Salem Science

Monday, March 20, 2017zeitgeistnounExplanation: Zeitgeist is the spirit or essence of a particular time. In the 1920s, flappers and speakeasies contributed to that era's Zeitgeist.Zeitgeist is a word that comes straight from German — zeit means "time" and geist means spirit, and the "spirit of the time" is what's going on culturally, religiously, or intellectually during a certain period. Think about how something like Woodstock symbolized the 1960s: Woodstock was part of the Zeitgeist of the 1960s. Whatever seems particular to or symbolic of a certain time is likely part of its Zeitgeist.Definition: the spirit of the time; general trend of thought or feeling characteristic of a particular period of time.Synonyms: climate, outlook, spirit, trend, ambience, atmosphere, disposition, feeling, flavor, inclination, milieu Antonyms: old-fashionedUsage Examples: If you want to understand the artistic zeitgeist of a particular era, you only have to look at the politics, movies, fashion, and music of that time.The classic book about slavery depicts the zeitgeist of an era in which men felt entitled to own other men as property. Every December, Time attempts to capture the zeitgeist of an entire year in a single magazine issue. The fashion designer’s new line takes us on a reflective journey through the zeitgeist of the 1930s.SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES1st Period: Teacher pronounces the word, leads students in saying the word several times. Students write the word in their WOD notebooks. Teacher gives a brief explanation of word, utilizing the explanation above as needed. Project the following prompt on your Promethean board, white board, or screen. Have students complete the prompt in their WOD notebook. (5 minutes)Prompt: Describe something that depicts the zeitgeist of this time period. Be sure to use the word zeitgeist and an explanation of the word in your description. 2nd Period: Teacher shares the definition, synonyms and any antonyms. Students copy definition(s) into their WOD notebooks. Project the following graphic organizer on your Promethean board, white board, or screen. Project the following template on your Promethean board, white board, or screen. Have students complete the graphic organizer in their WOD notebooks. (5 minutes)-25400-3810Personal Experience with reflection 00Personal Experience with reflection 17780-1270Define in your own words00Define in your own words1845945327660ZEITGEIST 00ZEITGEIST 3479800139700What is zeitgeist NOT? 00What is zeitgeist NOT? 1333503695690013335045719003rd Period: Teacher reviews the definition, synonyms, and antonyms. Students copy synonyms & antonyms into their notebooks. Project the following prompt on your Promethean board, white board, or screen. Have students respond to the prompt in their WOD notebooks. Have some students share. (5 minutes) Prompt: If Zeitgeist was a person what would he/she look like? How would he/she dress, move, act, react? Write a descriptive character sketch of Zeitgest. Be sure to use the word, three synonyms, and three antonyms for the word in your description. Example: Flamboyant is a pink flamingo flapping in the lunchroom. She wears feathers in her hair and giant gold earrings. She is not shy and prefers singing to whispering. She wears rhinestones on her high-tops and purple eye shadow, and paints her nails lime green. Flamboyant is never mousy or plain. Instead she prefers to twirl through life, tap dancing to the tune, “If My Friends Could See Me Now.”4th Period: Teacher reviews the definition, synonyms, antonyms. Students copy usage sentences into their WOD notebooks. Project the following prompt on your Promethean board, white board, or screen. Have students complete the prompt in their WOD notebook. (5 minutes)Prompt: Illustrate your understanding of zeitgeist by drawing something that represents the word. Then write a few sentences explaining the drawing.Tuesday, March 21, 2017witticismnounExplanation: Witticism describes something funny that someone says, like a pun or little joke. You may have heard that it is good to start off a speech with witticism because if you make the audience laugh, it'll help them — and you — relax.English playwright and poet John Dryden coined the word witticism in the seventeenth century, combining the words witty and criticism to come up with a word to describe a clever quip that has a hint of sharpness or irony. A witticism is typically a one-liner that humorously sums up the current situation — with a little bit of attitude thrown in.Definition: a clever, witty remark or sentenceSynonyms: gibe, gag, jest, joke, quipAntonyms: seriousness, tragedy, work Usage Examples: Wanting to impress her new friends, the girl showcased her witticism in order to make them laugh.The comedian was beloved for his witticism.The awkward tension of the blind date was relieved by the witticism of the waiter.The teacher didn’t always appreciate the witticism coming from the class clown.SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES1st Period: Teacher pronounces the word, leads students in saying the word several times. Students write the word in their WOD notebooks. Teacher gives a brief explanation of word, utilizing the explanation above as needed. Project the following prompt on the Promethean board, white board, or screen. Have students complete the prompt in their WOD notebooks. (5 minutes)Prompt: Describe a person who has witticism. Do you know this person personally, or is he/she a media personality? Be sure to use the word witticism, one synonym, and one antonym for the word in your response. 2nd Period: Teacher shares the definition, synonyms and any antonyms. Students copy definition(s) into their WOD notebooks. Project the following frame on your Promethean board, white board, or screen. Have students complete the frame in their WOD notebook. Have a few students share. (5 minutes)Frame: Witticism is _______________________________ because _____________________________. 