Unisa Study Notes

[09/28, 20:35] Jules: Well this pic sort of covers the type of poem it is. Unless anyone has anything else to add[09/28, 20:35] ??Bella??: Agree[09/28, 20:36] Jules: Ok. Let's look at the title.[09/28, 20:37] Jules: 'TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN'[09/28, 20:38] Jules: written in all caps. could be seen as an official document[09/28, 20:38] +27 72 481 8161?: First thing I notice is it's in bold and all capital letters representing the format that is used to address someone in charge in a letter[09/28, 20:39] +27 72 481 8161?: It's not addressed to anyone in specific[09/28, 20:39] Jules: ok. Can we move on?[09/28, 20:40] +27 72 481 8161?: Yes please[09/28, 20:40] Jules: Bearer[09/28, 20:40] Jules: someone who caries the note?[09/28, 20:41] +27 72 481 8161?: Possible...[09/28, 20:41] +27 72 481 8161?: It's singled out too[09/28, 20:42] ??Bella??: Yes. The person carrying the document[09/28, 20:42] Jules: bear·er?ber?r/nounnoun: bearer; plural noun: bearers 1. a person or thing that carries or holds something. "I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings" synonyms:messenger, agent, conveyor, carrier, emissary "the bearer of bad news" a carrier of equipment on an expedition. synonyms:carrier, porter "a lantern-bearer" a person who carries the coffin at a funeral; pall-bearer. 2. a person who presents a check or other order to pay money. "promissory notes payable to the bearer" synonyms:holder, possessor, owner "the bearer of the documents"[09/28, 20:42] Jules: ok. can we move on?[09/28, 20:43] +27 72 481 8161?: Bare- the person has nothing "but" particulars[09/28, 20:44] +27 72 481 8161?: Line 2 is referring to the bearer right?[09/28, 20:44] Jules: lets go line by line breaking it down please. otherwise we end up all over the show[09/28, 20:45] Jules: bare of everything but particulars[09/28, 20:45] ??Bella??: So besides that document, the person has nothing of value[09/28, 20:45] Jules: bare could also refer to naked[09/28, 20:46] ??Bella??: Agree[09/28, 20:46] Jules: or a connotation for striped of everything but particuars[09/28, 20:46] Jules: what does particu;ars mean?[09/28, 20:47] +27 72 481 8161?: Yes...stripped of everything they have...their life....their clothes....their identity too[09/28, 20:47] +27 72 481 8161?: I think it's like rules?[09/28, 20:48] Jules: between line 1 and 2 there is also alliteration on the 'b' sound[09/28, 20:50] +27 72 481 8161?: Conjunction used "but"[09/28, 20:50] Jules: there is also assonance between line 1 and 2 which is a repetition of vowel sounds. 'e' 'a' and 'u'[09/28, 20:50] ??Bella??: Personal information?[09/28, 20:51] Jules: ok[09/28, 20:51] Jules: like identity[09/28, 20:51] Jules: sorry identity[09/28, 20:51] Jules: can we go to line 3?[09/28, 20:52] ??Bella??: Yes I'm guessing so[09/28, 20:52] +27 72 481 8161?: Okay let's move on[09/28, 20:53] Jules: Is a Bantu[09/28, 20:53] Jules: We know that Bantu was the education system that the apartheid government used for the blacks[09/28, 20:54] +27 72 117 3252?: name used to denote blacks during the apartheid era[09/28, 20:54] Jules: it was referred to as Bantu Education[09/28, 20:54] Jules: He is almost asking a question in a statement[09/28, 20:55] Jules: can we move on?[09/28, 20:56] +27 72 481 8161?: Can we say that the alliteration of the B sound continues?[09/28, 20:56] Jules: The language of a people in southern Africa[09/28, 20:56] Jules: yes[09/28, 20:57] +27 72 481 8161?: Bantu also refers to all the african languages in southern Africa so maybe the speaker is saying that the bearer is African and speaks one of those languages?[09/28, 20:58] ??Bella??: It's describing the bearer[09/28, 20:59] +27 72 763 6432?: Or Bantu is found in people in the southern Africa[09/28, 20:59] Jules: yeah in a derogatory way.[09/28, 20:59] Jules: Ban·tu?banto?o/adjectiveadjective: Bantu 1. relating to or denoting a group of Niger–Congo languages spoken in central and southern Africa, including Swahili, Xhosa, and Zulu.nounnoun: Bantu; plural noun: Bantu; plural noun: Bantus 1. a group of Niger–Congo languages spoken in central and southern Africa, including Swahili, Xhosa, and Zulu. 2. offensive a member of an indigenous people of central and southern Africa that speaks a Bantu language.