Daily Caught Ya - SchoolNotes

Caught'yas 1 to 100

|e. Correct Sentence |a. Incorrect Sentence with editing marks |

|*PERIODS 1, 3, 6, & 7 – YOU ARE TO DO ALL PARTS – A, B, C, D, & E|b. Vocabulary Word with definition |

|**PERIODS 4 & 5 – YOU ARE .__ TO DO PARTS – A, B, & E |c. Synonym(s) for vocabulary word |

| |d. Sentence Using Vocabulary Word |

|1. |a. every day in this spot you will be regaled with news from the |

|e. Every day in this spot |dramatic story of general animal hospital. |

|you will be regaled with news from the dramatic story of “General|(6 corrections) |

|Animal Hospital.” |b. regale (v.) - to amuse or delight as with a story |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: amuse, delight, entertain |

| | |

| |d. I was regaled with the performance of Beauty and the Beast at |

| |the Barbara B. Mann theatre. |

| | |

| | |

| |a. hairy beast an inoffensive beastie with green fur was a |

| |grossly ugly but gentle animal. |

| |(5 corrections) |

|2. |b. inoffensive (adj.) – causing no harm or no annoyance |

|e. Hairy Beast, an inoffensive beastie with green fur, was a | |

|grossly, ugly but gentle animal. |c. synonyms: harmless, pleasant, safe |

| | |

| |d. Non – poisonous snakes are usually quite inoffensive reptiles.|

|3 |a. once he was madly in love with hilda hippo a comely |

|e. Once he was madly in love with Hilda Hippo, a comely |hippopotamus with a hard heart |

|hippopotamus with a hard heart. |(5 corrections) |

| |b. comely (adj.) – pleasing in appearance |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: attractive, beautiful, pretty |

| | |

| |d. The comely bride was quite nervous on her wedding day. |

|4. |a. fickle Hilda however decided that hairy beast was to ugly for |

|e. Fickle Hilda, however, decided that Hairy Beast was too ugly |her |

|for her. |(7 corrections) |

| |b. fickle (adj.) – always changing (one's mind, likes and |

| |dislikes etc) |

| |c. synonyms: unstable, indecisive, flighty |

| | |

| |d. The fickle girl could not decide what she wanted to wear. |

|5. |a. hilda the mean lady could no longer stand hairys repulsive |

|e. Hilda, the mean lady, could no longer stand Hairy’s repulsive,|warty visage |

|warty visage. |(7 corrections) |

| | |

| |b. visage (n.)– the face or facial expression of a person |

| | |

| |c: synonym: face, puss, looks |

| | |

| |d. The baby’s visage was very petite. |

| | |

|6. |a. so she wrote him a nasty vituperative letter to tell him of |

|e. She wrote him a nasty, vituperative letter to tell him of her |her feelings. |

|feelings. |(3 corrections) |

| |b. vituperative (adj.) – marked by harshly abusive criticism |

| | |

| |c. synonym: malicious, abusive, |

| |critical |

| | |

| |d. The vituperative comments made by the bully made the girl cry.|

| | |

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| |a.4321 rue street |

| |hogtown florida 32609 |

|7. |september 5 1989 |

|e.4321 Rue Street |(7 corrections) |

|Hogtown, Florida 32609 |b. rue (v.) – to wish that (something) had never been done, taken|

|September 5, 1989 |place |

| | |

| |c. synonym: regret, mourn, repent, |

| | |

| |d. I will rue the year I didn’t do my work in school and failed. |

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|8. | |

|e. |a. dear Hairy |

|Dear Hairy, |your a grotesque ugly beast. i do not love you. their, that’s it!|

|You’re a grotesque, ugly beast. I do not love you. There, that’s |hatefully yours |

|it! |hilda |

| |(14 corrections) |

|Hatefully yours, |b. grotesque (adj.)– distorted in appearance or shape |

|Hilda | |

| |c. synonym: distorted, bizarre, |

| |gross |

| | |

| |d. The mask he wore in the play was quite grotesque. |

| | |

|9. |a. hairy beast recieved this odious letter on september 8 1990|

|e. Hairy Beast received this odious letter on September 8,|(6 corrections) |

|1990. |b. odious (adj.)– highly offensive |

| | |

| |c. synonym: horrible, hateful, |

| |awful |

| | |

| |d. The girl wrote on odious note to her enemy. |

|10. | |

|e. He cried copious tears, tore out tufts of green fur, and |a. he cried copious tears tore out tufts of green fur and |

|demolished his apartment like a wild beast. |demolished his apartment like a wild beast |

| |(4 corrections) |

| |b. copious (adj.)– large in quantity or number |

| | |

| |c. synonym: plentiful, extensive |

| |abundant |

| | |

| |d. The boy had a copious amount of toys. |

| | |

|11. | |

|e. His demeanor was like that of a dog who had lost its favorite |a. his demeanor was like that of a dog who had lost its favorite |

|squeaky toy, missed supper, and been scolded. |squeaky toy missed supper and been scolded. |

| |(3 corrections) |

| |b. demeanor (n.) – the outward behavior of an individual |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: manner, conduct, behavior |

| | |

| |d. The student’s demeanor was unacceptable in class. |

|12. |a. poor, sad, woebegone hairy was totally destroyed and his heart|

|e. n m |had been broken stomped on and abused. |

|Poor, sad, woebegone Hairy was totally destroyed. His heart had |(7 corrections) |