3rd Period: Teacher reviews the definition, synonyms, and antonyms. Students copy synonyms & antonyms into their notebooks. Project the following template on your Promethean board, white board, or screen. Have students complete the following graphic organizer in their WOD notebooks using the template. Have some students share. (5 minutes)Write the part of speech of witticismWrite a synonym for witticismWrite an explanation of witticismWrite of a personal experience with witticismWrite an antonym for witticismWrite a sentence using witticism4th Period: Teacher reviews the definition, synonyms, antonyms. Students copy usage sentences into their WOD notebooks. Project the following prompt on the Promethean board, white board, or screen. Have students complete the prompt in their WOD notebooks (5 minutes) If Witticism was a person what would he/she look like? How would he/she dress, move, act, react? Write a descriptive character sketch of witticism. Be sure to use the word, three synonyms, and three antonyms for the word in your description. Example: Flamboyant is a pink flamingo flapping in the lunchroom. She wears feathers in her hair and giant gold earrings. She is not shy and prefers singing to whispering. She wears rhinestones on her high-tops and purple eye shadow, and paints her nails lime green. Flamboyant is never mousy or plain. Instead she prefers to twirl through life, tap dancing to the tune, “If My Friends Could See Me Now.”Wednesday, March 22, 2017dilationnounExplanation: Dilation is expansion, usually of an opening such as the pupil. When that happens, your eyes look black and the light comes streaming in. Grab your sunglasses!The word dilation is the noun form of dilate, "to make wider.” Dilation often refers to what happens when a woman goes into labor, and her cervix dilates to let the baby through. Dilation is also used for writing or speech that expands on a topic. Here’s a dilation: funny thing is that the -ate ending of dilate is not a suffix but part of the word, so it should really be dilatation, but no one says it that way.Definition: the act of making wider or larger; state of causing to expandSynonyms: expansion, extensionAntonyms: shrinkage, compressionUsage Examples:The doctor will repair the narrowed vessels by inserting a tube and using a unique dilation technique.When Kim is shocked, the dilation of her eyes is quite evident.The optometrist uses dilation drops in my eyes so they can be viewed more clearly. Proper dilation is critical during childbirth because if the pregnant woman’s cervix does not dilate properly, the birthing process will be difficult.SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES1st Period: Teacher pronounces the word, leads students in saying the word several times. Students write the word in their WOD notebooks. Teacher gives a brief explanation of word, utilizing the explanation above as needed.Have students complete this Brain Writing activity. Instruct students to take out a sheet of paper. When the teacher instructs them to begin students are to write as quickly as they can things that can be dilated. After one minute instruct students to pass their papers to the person behind them who will add to the list. After one minute instruct students to change papers again. The paper of the person in last seat of each row paper goes to the front of the row. Continue until each student has his own paper back, filled with a comprehensive list! 2nd Period: Teacher shares the definition, synonyms and any antonyms. Students copy definition(s) into their WOD notebooks. Project the following graphic organizer on your Promethean board, white board, or screen. Have students identify the number of diagonals of the given heptagon by completing the table in their WOD notebook. Have a few students share. (5 minutes) 138112527305DILATIONSYNONYMArchitectEye Appointment ClassroomSYNONYMANTONYMDEFINITIONWrite a sentence that shows how you might use this word.00DILATIONSYNONYMArchitectEye Appointment ClassroomSYNONYMANTONYMDEFINITIONWrite a sentence that shows how you might use this word.3rd Period: Teacher reviews the definition, synonyms, and antonyms. Students copy synonyms & antonyms into their notebooks. Project the following graphic organizer on the Promethean board, white board, or screen. Have students complete the prompt in their WOD notebooks. (5 minutes)Prompt: Illustrate your understanding of dilation by drawing something that represents the word. Then write a few sentences explaining the drawing.4th Period: Teacher reviews the definition, synonyms, antonyms. Students copy usage sentences into their WOD notebooks. Have students work in pairs to complete a mind streaming exercise to bring out their understanding of the word. When the teacher indicates, the first student should talk for one minute about his/her understanding of dilation, examples, real world experiences, questions, whatever comes to mind about the word. His/her partner listens and does not interrupt. When the teacher indicates, the second student should talk for one minute about his/her understanding of the word. Allow a few students to share with the class.Thursday, March 23, 2017voraciousadjectiveEXPLANATION: Voracious is an adjective used to describe a wolflike appetite. It might be a craving for food or for something else, such as power, but the word usually denotes an unflattering greediness.Definitions: 1. craving or consuming large quantities of food 2. exceedingly eager or avid: Synonyms: avid, insatiable, prodigious, rapacious, ravenous, covetous, devouring, empty, gluttonous Antonyms: full, satisfied, quenchedUsage Examples: The football player was a voracious eater who easily