[09/28, 21:00] ??Bella??: Yes[09/28, 21:00] +27 72 763 6432?: Ok[09/28, 21:00] Jules: if this poem is written during the apartheid error. then this would be his way of asking for recognition not as a bantu but as a person.[09/28, 21:01] Jules: ok next line?[09/28, 21:01] Jules: He seeks to proceed from here to there[09/28, 21:02] ??Bella??: Eash line is almost stating something about the bearer, i.e. his particulars[09/28, 21:03] Jules: is he asking for permission to move around?[09/28, 21:03] ??Bella??: Remember that during the apartheid era, black people had to present those passes in order to get around[09/28, 21:04] Jules: ok. next line?[09/28, 21:04] Jules: Please pass him on[09/28, 21:04] +27 72 481 8161?: Maybe suggests that the whites tell them where to go[09/28, 21:05] +27 72 763 6432?: Looking for ways to go different ways[09/28, 21:06] Jules: Alliteration in the 'P'[09/28, 21:06] +27 72 481 8161?: He is asking but there's no question mark[09/28, 21:06] Jules: 'him' male[09/28, 21:06] Jules: sounds more like an instruction[09/28, 21:07] +27 72 481 8161?: "He" in line 5 also suggests male[09/28, 21:07] Jules: if you read in in conjunction with line 5[09/28, 21:08] +27 72 481 8161?: The bearer wants to move on and he is asking to allow him freedom to move maybe?[09/28, 21:08] Jules: possibly[09/28, 21:08] +27 72 481 8161?: He "seeks" - he is searching to move from where he is to "there" (another area)[09/28, 21:09] Jules: relocate?[09/28, 21:09] +27 72 481 8161?: Maybe just trying to get out of the oppression?[09/28, 21:10] Jules: can we move on?[09/28, 21:10] +27 72 481 8161?: To be released from the clutches of the white people ruling?[09/28, 21:11] Jules: 7. subject to these particulars[09/28, 21:11] +27 72 481 8161?: The repeat of particulars from line 2[09/28, 21:12] Jules: yip repitition[09/28, 21:14] Jules: 'subject' conditions[09/28, 21:14] ??Bella??: Sorry for not keeping up.[09/28, 21:14] Jules: so he can only move on certain terms[09/28, 21:14] +27 72 481 8161?: Subject can be referred to the bearer being a subject?[09/28, 21:15] Jules: its all good. just jump in whenever[09/28, 21:15] Jules: read in context[09/28, 21:15] ??Bella??: He is subjected to certain conditions, as contained in the urban act[09/28, 21:17] Jules: if you need the poem in front of you. Its in the ENG2602 reader page 63[09/28, 21:17] +27 72 481 8161?: I agree however I feel that maybe the speaker uses the word subject indicating that the bearer is merely a subject without anything hence the bareness in line 2[09/28, 21:17] Jules: moving on?[09/28, 21:18] Jules: 8. He lives[09/28, 21:19] Jules: not much i can say there. besides He lives means that he is still living and breathing[09/28, 21:20] Jules: ok. moving on?[09/28, 21:21] +27 72 481 8161?: Yes though if we link it with line 7 can it be that he lives if he follows the particulars ?[09/28, 21:21] Jules: 9. Subject to the provisions[09/28, 21:21] ??Bella??: I understand what you are saying but we also need to read and understand in context[09/28, 21:22] Jules: repetition of subject[09/28, 21:23] +27 72 481 8161?: Thank you....I will keep that in mind ?[09/28, 21:23] Jules: provisions?[09/28, 21:23] +27 72 481 8161?: Are we on line 9?[09/28, 21:23] Jules: yes[09/28, 21:23] ??Bella??: The provisions of the acr[09/28, 21:24] ??Bella??: Act*[09/28, 21:24] ??Bella??: He lives .. subject to the provisions .. of the urban act[09/28, 21:24] +27 72 481 8161?: Have to live according what is given to them ?[09/28, 21:25] Jules: an amount or thing supplied or provided."low levels of social provision"synonyms:facilities, services, amenities, resource(s), arrangements;[09/28, 21:26] Jules: he could be implying the group areas act here.[09/28, 21:26] Jules: moving on?