|been broken, stomped on, and abused. |b. woebegone (adj.) – looking sad or wretched |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: sad, wretched, |

| |despairing |

| | |

| |d. The woebegone boy was very upset he was missing the party. |

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|13. | |

|e. Bertha Boa was a sweet, thoughtful, and kind serpent. |a. bertha boa was a sweet thoughtful and kind serpent. |

| |(4 corrections) |

| |b. serpent (n.) –a snake |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: snake |

| | |

| |d. In “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”, Harry was bit by|

| |a serpent. |

|14. | |

|e. She heard Hairy’s laments, and she slithered to his apartment |a. she heard hairys laments and she slithered to his apartment to|

|to investigate. |investigate |

| |(5 corrections) |

| |b. lament (n.) – a feeling or an expression of grief |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: grieving, mourning |

| | |

| |d. I heard many laments at the memorial ceremony for uncle. |

| | |

|15. | |

|e. Oh boy, she found the door ajar and a total mess inside, but |a. oh boy she found the door ajar and a total mess inside but |

|Hairy was nowhere to be seen. |Hairy was nowhere to be seen. |

| |(3 corrections) |

| |b. ajar (adv.) – partially open |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: half open, half closed |

| | |

| |d. The door to the dog’s cage was ajar and the steak on the |

| |counter was missing. |

|16. | |

|e. Wow, Bertha rummaged for unfortunate, grotesque Hairy under |a. wow bertha rummaged for unfortunate grotesque hairy under the |

|the bed, in the fridge, and behind the boots in the closet. |bed in the fridge and behind the boots in the closet |

| |(8 corrections) |

| |b. rummage (v.) - to discover by searching thoroughly |

| |c. synonyms: search, fumble |

| |d. The boy rummaged through his book bag for his homework. |

|17. | |

|e. Bertha searched everywhere and could not find Hairy, yet she |a. bertha searched everywhere and could not find hairy yet she |

|still heard dolorous sobs echoing through the trashed, messy |still hears dolorous sobs echoing through the trashed messy |

|apartment. |apartment |

| |(6 corrections) |

| |b. dolorous (adj.) - marked by or exhibiting sorrow, grief, or |

| |pain. |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: painful, sorrowful |

| | |

| |d. I heard dolorous screaming from the boy who had fallen and |

| |broke his arm. |

|18. |a. bertha became really perturbed so she goes back to her |

|e. Bertha became really perturbed, so she went back to her |apartment to write a note to her freind wilfred warthog. |

|apartment to write a note to her friend, Wilfred Warthog. |(7 corrections) |

| |b. perturbed (v.) - To disturb greatly |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: worried, disturbed, upset |

| | |

| |d. His parents were perturbed that he got suspended from school. |

|19. | |

|e. |a. 1234 chafe street |

|1234 Chafe Street |hogtown florida 32609 |

|Hogtown, Florida 32609 |september 30 1990 |

|September 30, 1990 |(7 corrections) |

| |b. chafe (v.) - to annoy |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: irritated, annoyed |

| | |

| |d. I was chafed when I continued to hear tapping noises in class.|

|20. |a. dear Wilfred |

|e. Dear Wilfred, |what is wrong with our freind hairy beast. he seems to have |

|What is wrong with our friend, Hairy Beast? He seems to have been|been desolated by something |

|desolated by something. |(11 corrections) |

| |b. desolated (v.)– to feel abandoned or forsaken |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: abandon, forsaken |

| | |

| |d. The boy felt desolated when his friends walked away from him |

| |at the mall. |

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|21. |a. |

|e. |lets try to console him and maybe hell come out of hiding |

|Let’s try to console him, and maybe he’ll come out of hiding. |love |

|Love, |bertha |

|Bertha |(8 corrections) |

| |b. console (v.) – to comfort, to help feel less sad or |

| |disappointed |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: comfort, reassure, |

| |cheer |

| | |

| |d. I tried to console my friend after she told me her cat had |

| |died. |

| | |

|22. | |

|e. Wilfred thought that Bertha had a good idea, so he wrote Hairy|a. wilfred thought that bertha had a good idea so he wrote |

|a short, consoling |hairy a short consoling epistle |

|epistle. |(6 corrections) |

| |b. epistle (n.)– a literary composition in the form of a letter. |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: letter, piece of writing |

| | |

| |d. I wrote my teacher an epistle after she had a rough week at |

| |school. |

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|23. |a. |

|e. 6543 Dross Street |6543 dross street |

|Hogtown, Florida 32609 |hogtown florida 32609 |

|October 2, 1990 |october 2 1990 |

| |(7 corrections) |

| |b. dross (n.)– Waste or impure matter |

| |c. synonyms: waste, garbage, trash |

| | |

| |d. I discarded the dross that I found on the shore of the beach. |

| | |

|24. | |

|e. |a. |

|Dear Hairy, |dear hairy |

|Well, old chum, where have you been? What is wrong with you that |well old chum where have you been and what is wrong with you that|

|you can’t answer your door? Are you all right? |you can’t answer you’re door are you all right |

| |(17 corrections) |

|Your friend, |your friend |

|Wilfred |wilfred |

| | |

| |b. chum (n.)- A friend or companion. |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: friend, companion, pal |

| | |

| |d. My mother had lunch with some of her old chums from high |

| |school. |

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|25. |a. wilfred wrote hairy the pompous note and bertha sent him a |

