begin reading and answering questions on “My Shakespeare” page 174-175“My Shakespeare” QuestionsSummarize the general idea of the first three stanzas.Identify the sound devices that Tempest employs in the first stanza. Write an example of each.Reread lines 18-28. Identify any clichés or idioms in this part. Paraphrase their meanings. Why do you think Tempest included these in her poem?Monday 2/27Bellwork Check #3#6 On this day in 1869, Congress Adopted the 15th Amendment. What is the 15th amendment?Classwork:Write one body paragraphTopic sentenceSignal phraseText evidenceElaborationConcluding sentenceWrite your counterargumentTopic SentenceExpert SourceExplanationConcession sentenceRebuttal sentence Tuesday 2/28FSA Writing TestingWednesday 3/1Bellwork Check #3#7 On this day in 2002 Shauntay Hinton was crowned Miss USA. How many African American women were voted Miss USA?Classwork:Homer. The Odyssey handoutTake out a sheet of paper and title it Odyssey FSA practiceOn the paper, write a translation into your own words for each stanza.( You should have a total of three.)Answer the questions. For number four, you must list and describe at least two ways that his character is challenged. Your response must be at least four sentences.Thursday 3/2Bellwork Check #3#7 On this day in 1940, Hattie McDaniel became the first African American to win an Oscar. Make a list of three African Americans who have won an Oscar.Classwork:Read background on “My Shakespeare” page 173View the video on “My Shakespeare”Begin reading and answering questions on “My Shakespeare” page 174-175“My Shakespeare” QuestionsSummarize the general idea of the first three stanzas.Identify the sound devices that Tempest employs in the first stanza. Write an example of each.Reread lines 18-28. Identify any clichés or idioms in this part. Paraphrase their meanings. Why do you think Tempest included these in her poem?Complete the analyze the text questions on page 176Friday 3/3Bellwork Check #3#8 March is considered Women’s History Month. How did Women’s History Month start? Why do we celebrate women?Classwork:Take notes on Shakespearean Drama. Page 177-180For each of the terms, define it and give me an example of this term from a movie or T.V. show. Make sure that you go into detail describing the example.TragedyCharacters:Tragic HeroAntagonistFoilDramatic Conventions:SoliloquyAsideDramatic Irony Comic Relief The Language of ShakespeareDefine and give me an example of the following:Blank VerseAllusionPunReading Shakespearean DramaTake short had notes on the following:Reading DramaReading Shakespearean TragedyReading Shakespearean Language Elizabethan TheaterTake short hand notes on the following:A Wide AudienceThe GlobeStagingMonday 3/6Bellwork Check #3#10 Freewrite Classwork:View the background on William Shakespeare Write down ten facts about ShakespeareWorksheet on PunsTuesday 3/7Bellwork Check #4#1 It’s odd that you can get so numbed by your own pain or your own problem that you don’t quite fully share the hell of someone close to you.-Lady Bird JohnsonQ: What does this quote mean to you?Classwork:Look over the castRead the Prologue p. 183Rewrite the Prologue into your own wordsWednesday 3/8Bellwork Check #4#2 Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn’t people feel as free to delight in whatever remains to them?-Rose Fitzgerald KennedyQ: What do you think this quote means?Classwork:Begin reading and answering questions for act one scene oneThursday 3/9Bellwork Check #4#3 On this day in 1931, Ida B. Wells died. Make a list of three things about Ida B. Wells. Google is your friend.Classwork Continue reading and answering questions for Act I scene oneFriday 3/10Bellwork Check #4#4 On this day in 1913, Harriet Tubman died. Write down what you know about Harriet Tubman.Classwork:Finish reading and answering questions for Act I scene one ................

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