[09/28, 21:26] ??Bella??: The repetition of the word subject may be used to emphasise that they did not live according their own will[09/28, 21:27] ??Bella??: They were subjected(verb) to these 'laws'[09/28, 21:27] Jules: yeah like they were 'subject (ed) to these conditions[09/28, 21:27] ??Bella??: Precisely[09/28, 21:28] +27 72 763 6432?: Probably he lives according to the conditions given[09/28, 21:28] Jules: all dealing with constraints of living conditions and movements[09/28, 21:28] ??Bella??: The next line tells you that it's the Urban act of 1925[09/28, 21:29] Jules: 10. Of the Urban Natives Act of 1925[09/28, 21:30] +27 72 481 8161?: What did this act state?[09/28, 21:30] +27 72 763 6432?: So he lives according to those conditions of Urban act of 1925[09/28, 21:31] Jules: yeah it was their way of controlling blacks within the urban areas.[09/28, 21:32] Jules: Moreover, it "forbade the further granting of freehold property rights to Africans on the grounds that they were not permanent urban residents and 'should only be permitted within municipal areas in so far and for so long as their presence is demanded by the wants of the white population'" (Worden 1994: 43). This act also made "provision of a system of local governments on segregated lines" (Davenport 1987: 551f).[09/28, 21:32] Jules: next line?[09/28, 21:32] +27 72 763 6432?: It's stating the conditions of an African[09/28, 21:32] Jules: 11. Amended often[09/28, 21:33] ??Bella??: Amended often. The act was amended several times over the decades[09/28, 21:33] Jules: i think more amended to suit the white population[09/28, 21:33] +27 72 481 8161?: I agree[09/28, 21:34] ??Bella??: To update it to HIS sophistication[09/28, 21:34] Jules: like if they rioted or something or started getting comfortable they would amend it[09/28, 21:34] Jules: you going to fast Bella[09/28, 21:34] +27 72 481 8161?: So the HIS here would be the whites[09/28, 21:35] +27 72 481 8161?: Its all links together[09/28, 21:35] ??Bella??: The two lines must be considered together[09/28, 21:35] +27 72 481 8161?: *it[09/28, 21:35] ??Bella??: At certain points in the poem, there's not much to analyse if you read a single line[09/28, 21:36] +27 72 481 8161?: And the sophistication is usually referred to higher society meaning the whites[09/28, 21:36] ??Bella??: In this context, it could also mean the growing sophistication of black people[09/28, 21:36] Jules: Or who ever was in control[09/28, 21:36] +27 72 763 6432?: Think His refers to the blacks. Since whites wanted to complicate things for the blacks[09/28, 21:37] Jules: beacse he wanted to move from 'here' to 'there'[09/28, 21:37] ??Bella??: They amended the act to retain the control they had[09/28, 21:38] +27 72 481 8161?: So maybe the sophistication referred to making the "act" sophisticated? In a sense that it become more difficult for the blacks[09/28, 21:38] +27 72 763 6432?: Yes[09/28, 21:38] +27 72 481 8161?: To show that the whites had authority[09/28, 21:38] Jules: line 13?[09/28, 21:39] ??Bella??: Read it together with 14[09/28, 21:40] ??Bella??: He's telling us what is permitted under the provisions of the act[09/28, 21:40] +27 72 481 8161?: Repetition of subject as well as act[09/28, 21:40] Jules: 13. Subject to the provisions of the said Act. 14. He may roam freely within a prescribed area.[09/28, 21:40] ??Bella??: He may roam freely within prescribed areas.[09/28, 21:41] ??Bella??: Freely and prescribed are contradictory words[09/28, 21:41] Jules: once again he is being subjected like an animal.[09/28, 21:41] ??Bella??: Yes, he reinforces that he is being subjected.[09/28, 21:41] Jules: roam freely / prescribed area[09/28, 21:42] Jules: would this be irony?[09/28, 21:42] ??Bella??: I believe so[09/28, 21:44] Jules: line 15?[09/28, 21:44] +27 72 763 6432?: He could only move freely in places where he is told to.[09/28, 21:45] Jules: 15. Free only from the anxiety of conscription[09/28, 21:45] Jules: so here he explains what he means[09/28, 21:45] Jules: what was conscription?[09/28, 21:45] ??Bella??: The word only tells us that he did not feel free[09/28, 21:45] +27 72 481 8161?: So now he is only free from conscription[09/28, 21:46] ??Bella??: Conscription refers to compulsory enlistment[09/28, 21:46] +27 72 481 8161?: Conscription is the compulsory enrollment of persons for military purposes[09/28, 21:46] Jules: ok.[09/28, 21:46] +27 72 763 6432?: ?