|e. Wilfred wrote Hairy the pompous note, and Bertha sent him|bouquet of flower’s |

|a bouquet of flowers. |(6 corrections) |

| |b. pompous (adj.) – characterized by excessive self-esteem |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: arrogant, |

| |snobbish, egotistical |

| | |

| |d. The boy had a pompous attitude on the basketball team. |

| | |

|26. |a. when the doorbell rang hairy hoping it was news from hilda |

|e. When the doorbell rang, Hairy, hoping it was news from |crept out from his hiding place in the bathtub and agitatedly |

|Hilda, crept out from his hiding place in the bathtub and |answers the door |

|agitatedly answered the door. |(6 corrections) |

| |b. agitatedly (adv.)– being agitated or disturbed |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: disturbed, bothered, impatient |

| | |

| |d. I agitatedly answered the student, after hearing the same |

| |question several times. |

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|27. |a. he adored the flowers from bertha but he was insulted by |

|e. He adored the flowers from Bertha, but he was insulted by |wilfreds inadvertently unkind note |

|Wilfred’s inadvertently unkind note. |(6 corrections) |

| |b. inadvertently (adv.)– marked by unintentional lack of care |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: unintentionally, carelessly, unconsciously |

| | |

| |d. The girl inadvertently told the other girl what she was |

| |wearing was out of style. |

| | |

|28. |a. hairy felt overwhelmed and he had been jilted by his girl |

|e. Hairy felt overwhelmed. He had been jilted by his girl, |insulted by his friend and had his character vilified |

|insulted by his friend, and had his character vilified. |(7 corrections) |

| |b. vilified (v.) – insulted by vicious and defamatory statement|

| | |

| |c. synonyms: insulted, offended |

| | |

| |d. I was vilified by the nasty note that was written about me. |

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|29. | |

|e. He burst anew into tears. Then he shredded the flowers and ate|a. he burst anew into tears. then he shredded the flowers and ate|

|them, tears flowing onto the stems like rain. |them tears flowing onto the stems like rain |

| |(4 corrections) |

| |b. anew (adv.)– once more, again |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: again, further, once more |

| | |

| |d. The baby screamed anew when her toy was taken away the second |

| |time by the dog. |

| | |

|30. |a. luckily wilfred realized that his epistle might have been |

|e. Luckily, Wilfred realized that his epistle might have been |pompous and he went to visit hairy to atone for his mistake |

|pompous, and he went to visit Hairy to atone for his mistake. |(6 corrections) |

| |b. atone (v.)– To make amends, as for a sin or fault |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: apologize, admit |

| | |

| |d. I went to my sister’s room to atone for the fight I had |

| |started. |

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|31. | |

|e. Yes, when he arrived at Hairy’s apartment, Wilfred found his |a. yes when he arrived at hairys apartment wilfred found his |

|friend on the floor, |friend on the floor saturated in his own tears. |

|saturated in his own tears. |(7 corrections) |

| |b. saturate (v.) -To soak, fill, or load to capacity. |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: soak, wet, fill |

| | |

| |d. My clothes were saturated after I had run into the grocery |

| |store in the rain. |

|32. |a. the remnants of berthas flowers hung from hairys lips |

|e. The remnants of Bertha’s flowers hung from Hairy’s lips. |(6 corrections) |

| |b. remnant (n.) - Something left over; a remainder |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: scrap, remainder, leftover |

| | |

| |d. I threw the remnants of the poster board away after I had |

| |traced the pattern. |

|33. | |

|e. Wilfred gathered Hairy up in his arms, apologized for his |a. wilfred gathered hairy up in his arms apologized for his |

|mistake, and listened to Hairy’s tale of woe. |mistake and listens too hairys tale of woe |

| |(8 corrections) |

| |b. woe (n.)- Misfortune |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: misfortune, bad luck, tragedy |

| | |

| |d. My sister had many stories of woe to tell me after she left |

| |the hospital. |

| | |

|34. | |

|e. Wilfred then said, “Let’s go tell that nasty nerd of a |a. wilfred then said, lets go |

|hippopotamus to plummet off a cliff.” |tell that nasty nerd of a hippopotamus to plummet off a cliff |

| |(6 corrections) |

| |b. plummet (v.) - To fall straight down |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: plunge, drop, fall |

| | |

| |d. I plummeted from the high diving board into the pool. |

|35. |a. hairy sniveled yes! |

|e. Hairy sniveled, “Yes!” |(5 corrections) |

| |b. snivel (v.)- To sniffle. |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: sniffle |

| | |

| |d. After he had fallen ,the boy sniveled as he walked to the |

| |nurse. |

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|36. |a. then lets persevere hairy said wilfred |

|e. “Then let’s persevere, Hairy,” said Wilfred. |( 9 corrections) |

| |b. persevere (v.) - To persist in or remain constant to a |

| |purpose, idea, or task in the face of obstacles or |

| |discouragement. |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: pursue, work hard, achieve |

| | |

| |d. I will persevere to get all A’s on my report card. |

| | |

|37. |a. hairy and wilfred then went to hildas abode and they boldly |

|e. Hairy and Wilfred then went to Hilda’s abode, and |knocked on the door |

|they boldly knocked on the door. |(6 corrections) |

| |b. abode (n.)- a place to live |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: dwelling, house, home |

