Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools / Front Page


Week #1

Weekly Process:

1) Each week you receive a vocabulary packet with words and exercises.

2) You will work on the vocabulary exercises each day as your warm-up at the beginning of class.

3) The vocabulary packet will be due at the end of each week. It must reflect your own work. I will collect the packets before each quiz. **If you are absent, keep up with your vocabulary.

4) There will be a vocabulary quiz every Friday (sometimes Thursday) that will include:

a) Sentence completion

b) Matching (word with definition)

I. Words and Definitions:

petty – not important.

venture – a risky or uncertain undertaking.

whim – a sudden idea to do something

quizzical – expressing doubt or questioning; puzzled.

moderate – not too much or too little.

contemplate – to think about for a long time.

diplomatic – skillful at dealing with people.

obsolete – no longer in use

II. Determine the part of speech for each word. Write n (noun), adj (adjective), v (verb), adv (adverb).

**Use the dictionary underneath your desk**

petty = ______ venture = _________ whim = _______ quizzical = ________ moderate = _________

contemplate = _________ diplomatic = ________ obsolete = _________

III. Think about the vocabulary by answering these questions.

a) What are some things that you think are too petty to argue about?

b) What are some things you do on a whim?

c) Describe someone you know who is diplomatic.

d) Name some objects or things that have become obsolete.

III. Write 4 sentences using 4 vocabulary words correctly. Remember, nouns (people, places, events, things), adjectives (describe a noun), verbs (show action), and adverbs (describes the action).

1) __________________________________________________________________________________


2) __________________________________________________________________________________


3) __________________________________________________________________________________


4) __________________________________________________________________________________


IV. Synonyms – Think of a synonym (a word with the same meaning) for each word below.

petty = _________________________

contemplate = _________________________

quizzical = ______________________

diplomatic = __________________________

obsolete = _______________________

V. Don’t forget…

Vocabulary quiz on Friday (4th core will have their quiz on Thursday)

The packet must be complete on the day of the quiz. I will take the packet up BEFORE the quiz.


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