[09/28, 21:47] +27 72 481 8161?: During the apartheid time the white people had to serve in military...please correct me if I'm wrong[09/28, 21:47] Jules: so he is also being sarcastic as blacks did not go to the military[09/28, 21:47] Jules: you are[09/28, 21:47] ??Bella??: So he feels free of the anxiety of being forced to enlist but not free in terms of his movement[09/28, 21:48] +27 72 481 8161?: Yes[09/28, 21:48] Jules: and life in general[09/28, 21:48] Jules: line 16 & 17.[09/28, 21:49] +27 72 763 6432?: Think only free coz he is not enrolled in the captive military[09/28, 21:49] +27 72 481 8161?: What is latter-day?[09/28, 21:50] ??Bella??: Current[09/28, 21:50] Jules: 16. in terms of the Abolition of Passes Act. 17. A latter-day amendment[09/28, 21:50] +27 72 481 8161?: Now he turns his focus onto a new act[09/28, 21:50] ??Bella??: So this new act he mentions was a recent development in tje context of the poem[09/28, 21:50] ??Bella??: The*[09/28, 21:51] +27 72 481 8161?: So is he basically saying that after the natives act the abolition act was formed?[09/28, 21:51] +27 72 481 8161?: Could that be the sophisticated amendment?[09/28, 21:51] ??Bella??: They are not necessarily related[09/28, 21:52] Jules: the abolition act is actually to do with slavery[09/28, 21:52] +27 72 763 6432?: Yes[09/28, 21:53] ??Bella??: Abolition of passes act is to do with slavery?[09/28, 21:53] +27 72 481 8161?: Isn't it to do with the pass book?[09/28, 21:53] Jules: slave passes?[09/28, 21:54] ??Bella??: This is what I found[09/28, 21:54] +27 72 481 8161?: The pass book that the black people had to have to enter and leave the "prescribed areas"[09/28, 21:55] ??Bella??: Yes[09/28, 21:55] +27 72 481 8161?: That's what I came across as well[09/28, 21:55] +27 72 763 6432?: It is. Blacks used those pass books to move which was part of slavery[09/28, 21:55] Jules: jeez this poem is steeped in another level.[09/28, 21:55] ??Bella??: But in it's place they had to have reference books[09/28, 21:56] ??Bella??: True[09/28, 21:56] Jules: line 18 & 19[09/28, 21:56] +27 72 763 6432?: Yes. It's talking about carrying passes which is slavery to my understanding[09/28, 21:57] Jules: 18. In keeping with moon-age naming. 19. Bearer's designation is Reference number 417181[09/28, 21:57] ??Bella??: Moon-age naming probably refers to old fashioned[09/28, 21:58] +27 72 481 8161?: Isn't they had to be back before a certain time at night?[09/28, 21:58] ??Bella??: Or more like pre-historic, less sophisticated[09/28, 21:58] ??Bella??: Slavery is not the focus of the poem[09/28, 21:59] Jules: im lost on this moon-age thing[09/28, 22:00] ??Bella??: The subjugation of black people is the focus. And I understand that slavery existed then, but this poem is referencing the acts and how the were used to control black people[09/28, 22:01] +27 72 763 6432?: I understand.[09/28, 22:02] ??Bella??: The moon age thing I interpret as one two things[09/28, 22:02] +27 78 998 7446?: Yes I agree Bella but remember this is a letter and the writer wants certain changes placed[09/28, 22:02] ??Bella??: Of*[09/28, 22:03] ??Bella??: I don't even understand this[09/28, 22:03] Jules: guys lets not argue. we all entitled to our opions and you not forced to agree or disagree.[09/28, 22:04] Jules: just sate your point and move on[09/28, 22:04] +27 72 763 6432?: True.[09/28, 22:04] Jules: *state[09/28, 22:04] +27 83 948 8483?: Yes Bella it is[09/28, 22:05] ??Bella??: ?[09/28, 22:05] Jules: Explain please[09/28, 22:06] ??Bella??: Tried to explain in the voice note[09/28, 22:06] +27 72 481 8161?: The numbers given in the pass book basically[09/28, 22:07] Jules: saw only after note posted.[09/28, 22:07] +27 83 948 8483?: Yes[09/28, 22:07] +27 72 481 8161?: That is explained in line 19[09/28, 22:07] +27 72 763 6432?: Does this mean they continued with the moon _ age act.[09/28, 22:07] ??Bella??: Unless he thinks its a backwards thing and is referring to the actual age of the moon[09/28, 22:07] Jules: like a prehistoric thing?[09/28, 22:08] Jules: Im thinking that too. Cause all other countries were free while SA was still stuck in apartheid[09/28, 22:08] ??Bella??: Yes, so stuck in the past in a way[09/28, 22:08] +27 72 481 8161?: Won't latter-day and moon age contradict each other in this case?