| | |

| |d. I went to my grandma’s abode for dinner. |

|38. |a. when hilda answered the door hairy showed her all his warts |

|e. When Hilda answered the door, Hairy showed her all his warts, |stuck out his tongue and sounds a loud raucous bronx cheer |

|stuck out his tongue , and sounded a loud, raucous Bronx cheer. |( 10 corrections) |

| |b. raucous (adj.) - Rough-sounding |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: harsh, loud, rough-sounding |

| | |

| |d. The teacher’s nails scratching across the chalkboard made a |

| |raucous sound. |

| | |

|39. |a. hard-hearted hilda still loathed hairy and she slams the door |

|e. Hard-hearted Hilda still loathed Hairy. She slammed the |and shrieked get out of my life you vile beast |

|door and shrieked, “Get out of my life, you vile beast!” |(12 corrections) |

| |b. loath (v.)- To dislike (someone or something) greatly |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: hate, despise, dislike |

| | |

| |d. I absolutely loath snakes. |

| | |

|40. |a. hairy took umbrage at hildas cruel words so him and wilfred |

|e. Hairy took umbrage at Hilda’s cruel words; Wilfred and he|went to see bertha |

|went to see Bertha. |( 9 corrections) |

| |b. umbrage (v.) – to take offense to |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: resentment, offense, grudge |

| | |

| |d. I took umbrage to the joke my friend had made about another |

| |friend of mine. |

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| |a. yes, lets go right now |

| |bewailed Hairy |

|41. |( 6 corrections) |

|e. “Yes, let’s go right now,” |b. bewailed (v.) – To cry over |

|bewailed Hairy. | |

| |c. synonyms: bemoan, grieve, weep, lament |

| | |

| |d. I bewailed the loss of my hamster. |

|42. |a. they trekked to berthas |

|e. They trekked to Bertha’s abode and rang the bell. |abode and rang the bell |

| |(4 corrections) |

| |b. trekked (v.) - To make a slow or arduous journey |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: to hike, to journey, to march |

| | |

| |d. I trekked home from the bus stop after detention. |

| | |

|43. |a. bertha answered the door. salutations hairy and wilfred she |

|e. Bertha answered the door. “Salutations, Hairy and |greeted |

|Wilfred,” she greeted. |( 8 corrections) |

| |b. salutations (n.)– A polite expression of greeting or |

| |goodwill. |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: an acknowledgement or tribute of success |

| | |

| |d. “Salutations”, said the teacher as her students walked into |

| |the classroom. |

| | |

|44. |a. the three friends sat down and talked, lets forget about |

|e. The three friends sat down and talked, “Let’s forget |hilda, hairy remonstrated bertha |

|about Hilda, Hairy,” remonstrated Bertha. |( 10 corrections) |

| |b. remonstrated (v.)- To reason or plead in protest; present an |

| |objection. |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: to argue, to challenge , to dispute |

| | |

| |d. The girl remonstrated with her mother not to ground her from |

| |the dance. |

| | |

|45. | |

|e. “Wow, what a subject to forget,” said Wilfred. |a. wow what a subject to forget said wilfred |

|“Bertha,” said Hairy, “I’ll never get over my winsome Hilda.” |bertha said hairy Ill never get over my winsome hilda |

| |( 17 corrections) |

| |b. winsome (adj.) – Charming, often in a childlike or naive way.|

| | |

| |c. synonyms: agreeable, captivating, comely |

| | |

| |d. The prince in the movie was quite winsome. |

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|46. |a. wilfred took hairys hand |

|e. Wilfred took Hairy’s hand. “We’ll help you, Hairy,” he |well help you hairy he said. |

|said. |how wilfred lamented hairy |

|“How, Wilfred?” lamented Hairy. |(19 corrections) |

| |b. lamented (v.)- To grieve audibly; wail. |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: to mourn, to sorrow, to bemoan |

| | |

| |e. The girl lamented after she could not get her way. |

|47. |a. “A trip,” said Bertha. |

|e. “A trip,” said Bertha. |“ No, another girl,” clamored Wilfred. |

|“No, another girl,” clamored Wilfred. |stop it, my friends cried hairy |

|“Stop it, my friends,” cried Hairy. |( 6 corrections) |

| |b. clamored (v.)- To make a loud sustained noise or outcry |

| |c. synonyms: to agitate, to complain, to scream |

| | |

| |d. The boy clamored when he |

| |saw the doctor get out the needle. |

|48. |a. i think ill go into quiet uninterrupted seclusion he continued|

|e. “I think I’ll go into quiet, uninterrupted seclusion,” he |( 8 corrections) |

|continued. |b. seclusion (n.) – the quality of being secluded from the |

| |presence or view of others |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: isolation, solitude |

| | |

| |d. The student was put into |

| |seclusion after he misbehaved. |

|49. |a. i want to be left alone all by my lonesome miserable self to |

|e. “I want to be left alone, all by my lonesome, miserable |abate the pain of losing my lovely winsome hilda hairy finished |

|self, to abate the pain of losing my lovely, winsome Hilda,” |( 11 corrections) |

|Hairy finished. |b. abate (v.) – To reduce in amount, degree, or intensity; |

| |lessen |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: to appease, to alleviate, to decrease |

| | |

| |d. The doctor gave me medicine to abate the pain of my sore |

| |throat. |

| | |

|50. |a. good idea hairy echoed bertha and wilfred together |

|e. “Good idea, Hairy,” echoed Bertha and Wilfred together. |bye my good friends whispered Hairy |

