Flocabulary – Unit 1A

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Flocabulary – The Great Escape – Unit 1A

Hey yo Trajik.

What’s up B?

I’ve got to make the great escape.


It’s 7 o’clock and it’s time to embark.

And set off on my travels though it’s still dark.

It’s just me in the house ‘cause my dad’s not around,

And my mom’s got to work at the hospital now.

But that’s OK, I fend for myself,

Protect myself, my health, and my friends.

And vice versa, they’ve got y back too,

Stay close like skin stays to a tattoo.

I move fast on the map like a cat, dodging trouble,

Through broken buildings and all that rubble.

With more rats than that movie Ratatouille,

The streets teem with rats, you hearing that?

And while they vie and fight for some forgotten cheese,

The biggest rat of all was eyeing me.

I ran off to school, it’s a great escape,

And Cut through the gangs like a razor-blade.

At home I can’t even get the time of day,

But my friends are excited, they’re never blasé.

They smile and greet me, it’s quite a reception,

Call me creamy ranch, ‘cause I’m fresh with the dressing.

Word list:

1. embark (verb)—to start or begin

Trina is going to embark on a trip and sail around the world by herself.

Synonyms: to commence, launch, undertake

2. fend (verb) – to ward off or defend

The rock stars had to fend off the screaming and swarming girls as they exited the building.

Synonyms: to repel, resist, shield.

3. vice versa (noun) – conversely, in reverse

Katrina hates the homecoming queen, and vice versa: The queen hates her back.

4. rubble (noun) – broken bits and pieces

After the huge earthquake, the buildings were nothing but rubble.

Synonyms: debris, fragments, wreckage.

5. teem (verb) – to swarm, brim or overflow

Ponds often teem with fish, insects, and frogs.

Synonyms: to abound, overrun, be prolific

Antonyms: to lack, need

6. vie (verb) – to compete for

Charlie and Big “T” are both vying for starting point guard spots on the basketball team.

Synonyms: to compete, contend, strive

7. blasé (adj) – unimpressed and indifferent

We all thought Ken would be really excited about the prestigious award he received, but instead he was very blasé about the whole thing.

Synonyms: bored, disenchanted

Antonyms: eager, enthusiastic

8. reception (noun) – the act or insistence of receiving or meeting

The boys gave the girls a chilly reception at the Super Bowl party.

Other forms: A person is usually very receptive (adj) when someone offers to clean their bathroom and kitchen for them.

Fix the Mistake

Each of the sentences below has a mistake. The wrong vocabulary words have been used so the sentences don’t make sense. Rewrite each sentence using the correct vocabulary word from the unit.

1. My father is going to teem on a trip to Italy, Greece, and Spain after he renews his passport and completes his foreign language classes.



2. Most celebrities have to vie off the paparazzi, even as they do the most basic routines of their lives like going grocery shopping or to the gym.


3. The rescue workers had to dig through the reception after the earthquake to look for survivors.


4. Our section of the stadium shouted at the opposing team’s section of the stadium and blasé.


5. There were four athletes teeming for the gold medal in the final race.


6. Maggie was so vice versa about winning the largest lottery winnings in history that we all thought she must be in shock.


7. Maybe there was a hive under the slide, because the playground was embarking with bees.


8. Some wedding rubbles are extremely fancy with jazz bands, fancy decorations and expensive food.


Pick the Winner:

Circle the word that best fits into the sentence. Then write a sentence below that uses the word you didn’t pick in a meaningful way.

1. The rescue dogs were trained to sniff through the (reception OR rubble) and signal their handlers when they located a possible survivor.


3. The paparazzi were (vying OR teeming) around Britney Spears to get a photo of her and her children playing at the park.


5. Fishermen like to (embark OR fend) early in the morning for the best chance at catching the most salmon.


Draw the Relationships:

In each grouping of eight words below, draw straight lines between the synonyms (words that mean similar things) and squiggly lines between any antonyms (words that mean opposite things). Every word should have at least one line connected to it. Some may have more.

1. embark fend off

blasé unimpressed

social gathering set off

give in reception

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

2. debris destroyed

rubble cooperate

vice versa in reverse

vie desolate

Thinking Creatively:

Answer each question below in a paragraph. Don’t be afraid to think creatively!

1. Briefly describe the plot of a made-up movie called The Blasé Butcher.

2. Explain how a hunter could defend himself from a grizzly bear and vice versa.

3. Describe how you would feel if you were about to embark on a trip around the world.


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