[09/28, 22:09] +27 72 481 8161?: If moon-age is taken to be prehistoric[09/28, 22:09] ??Bella??: Yes. another case of irony[09/28, 22:09] +27 72 763 6432?: As they were explained, they contradict[09/28, 22:09] Jules: would too. as latter-day is current and moon-age is prehistoric[09/28, 22:10] +27 71 610 3063?: The business fair is actually over but there are some other interesting things for radio still ahead, just go to the ICC and tell them you're part of the media and they'll let you through[09/28, 22:10] +27 71 610 3063?: Sooo sorry guys. Wrong door[09/28, 22:10] +27 71 610 3063?: My apologies[09/28, 22:11] Jules: please don't be condescending. we don't all type and receive messages at the same time[09/28, 22:11] +27 83 948 8483?: Picture says it all.[09/28, 22:12] +27 83 948 8483?: This tittle is directed to heads or or some1 is incharge during the apartheid era[09/28, 22:12] Jules: line 20. and 21?[09/28, 22:12] +27 72 481 8161?: Did we do line 19?[09/28, 22:12] ??Bella??: Please don't mix it all up[09/28, 22:13] ??Bella??: Yes. He is given a number as an identity[09/28, 22:13] +27 83 948 8483?: A person who have knowlege and don't want it to be forgotten[09/28, 22:14] ??Bella??: Seriously, stop typing random things[09/28, 22:14] Jules: designation is an official thing.[09/28, 22:14] +27 72 763 6432?: Which line now dear[09/28, 22:14] +27 72 481 8161?: Aaahh yes that...can I just add something quickly thour[09/28, 22:15] Jules: yes[09/28, 22:15] +27 78 998 7446?: Bearer's designation is .....because they carried these passes[09/28, 22:15] ??Bella??: Sure[09/28, 22:16] Jules: yes. their identity was a number going back to the 'bare' in line 2[09/28, 22:16] Jules: stripped of everything[09/28, 22:16] ??Bella??: Correct[09/28, 22:16] +27 72 481 8161?: *though[09/28, 22:16] +27 72 481 8161?: Not sure if it was mentioned but the designation can be traced back to the first line of bearer....[09/28, 22:16] +27 72 481 8161?: That is what he holds....merely a reference number[09/28, 22:17] Jules: true[09/28, 22:17] +27 83 948 8483?: In this case he's knowledgeable about his afican languages[09/28, 22:17] ??Bella??: Correct @?Fadhila?[09/28, 22:18] Jules: so in a way his identifying who carries the letter?[09/28, 22:18] +27 72 481 8161?: And the apostrophe " 's " shows ownership[09/28, 22:18] ??Bella??: Yes. And from this we can ascertain that this is NOT a letter[09/28, 22:19] +27 78 998 7446?: Yep[09/28, 22:19] ??Bella??: The document in question is most likely the reference book[09/28, 22:20] Jules: his or the bearer's[09/28, 22:20] +27 83 948 8483?: Guys do you get my opinions[09/28, 22:20] +27 72 481 8161?: The document belongs to the bearer[09/28, 22:20] ??Bella??: He is the bearer[09/28, 22:21] +27 72 481 8161?: It's his " passbook "[09/28, 22:21] Jules: line 20 & 21?[09/28, 22:21] ??Bella??: He acquires a niche in the said area.[09/28, 22:21] +27 72 481 8161?: Yes please[09/28, 22:22] ??Bella??: As a temporary sojourner[09/28, 22:22] Jules: 20. And (he) acquires a niche in the said area. 21. As a temporary sojourner[09/28, 22:22] Jules: 'acquires'[09/28, 22:23] +27 72 481 8161?: Reference back to line 14 The bearer finds a place in the prescribed area but it isn't permanent[09/28, 22:24] ??Bella??: A sojourner is a temporary resident in a place[09/28, 22:24] Jules: i think this is more in reference to the urban act.[09/28, 22:24] ??Bella??: He is given a place in the SAID area but it is temporary because it is not his own[09/28, 22:25] Jules: aquires means to buy. and niche would be more in line with selling?[09/28, 22:25] +27 83 948 8483?: To that line, irony or oxymoron or understatement? Figure of speech?[09/28, 22:25] +27 78 998 7446?: Niche is a role or job that suits you[09/28, 22:26] +27 83 948 8483?: Yes[09/28, 22:26] Jules: just like the urban act. the blacks were only allowed into urban spaces for particular things. so if he had a niche. it means what he had was a gap in the market that no one else had filled?[09/28, 22:28] +27 72 481 8161?: What if we look at niche to be a place that a person or species adapts to for survival?