|“Bye, my good friends,” whispered Hairy. |(14 corrections) |

| |b. echoed (v.) – To repeat or imitate |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: to mimic, to reproduce |

| | |

| |d. “Touchdown”, echoed the crowd at the football game. |

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|51. |a. although poor sad hairy was still despondent he trekked |

|e. Although poor, sad Hairy was still despondent, he trekked|to the market for food |

|to the market for food. |( 5 corrections) |

| |b. despondent(adj.) – without or almost without hope |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: hopeless |

| | |

| |d. I was feeling despondent after trying out for the team two |

| |times and not making it. |

|52. |a. their he purchased bags of candy cantaloupe and ambrosial |

|e. There he purchased bags of candy, cantaloupe, and ambrosial |brussels sprouts. |

|Brussels sprouts. |( 5 corrections) |

| |b. ambrosial (adj.) – fragrant or delicious |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: fragrant, divine |

| | |

| |d. I picked some ambrosial strawberries to make a pie. |

|53. |a. he then went home put the food away cowered in his closet and |

|e. He then went home, put the food away, cowered in his closet, |shut the door behind him |

|and shut the door behind him. |(5 corrections) |

| |b. cowered (v.) – To cringe in fear |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: flinch, tremble |

| | |

| |d. My cat cowered in the corner of the yard after being chased by|

| |the neighbor’s dog. |

| | |

| | |

|54. |a. yes hairy went into hibernation until he could recover from |

|e. Yes, Hairy went into hibernation until he could recover from |his calamitous unfortunate love affair with the nasty |

|his calamitous, unfortunate love affair with the nasty, |vituperative hilda |

|vituperative Hilda. |( 7 corrections) |

| |b. calamitous (adj.) – Causing harm or loss |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: disastrous |

| | |

| |d. I would never baby-sit again after my calamitous babysitting |

| |job with the twins that lived next door. |

|55. |a. meanwhile hilda went her own noxious nasty way |

|e. Meanwhile, Hilda went her own noxious, nasty way. |( 5 corrections) |

| |b. noxious (adj.) - injurious to physical or mental health |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: destructive, harmful, hurtful |

| |d. The girl made a comment in a sarcastic, noxious way. |

| | |

|56. |a. bertha and wilfred continued their lives without they’re prime|

|d. Bertha and Wilfred continued their lives without their prime |friend hairy beast. |

|friend, Hairy Beast. |(6 corrections) |

| |b. prime (adj.) - First in excellence, quality, or value |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: best, excellent |

| | |

| |d. We stayed in a prime resort called the Grand Floridian Resort |

| |and Spa when we visited Disney World. |

| | |

|57. |a. hairy, the poor thing uttered to himself over and over i |

|d. Hairy, the poor thing, uttered to himself over and over, |don’t love hilda and i do hate Hilda |

|“I don’t love Hilda. I do hate Hilda.” |(11 corrections) |

| |b. uttered (v.) - To articulate (words); pronounce or speak |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: to express, to proclaim |

| | |

| |d. The girl uttered to herself “I can do it”, before entering the|

| |audition room. |

|58. |a. while all this was going on other inhabitants of hogtown |

|d. While all this was going on, other inhabitants of |florida were embroiled in their own problems |

|Hogtown, Florida, were embroiled in their own problems. |( 7 corrections) |

| |b. embroiled (v.) - deeply involved especially in something |

| |complicated |

| |c. synonyms: to confuse, distract, entangle, ensnare |

| |d. The students were embroiled in their after school activities. |

|59. |a. ingenuous wilfred and kind bertha discussed the new |

|d. Ingenuous Wilfred and kind Bertha discussed the new |developments |

|developments. |( 4 corrections) |

| |b. ingenuous (adj.)- Openly straightforward or frank |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: honest, sincere |

| | |

| |d. The ingenuous girl told the boy that she did not like him. |

| | |

|60. |a. bertha have you gleaned any news about the newest |

|d. “Bertha, have you gleaned any news about the newest |inhabitant of hogtown florida asked wilfred |

|inhabitant of Hogtown, Florida?” asked Wilfred. |( 10 corrections) |

| |b. gleaned (v.) - To collect bit by bit |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: to gather |

| | |

| |d. The teacher gleaned information about the argument that |

| |happened in her classroom. |

|61. |a. no, wilfred, bertha disclaimed. |

|e. "No, Wilfred,” Bertha disclaimed. |( 5 corrections) |

| |b. disclaimed (v.) - To deny or renounce any claim to or |

| |connection with |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: to abandon, to decline |

| | |

| |d. The student disclaimed to the teacher that she had nothing to |

| |do with the writing on her desk. |

|62. |a. well, his name is eggbert, |

|e. "Well, his name is Eggbert, |and he’s weird looking , |

|and he’s weird looking,” retorted Wilfred. |retorted wilfred. |

|“Oh?” asked Bertha. |oh? asked bertha. |

| |( 9 corrections) |

| |b. retorted (v.) - To make a reply, especially a quick, caustic, |

| |or witty one. |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: to answer sharply |

| | |

| |d. The child retorted “yes” when the mother asked if she had |

| |brushed her teeth. |

| | |

|63. |a. well he has a long gray nose that hangs down like a |

|e. “Well, he has a long gray nose that hangs down like a |pendulum and he weighs a ton wilfred continued. |