consumed two chickens during one meal.In the jungle, there are many voracious animals that will eat anything they can catch. When I was pregnant, I was voracious and ate constantly.According to legend, vampires are voracious creatures who must consume large amounts of blood in order to survive.SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES1st Period: Teacher pronounces the word, leads students in saying the word several times. Students write the word in their WOD notebooks. Teacher gives a brief explanation of word, utilizing the explanation above as needed. Project the following template on your Promethean board, white board, or screen. Have students write the poem in their WOD notebook. Allow a few students to share. (5 minutes)Prompt: Illustrate your understanding of voracious by drawing something that represents the word. Then write a few sentences explaining the drawing. 2nd Period: Teacher shares the definition, synonyms and any antonyms. Students copy definition(s) into their WOD notebooks. Project the following prompt on the Promethean board, white board, or screen. Have students complete the prompt in their WOD notebooks. (5 minutes)Prompt: What is something that you voraciously consume? Does this voracity improve or hinder your development as a young person? Be sure to use the word voracious, one synonym, and one antonym for the word in your response. 3rd Period: Teacher reviews the definition, synonyms, and antonyms. Students copy synonyms & antonyms into their notebooks. Project the following graphic organizer on the Promethean board, white board, or screen. Have students complete the graphic organizer in their WOD notebooks. (5 minutes) 139065083820DEFINITION00DEFINITION1378585328930PT OF SPEECH00PT OF SPEECH4134485391795Examples 00Examples 23037808489940022021805969000032137341034415003956050848994003213734305435002517775636905VORACIOUS00VORACIOUS1390650443230ANTONYM00ANTONYM1390650105410SYNONYM00SYNONYM2202180370205001390650106045USE WORD IN A SENTENCE00USE WORD IN A SENTENCE 4th Period: Teacher reviews the definition, synonyms, antonyms. Students copy usage sentences into their WOD notebooks. Project the prompt on the Promethean board, white board, or screen. Have students stand for a WHIP AROUND. Whip-Around Prompt: As fast as you can, name something that people voraciously consume. You cannot repeat anything previously said by another student. Friday, March 24, 2017regimennounExplanation: A regimen is a systematic plan for some kind of therapy. If your doctor tells you to eat more vegetables, cut out potato chips, exercise, and take vitamins, he is prescribing a regimen for better health.It's easy to confuse regimen with regime, which means a ruling government. Both words involve things that you follow. If you wash your face twice a day, apply medicine to your acne, and use a special lotion, that's your "skin-care regimen." A skin-care regime would be armed dermatologists taking over the government.Definition: a regulated course, as of diet, exercise, or manner of living, intended to preserve or restore health or to attain some result.Synonyms: menu, procedure, diet, process, systemNear Antonyms: inaction, inactivity, ignorance, idlenessUsage Examples:My dietary plan includes a rigorous regimen based on the consumption of no more than 1,500 calories a day. During boot camp, you will undergo a fitness regimen that will challenge you daily.John’s physical therapy regimen requires him to perform his exercises twice a day.Before the marathon, the runner is committed to an intense training regimen.SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES1st Period: Teacher pronounces the word, leads students in saying the word several times. Students write the word in their WOD notebooks. Teacher gives a brief explanation of word, utilizing the explanation above as needed. Project the prompt on the Promethean board, white board, or screen. Have students complete the activity in their WOD notebooks. (5 minutes) Prompt: Describe a regimen that you follow. What are the specific steps? How does this particular regimen help you in your daily life? Be sure that all your descriptions/details are a good reflection of the word. 2nd?Period:?Teacher?reviews the definition, synonyms, and antonyms.?Students?copy synonyms & antonyms?into their notebooks. Have?students?work in pairs to complete a mind streaming exercise to bring out their understanding of the word.? When the?teacher?indicates, the first?student?should talk for?one minute?about his/her understanding of?regimen,?real world experiences, questions, whatever comes to mind about the word.? His/her?partner?listens and does not interrupt.? When the?teacher?indicates, the second?student?should talk for one minute about his/her understanding of the word.? Allow a few?students?to share with the class3rd?Period:??Teacher?pronounces the word, leads students in saying the word several times.?Students?write the word?in their WOD notebooks. Teacher gives a brief explanation of word, utilizing the explanation above as needed.? Project the following frame on the Promethean board, white board, or screen. Have students complete the frame in their WOD notebooks. (5 minutes)Frame: Following a particular regimen for ________________________ can be beneficial to ______________.4th Period: Teacher shares the definition, synonyms and any antonyms. Students copy definition(s) into their WOD notebooks. Project the following?graphic organizer on the Promethean board, white board, or screen.? Have?students?complete the graphic organizer?in their WOD notebooks.Write the part of speech of regimenWrite a synonym for regimenWrite an explanation of regimenWrite of a personal experience with regimenWrite an antonym for regimenWrite a sentence using regimen ................

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