[09/28, 22:29] Jules: explain[09/28, 22:29] ??Bella??: Niche has more than one meaning[09/28, 22:29] +27 72 481 8161?: So the area that is prescribed to them isn't their homelands and they have to adapt to the living conditions and provisions provided to by the black people eg...the passbook[09/28, 22:30] +27 83 948 8483?: I second that[09/28, 22:30] +27 72 481 8161?: *provided to the black people by the white[09/28, 22:30] Jules: true. lets see if we can unpack it later in the context of the poem[09/28, 22:30] +27 72 763 6432?: The bearer acquires a suitable position in the area but is temporary[09/28, 22:31] Jules: like labourers only for a particular period[09/28, 22:31] +27 83 948 8483?: I have a network problem[09/28, 22:31] Jules: line 22-24[09/28, 22:32] +27 72 481 8161?: Perfect[09/28, 22:32] Jules: 22. To which he must betake himself. 23. At all times. 24. When his services are dispensed with for the day[09/28, 22:33] ??Bella??: Temporary sojourner is a case of redundancy or repetition[09/28, 22:33] Jules: or synonyms[09/28, 22:33] Jules: saying the same thing in different ways?[09/28, 22:34] ??Bella??: Black people often lived in compounds close to or on the property where they worked.[09/28, 22:35] ??Bella??: They had to remain within the compound during all non working hours[09/28, 22:35] ??Bella??: This also explains the previous two lines[09/28, 22:35] +27 78 998 7446?: 22. To which he must betake himself: Which he must take with him[09/28, 22:36] Jules: so his 'pass' must be with him at all times?[09/28, 22:36] +27 78 998 7446?: Yes[09/28, 22:37] ??Bella??: He must go to the said area after he gas completed hus work for the day[09/28, 22:37] +27 83 948 8483?: There is assonance of ee[09/28, 22:37] ??Bella??: Has* his*[09/28, 22:38] +27 83 948 8483?: He wishes or wanted to..[09/28, 22:38] ??Bella??: He musy remain in the area at all timea[09/28, 22:38] ??Bella??: Times*[09/28, 22:38] Jules: so this is like. He has a room in the town of which he must go too when his day at wok is complete[09/28, 22:38] Jules: and he has t stay there at all times.[09/28, 22:38] +27 78 998 7446?: Sounds more accurate[09/28, 22:39] Jules: once again showing the constriction they had within the urban ares[09/28, 22:39] ??Bella??: Yes. Remember how many homes had 'servants quarters'?[09/28, 22:39] Jules: true dat[09/28, 22:40] ??Bella??: He probably had to at his bosses' disposal at all times, hence he was not allowed to leave[09/28, 22:40] +27 83 948 8483?: Yes please[09/28, 22:41] ??Bella??: Be*[09/28, 22:42] ??Bella??: I think that the next line also reinforces this. It was a measure of law and order. They did not want have black people moving about freely within the urban areas[09/28, 22:42] Jules: always.[09/28, 22:42] +27 83 948 8483?: I think his language is a subject to other Africans[09/28, 22:42] Jules: moving on?[09/28, 22:43] Jules: yes. permanent says that for me[09/28, 22:43] Jules: like there was no choice[09/28, 22:43] ??Bella??: Correct.[09/28, 22:43] +27 83 948 8483?: This was the Act that they were living under or was ruling them[09/28, 22:43] ??Bella??: The next 5 lines together[09/28, 22:44] Jules: 25. As a permanent measure of law and order.[09/28, 22:44] Jules: Just to reflect quickly.[09/28, 22:44] +27 72 481 8161?: Sorry guys I had to leave for a bit....which line are you on?[09/28, 22:44] ??Bella??: 25 @?Fadhila?[09/28, 22:45] Jules: other laws were amended often. latter-day. this was permanent[09/28, 22:45] +27 83 948 8483?: Yes[09/28, 22:45] Jules: not sure how to tie it u[[09/28, 22:45] ??Bella??: Agree[09/28, 22:45] Jules: *up[09/28, 22:45] +27 83 948 8483?: Yeah. He also wish to be in a place where he could get freedom[09/28, 22:47] +27 83 948 8483?: No I'm wrong. Sorry about that[09/28, 22:47] Jules: 26-30[09/28, 22:48] Jules: toilet quickly guys. soory. please continue i will catch up[09/28, 22:48] +27 83 948 8483?: Yes it is an irony[09/28, 22:48] +27 72 763 6432?: Thanks ladies. Resting a bit for now[09/28, 22:49] +27 83 948 8483?: I think this was his reference number. Moon -age naming?