|pendulum, and he weighs a ton,” Wilfred continued. |( 7 corrections) |

| |b. pendulum (n.) - an apparatus consisting of an object mounted |

| |so that it swings freely under the influence of gravity |

| |c. synonyms: none |

| |d. A grandfather clock has a large pendulum inside of it. |

| | |

|64. | |

|e. “He sounds like a homely, grotesque elephant,” cried Bertha, |a. he sounds like a homely grotesque elephant cried bertha, and I|

|“and I don’t want to meet him.” |don’t want to meet him |

| |( 9 corrections) |

| |b. homely (adj.) - Not attractive or good-looking |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: plain, ordinary |

| | |

| |d. I saw six, homely, hairless kittens at the pet store. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|65. |a. you havent ascertained the worst bertha said wilfred |

|e. “You haven’t ascertained the worst, Bertha,” said Wilfred. |( 9 corrections) |

| |b. ascertained (v.) - To discover with certainty |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: to confirm, to detect |

| | |

| |d. The teacher had not ascertained the student who had thrown the|

| |pen across the room. |

|66. |a. whats that |

|e. “What’s that?” |he’s an elitist |

|“He’s an elitist.” |( 9 corrections) |

| |b. elitist (n.) - someone who belongs to a superior group |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: someone belonging to the upper class or aristocracy |

| | |

| |d. People who are millionaires could be considered elitists. |

| | |

|67. |a. forget about him and we dont need snobs said bertha |

|e. “Forget about him. We don’t need snobs,” said Bertha. |( 10 corrections) |

| |yeah assented wilfred |

|“Yeah,” assented Wilfred. “Hey, let's have a party!” he added. |hey lets have a party he added |

| |( 13 corrections) |

| |b. assented (v.)- To agree, as to a proposal; concur. |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: to accept, to approve |

| | |

| |d. The Student Council assented to the theme for the dance that |

| |the students suggested. |

|68. |a. bertha and wilfred dispatched invitations to their party |

|e. Bertha and Wilfred dispatched invitations to their party. |and they even invited hilda the nasty hippo |

|They even invited Hilda, the nasty hippo. |( 8 corrections) |

| |b. dispatched (v.) - To send on specific business |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: to dismiss, to expedite, to perform |

| | |

| |d. The principal dispatched the busses at 4:15. |

| | |

|69 | |

|e. Kind, sweet Bertha even expedited an invitation to Eggbert, |a. kind sweet bertha even expedited an invitation to eggbert the |

|the weird, elitist elephant. |weird elitist elephant |

| |( 7 corrections) |

| |b. expedited (v.) - having been hastened to completion |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: to carry out promptly |

| | |

| |d. I expedited the phone call to my supervisor. |

| | |

|70. |a. bertha and wilfred popped popcorn to provide plenty of fodder|

|e. Bertha and Wilfred popped popcorn to provide plenty of fodder |for their party the biggest event in hogtown florida, all year |

|for their party, the biggest event in Hogtown, Florida, all year.|( 7 corrections) |

| |b. fodder (n.)–coarse dry food for livestock |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: food for cattle |

| | |

| |d. I gave plenty of fodder to the animals at the farm. |

|71. |a. just before the guests began to arrive wilfred phoned hairy |

|e. Just before the guests began to arrive, Wilfred phoned Hairy |beast to implore him to come to the party |

|Beast to implore him to come to the party. |( 6 corrections) |

| |b. implore (v.) - To beg for urgently |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: to ask, to plead |

| | |

| |d. I went into the living room to implore my parents to take me |

| |to the mall. |

|72. |a. i just dont feel up to it wilfred bemoaned hairy |

|e. “I just don’t feel up to it, Wilfred,” bemoaned Hairy. |( 9 corrections) |

| |b. bemoaned(v) - to express disapproval of or regret for |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: bewail, grieve, lament |

| | |

| |d. The child bemoaned after he found out he had to eat all his |

| |vegetables before he got dessert. |

| | |

|73. |a. im reading a good book hear in my closet and its called the |

|e. “I’m reading a good book here in my closet. It’s called The |malevolent and nasty hippopotamus and it fits my mood |

|Malevolent and Nasty Hippopotamus, and it fits my mood.” |( 15 corrections) |

| |b. malevolent(adj)- Having or exhibiting ill will; wishing harm |

| |to others; malicious. |

| |c. synonyms: hostile, bitter, malicious |

| |d. The stepmother in Cinderella was a nasty, malevolent woman. |

|74. |a. abandon that stupid book and come to our party. itll do you |

|e. "Abandon that stupid book and come to our party. It’ll do you |some good insisted wilfred |

|some good,” insisted Wilfred. |( 8 corrections) |

| |b. abandon(v) - To surrender one's claim to, right to, or |

| |interest in; give up entirely |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: to desert, to leave behind |

| | |

| |d. The cat abandoned one of her kittens in the alley. |

|75. |a. wheres you’re backbone man you can’t just sit and vegetate in |

|e. ”Where’s your backbone, man? You can’t just sit and vegetate |a closet for the rest of your life he added |

|in a closet for the rest of your life,” he added. |( 9 corrections) |

| |b. vegetate (v.) - To exist in a state of physical or mental |

| |inactivity |

| | |

| |c. synonyms:to lead an idle , aimless life |

| |d. After my long trip on the airplane, all I wanted to do was sit|

| |and vegetate on the couch. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|76. | |