[09/28, 22:49] ??Bella??: His death has already been planned for. Again there is the segregation and discrimination because a specific plot has been set aside[09/28, 22:49] +27 83 948 8483?: This poem is likely to be difficult[09/28, 22:50] ??Bella??: You are really irritating. We have been working methodically and you are just typing random stuff[09/28, 22:50] Jules: ok. i get you[09/28, 22:50] +27 83 948 8483?: I see the light now. Sometimes I get lost[09/28, 22:50] +27 72 481 8161?: Yes and Xhosa indicates more information about the bearer[09/28, 22:51] ??Bella??: Correct. Methodist also[09/28, 22:52] ??Bella??: The fact that there are two adjectives used, tells us of the extent of the discrimination[09/28, 22:52] Jules: last 4 lines[09/28, 22:52] +27 72 481 8161?: The Methodist is something that could have been enforced by the whites as line 31 states "a measure also adopted"[09/28, 22:52] +27 78 998 7446?: Yep but I think the set aside could mean that according to Methodist Xhosa customs or traditions. Not saying you are wrong though[09/28, 22:52] ??Bella??: They didn't just seperate Xhosa people or Methodists[09/28, 22:52] +27 83 948 8483?: Bella I was participating together with all of you, and I reported that I have a network problem[09/28, 22:52] +27 72 481 8161?: Sorry that I jumped but it was kind of tied together[09/28, 22:53] Jules: methodist is a religion guys[09/28, 22:53] +27 83 948 8483?: So what must I do now coz I wrote this long time[09/28, 22:53] Jules: xhosa's have cultural things[09/28, 22:53] +27 72 481 8161?: I feel that they made the Xhosa's become Christians[09/28, 22:54] Jules: ok line 31-34?[09/28, 22:54] +27 72 481 8161?: Yes and methodists (christian) belief has been brought by the whites[09/28, 22:55] ??Bella??: So the whites adopted this measure at the express request of blacks?[09/28, 22:55] Jules: which would tie into line 31 and 32.[09/28, 22:55] ??Bella??: To avoid faction fights?[09/28, 22:56] Jules: what was our explanation of bantu in line 3?[09/28, 22:56] +27 72 481 8161?: The blacks adopted the Methodist belief from the whites....the whites did have power so they could have forced it upon them[09/28, 22:56] Jules: wold it not tie in there?[09/28, 22:57] ??Bella??: Black people were referred to as Bantus[09/28, 22:57] Jules: was it not a white derogatory term[09/28, 22:57] Jules: so it would mean that they the ones who put this lwa in place[09/28, 22:57] Jules: *law[09/28, 22:58] ??Bella??: I don't follow[09/28, 22:59] +27 72 481 8161?: It could be but Bantu is like a combination of all the black tribes....unlike the specific of Xhosa in line 30[09/28, 22:59] Jules: aye shame. even their grave sights were segregated[09/28, 23:00] Jules: ok. now im lost[09/28, 23:00] +27 72 481 8161?: Wait...let me see if I understand you....the black tribes were even segregated? Like Zulu and Xhosa couldn't be buried together?[09/28, 23:01] ??Bella??: Yes[09/28, 23:01] Jules: if im reading it correctly 'faction' could be tribe[09/28, 23:01] ??Bella??: But it could also refer to race[09/28, 23:01] +27 72 481 8161?: That if there was a faction fight the Xhosa's would be buried separately from Zulu[09/28, 23:02] +27 72 481 8161?: But why would there be a faction fight if the whites ruled everything?[09/28, 23:02] +27 72 481 8161?: Race does seem more apt[09/28, 23:03] Jules: there is strength in numbers and if you segregate everyone first according to colour and then according to tribe. who is left to oppose[09/28, 23:03] ??Bella??: Correct.[09/28, 23:04] Jules: this is how apartheid thrived. not just here but world wide[09/28, 23:04] ??Bella??: This is why they were separated in as many ways as possible[09/28, 23:04] Jules: conquerors came and wiped out the original identity of the land[09/28, 23:04] Jules: yip[09/28, 23:05] ??Bella??: According to race, language, religion[09/28, 23:05] Jules: yip[09/28, 23:05] ??Bella??: 32 is sarcasm[09/28, 23:06] Jules: at the express request of the bantu?[09/28, 23:06] Jules: yeah like why wold they request their own demise[09/28, 23:06] ??Bella??: Correct[09/28, 23:06] ??Bella??: The next line reinforces this[09/28, 23:07] Jules: alliteration again in line 31 and 33[09/28, 23:07] ??Bella??: It's not about faction fights but rather the banding together of all black people that the whites feared[09/28, 23:08] Jules: true dat[09/28, 23:08] Jules: so in a way they expected the riots and marches cause they 'anticipated' it[09/28, 23:08] ??Bella??: Correct.[09/28, 23:09] Jules: so the 'faction fight' could also be the revolt against the sitting government. Hence the Day of Judgement[09/28, 23:09] ??Bella??: Indeed[09/28, 23:10] +27 72 481 8161?: Yes[09/28, 23:10] ??Bella??: Day of Judgement is the day of your death so they anticipated that this could lead to their demise[09/28, 23:11] Jules: yip on the flip side of the coin[09/28, 23:11] ??Bella??: Not necessarily the death of white people but the demise of the apartheid regime[09/28, 23:11] Jules: tone of poem?[09/28, 23:11] +27 72 481 8161?: They are Methodist too so maybe referring to the Bible as the final day and the full stop reinforces the finality[09/28, 23:11] Jules: it was inevitable.[09/28, 23:11] ??Bella??: Formal, but hints at a lot sarcasm and irony[09/28, 23:12] +27 72 481 8161?: It could be the death of the blacks too if they disobeyed the law or went against the Acts[09/28, 23:12] Jules: diction hectic all these big words and references slow slow reading[09/28, 23:13] ??Bella??: The speaker is resentful towards his oppressors[09/28, 23:13] Jules: yeah alot of oppression in 'subject' to this and that[09/28, 23:14] +27 72 481 8161?: He used high vocabulary as the poem is meant to represent a letter[09/28, 23:14] ??Bella??: Elevated diction creates a sense of sophistication. Gives the poem the formal tone which creates the impression that it could be a legal document of sorts[09/28, 23:15] Jules: like a lawyer writes[09/28, 23:15] Jules: with all these refernce numbers and acts etc[09/28, 23:15] ??Bella??: Reference books were meant ti contain all important information about the person. Just as the poem does[09/28, 23:16] Jules: i cant see how the alliteration affects the poem?[09/28, 23:16] +27 72 481 8161?: As you mentioned Bantu Education... Maybe he wants to show he is educated and better than mere numbers[09/28, 23:16] Jules: like a cronical of the 'bearers' life[09/28, 23:18] Jules: syntax-no punctuation from beginning to end yet each line states with a capital letter[09/28, 23:18] Jules: *starts[09/28, 23:18] ??Bella??: Alliteration usually bring focus to a certain point being made[09/28, 23:19] Jules: thanks[09/28, 23:19] +27 72 481 8161?: There is a full stop at the end of the poem though[09/28, 23:20] Jules: sorry i should have said only at the end[09/28, 23:20] Jules: im just trying to find the meaning in that[09/28, 23:20] Jules: like its a long story for slow reading[09/28, 23:21] Jules: this usually happens in a court of law[09/28, 23:21] +27 72 481 8161?: Meaning in what dear?[09/28, 23:22] Jules: the lack of punctuation and how it affects the poem[09/28, 23:22] +27 72 481 8161?: The poem is naked...just like the bearer[09/28, 23:23] +27 72 481 8161?: And the full stop emphasizes the finality of death possibly or the end of apartheid maybe[09/28, 23:23] Jules: i can picture this poem being read to a judge or someone. The bearer is dressed in all this posh atirre, and the judge says 'here' 'here' he clears his throat and addresses the court[09/28, 23:24] Jules: and starts reading the poem[09/28, 23:24] +27 72 481 8161?: Yes very true[09/28, 23:25] +27 72 481 8161?: With sophistication[09/28, 23:25] Jules: definately[09/28, 23:26] +27 72 481 8161?: And the please repeated is a plea to the judge for freedom[09/28, 23:27] +27 72 481 8161?: The day of judgement maybe then refers to the day which the speaker stands up for their rights? If I make any sense ?[09/28, 23:27] Jules: you do[09/28, 23:28] +27 72 481 8161?: What other aspects do we need to look at?[09/28, 23:29] Jules: just a quick note. also red page 12 for the ENG2603 study guide. just saw now it also gives abit of insight[09/28, 23:30] +27 72 481 8161?: 2603??[09/28, 23:31] Jules: on the bases of the assignment question. i think we have looked at everything. the what how and why[09/28, 23:31] Jules: is someone able to corrolate the discussion into a document? ................

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