|e. “You have a point, “conceded Hairy as he pondered a lonely |a. you have a point conceded hairy as he pondered a lonely |

|existence without Hilda. |existence without hilda |

| |( 7 corrections) |

| |b.pondered(v) - To reflect or consider with thoroughness and |

| |care. |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: to contemplate, to question, to think |

| |d. After the magic trick was performed, I sat there pondering how|

| |it was done. |

|77. |a. hairy as an added attraction there will be a plethora of |

|e. “Hairy, as an added attraction there will be a plethora of |lovely female animals said wilfred |

|lovely, female animals,” said Wilfred. |( 7 corrections) |

| |b. plethora (n.) - A superabundance; an excess |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: excess, |

| |super abundance |

| | |

| |d. I have been to Disney World a plethora amount of times. |

|78. |a. ok ill bustle over there you nice friend concluded hairy |

|e. ”O.K., I’ll bustle over there, you nice friend,” concluded |( 13 corrections) |

|Hairy. |b. bustle (v.) - To move or cause to move energetically and |

| |busily |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: to hurry, to rush , to move |

| | |

| |d. Students bustle to their classes in between the bells. |

| | |

|79. |a. meanwhile bertha greeted several cronies from around hogtown |

|e. Meanwhile, Bertha greeted several cronies from around Hogtown,|florida. each one had brought his or her homemade goodies to |

|Florida. Each one had brought his or her homemade goodies to |share |

|share. |( 8 corrections) |

| |b. cronies (n.) - A longtime close friend or companion. |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: a friend, a buddy |

| | |

| |d. I had lunch with some cronies from my hometown on Saturday. |

|80. |a. she introduced everyone and then offered them hors d’oeuvres |

|d. She introduced everyone and then offered them hors d’oeuvres |and punch |

|and punch. |( 2 corrections) |

| |b. hors d’oeuvres (n.) - An appetizer served before a meal. |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: appetizer, snack |

| | |

| |d. The guests at the wedding all had hors d’oeuvres before |

| |dinner. |

| | |

|81. |a. the guests conversed while music blared from the panasonic |

|e. The guests conversed while music blared from the Panasonic |speakers |

|speakers. |( 3 corrections) |

| |b. conversed (v.)- To engage in a spoken exchange of thoughts, |

| |ideas, or feelings; talk. |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: talk, chat |

| | |

| |d. I conversed with my friends at the lunch table. |

|82. |a. someone played aerosmiths angel and a score of hip animals |

|e. Someone played Aerosmith’s “Angel,” and a score of hip animals|began to boogie |

|began to boogie. |( 8 corrections) |

| |b. score (n.) - number or letter indicating quality |

| |c. synonyms:group, set, number |

| |d. A score of talented dancers entered the stage. |

| | |

|83. |a. about an hour later wilfred discovered that someone had |

|d. About an hour later, Wilfred discovered that someone had |plugged the toilet with popcorn and hung strands of spaghetti |

|plugged the toilet with popcorn and hung strands of spaghetti |from the chandelier |

|from the chandelier. |( 4 corrections) |

| |b. chandelier (n.) - A branched, decorative lighting fixture that|

| |holds a number of bulbs or candles and is suspended from a |

| |ceiling. |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: fixture, light |

| | |

| |d. In the play “The Phantom of the Opera” a large chandelier |

| |falls from the ceiling. |

|84. |a. he noticed that several animals laughed giddily and threw |

|d. He noticed that several animals laughed giddily and threw |popcorn at each other |

|popcorn at each other. |“and this is getting out of hand,” he moaned. |

|“This is getting out of hand,” he moaned. |( 5 corrections) |

| |b. giddily (adv.) - Frivolous and lighthearted |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: flighty |

| | |

| |d. The girl laughed giddily at the monkey in the show. |

| | |

|85. |a. at that point he noticed hilda and she was dancing with |

|d. At that point he noticed Hilda. She was dancing with Eggbert |eggbert as she gazed into his beady eyes |

|as she gazed into his beady eyes. |( 7 corrections) |

| |b. beady (adj.)- Small, round, and shiny |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: beadlike, small |

| | |

| |d. The rat looked at me with his beady eyes. |

|86. |a. oh eggbert she simpered you’re the best dancer and dresser in |

|d. “Oh, Eggbert,” she simpered,” you’re the best dancer and |hogtown florida and i’ve never met anyone like you before |

|dresser in Hogtown, Florida. I’ve never met anyone like you |( 16 corrections) |

|before." |b. simpered (v.)- To smile in a silly, self-conscious, often coy |

| |manner |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: smirk, smile |

| | |

| |d. The girl simpered at the boy in the hallway that she liked. |

|87. |a. yeah i know he answered with conceit as he nonchalantly flexed|

|e. “Yeah, I know,” he answered with conceit as he nonchalantly |his muscles |

|flexed his muscles. |( 7 corrections) |

| |b. nonchalantly (adv.) - Seeming to be coolly unconcerned or |

| |indifferent. |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: casual, unconcerned |

| | |

| |d. The student nonchalantly gave her mother her report card when |

| |she was busy on the phone. |

| | |

|88. |a. just then hairy arrived in his stripped bellbottoms. |

|e. Just then Hairy arrived in his stripped bell-bottoms. |wilfred quashed a chuckle and said your just in time. im going to|

|Wilfred quashed a chuckle and said, “You’re just in time. I’m |need help taming this group. |

|going to need help taming this group.” |( 11 corrections) |

| |b. quashed (v.) - To set aside or annul |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: suppress, put down |

| | |

| |d. The teacher quashed the excuses the student had made in the |

| |past and listened to him. |

| | |

|89. |a. hairy spied hilda dancing on top of the coffee table with |

|e. Hairy spied Hilda dancing on top of the coffee table with|eggbert and at that moment he realized her slovenliness |

|Eggbert. At that moment, he realized her slovenliness. |( 7 corrections) |

| |b. slovenliness (n.)- Untidy, as in dress or appearance |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: sloppy, untidy |

| | |

| |d. The slovenliness of the man in the interview was the reason he|

| |did not get the job. |

| | |

|90. |a. hilda saw hairy spun around and swooned in eggberts |

|e. Hilda saw Hairy, spun around, and swooned in Eggbert’s |outstretched arms. she was as light as a tank. |

|outstretched arms. She was as light as a tank. |( 7 corrections) |

| |b. swooned (v.) - To be overwhelmed by ecstatic joy |

| |c.. synonyms:ecstatic |

| | |

| |d. The girl was swooned by the famous actor she saw out in |

| |public. |

| | |

|91. |a. eggbert whispered into her ear. get a look at the ugly |

|e. Eggbert whispered into her ear. “Get a look at the ugly |dude in the bellbottoms he mocked. |

|dude in the bell-bottoms,” he mocked. |( 6 corrections) |

| |b. mocked (v.)- To express scorn or ridicule |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: to insult |

| | |

| |d. The girl mocked what the girl was wearing. |

|92. |a. thus began the torrid love affair between hilda and |

|d. Thus began the torrid love affair between Hilda and |eggbert. |

|Eggbert. |( 3 corrections) |

| |b. torrid (adj.) - Passionate |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: emotional, fiery |

| | |

| | |

| |d. The prince and princess in the movie had a torrid kiss at the |

| |end. |

| | |

|93. |a. Several weeks after the party hogtown florida buzzed with |

|e. Several weeks after the party, Hogtown, Florida, buzzed |the latest scoop |

|with the latest scoop. |( 6 corrections) |

| |b. scoop (n.) – news and information |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: information of immediate interest |

| | |

| |d. I heard the latest scoop on who was dating who at lunch. |

| | |

|94. |a. the 2 rapscallions had broken up |

|e. The two rapscallions had broken up. |( 3 corrections) |

| |b. rapscallions (n.)- A rascal; mischievous person |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: a scamp |

| | |

| |d. The twins were acting like rapscallions. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|95. |a. hilda fell for eggbert and got jilted bertha told hairy.|

|E. “Hilda fell for Eggbert and got jilted,” Bertha told |shes taking off to go to tibet |

|Hairy. “She’s taking off to go to Tibet |to see if she can change |

|to see if she can change.” |oh replied Hairy |

|“Oh,” replied Hairy. |( 18 corrections) |

| |b. jilted (v.) - To deceive or drop suddenly or callously |

| |c. synonyms: dumped |

| |d. The girl got jilted when her boyfriend broke up with her. |

| | |

| | |

| |a. all the animals lives will be better off without her |

|96. |interjected wilfred |

|e. “All the animals’ lives will be better off without her,” |( 7 corrections) |

|interjected Wilfred. |b. interjected (v.)- To insert between other elements; interpose |

| |c. synonyms: interpose, interrupt |

| |d. The salesman interjected the conversation between two |

| |customers deciding on a car. |

|97. |a. i love you bertha and wilfred said hairy. you 2 are my |

|e. “I love you, Bertha and Wilfred,” said Hairy. “You two |staunch friends |

|are my staunch friends.” |( 12 corrections) |

| |b. staunch (adj.)- Firm and steadfast; true |

| |c. synonyms: loyal, true, best |

| | |

| |d. Three of my staunch friends will be bridesmaids in my wedding.|

| | |

|98. |a. wow Hairy finally shunned hilda. bertha, wilfred and him|

|e. Wow, Hairy finally shunned Hilda. Bertha, Wilfred, and he|happily continued their lives. |

|happily continued their lives. |( 7 corrections) |

| |b. shunned (v.) - To avoid deliberately; keep away from |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: avoid, keep away |

| | |

| |d. He shunned the boys that were talking about fighting him after|

| |school. |

|99. |a. ill be back for another escapade thought hilda as her |

|e. “I’ll be back for another escapade,” thought Hilda as her |plane took off. your not rid of me yet |

|plane took off.” You’re not rid of me yet.” |( 11 corrections) |

| |b. escapade (n.)- An adventurous, unconventional act or |

| |undertaking, and adventure |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: act; adventure |

| | |

| |d. Any time my family goes on a road trip, it is quite the |

| |escapade. |

| | |

| | |

|100. |a. all the animals in hogtown florida except mean hilda and |

|e. All the animals in Hogtown, Florida, except mean Hilda |snooty eggbert wish you a good summer vacation |

|and snooty Eggbert, wish you a good summer vacation. |( 9 corrections) |

| |b. snooty (adj.)- Snobbishly aloof; haughty |

| | |

| |c. synonyms: haughty, snobbish |

| | |

| |d. The two snooty girls would not go to Wal-Mart to shop. |


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