To Kill A Mockingbird Vocabulary Unit

To Kill A Mockingbird Vocabulary Unit

1. Acquiesce AK wee es

Definition: to give in, to comply

Synonyms: accede, agree, assent, consent, subscribe

Antonyms: to object; to disagree

Example Sentence: I was so desperate that I had to acquiesce to his demands.

Derivatives: acquiescence, acquiescent, acquiescingly, acquiescently

2. Assuage uh SWAYJ

Definition: to ease, to mitigate, to make less painful or burdensome, to calm

Synonyms: allay, alleviate, lighten, soothe

Antonyms: to irritate; to intensify

Example Sentence: Your kind words should assuage her suffering. The medicine should assuage his pain.

Derivatives: assuaged, assuaging, assuagement, assuager

3. Benevolence buh NEV uh lunz

Definition: kindness, generosity, charity

Antonyms: antagonism, avarice, malevolence

Example Sentence: His benevolence was shown when he set up soup kitchens for the poor.

Derivatives: benevolent, benevolently

4. Complacency kum PLAY sun see

Definition: the state of being self-satisfied

Antonyms: dissatisfaction

Example Sentence: Considering that he is failing, it is curious to see his sense of complacency.

Derivatives: complacent, complacently, complacence

5. Diminution dim uh NOO shun

Definition: diminishment, reduction

Antonyms: escalation

Example Sentence: The diminution of nuclear weapons is a goal of arms control.

Derivatives: diminutive; diminutively; diminutiveness

6. Formidable FORE meh duh bul

Definition: menacing, causing fear or awe

Antonyms: harmless; unimportant

Example Sentence: That retired boxer was a formidable opponent in his time

Derivatives: formidability, formidableness, formidably

7. Fraudulent FRAW due lent

Definition: deceitful; portrayed as genuine but is really an imposter

Antonyms: genuine

Example Sentence: The lawyer used the fraudulent document as evidence of fraud.

Derivatives: fraud, fraudulence, fraudulently

8. Impertinent im PUR tuh nunt

Definition: insolently rude, not within the proper bounds of good taste or manners

Synonyms: intrusive, meddlesome, obtrusive, officious

Antonyms: reverent, respectful

Example Sentence: His impertinent remarks did not help his case in the eyes of the jury

Derivatives: impertinence, impertinency, impertinently

9. Indigenous in DIJ eh nus

Definition: native to a certain area

Synonyms: aboriginal, endemic, native

Antonyms: alien

Example Sentence: Many types of cacti are indigenous to the southwest deserts of the United States

Derivatives: indigenously, indigenize, indigenization

10. Ingenuity in juh NOO eh tee

Definition: cleverness, inventiveness, resourcefulness

Synonyms: adroitness, cunning, deftness, dexterity

Antonyms: lack of cleverness

Example Sentence: He showed much ingenuity in his unique way of solving the problem

Derivatives: ingenious, ingeniously, ingeniousness

11. Innate eh NATE

Definition: existing from birth, inborn

Antonyms: learned

Example Sentence: He has innate athletic talents that cannot be taught.

Derivatives: innately, innateness

12. Lament luh MENT

Definition: to mourn or to express sorrow in a demonstrative manner

Synonyms: bemoan, bewail, deplore

Antonyms: to rejoice

Example Sentence: She lamented the death of her father in a very lachrymose manner.

Derivatives: lamented, lamenting, lamentation, lamentable

13. Malevolence muh LEV uh lens

Definition: ill will or evil intentions

Synonyms: malice, malignity, spite, spleen

Antonyms: benevolence

Example Sentence: The old man’s malevolence was obvious when he removed the girl from his will.

Derivatives: malevolent, malevolently

14. Oblivion uh BLIV ee un

Definition: state of being forgotten

Antonyms: remembrance

Example Sentence: Until the singer’s recent hit, his career had fallen into a state of oblivion

Derivatives: oblivious, obliviously

15. Ominous OM uh nus

Definition: threatening

Synonyms: fateful, portentous

Antonyms: harmless, non-threatening

Example Sentence: The ominous clouds were harbingers of the tornado

Derivatives: ominously

16. Placid PLAS id

Definition: peaceful, calm

Synonyms: serene, tranquil

Antonyms: disturbed

Example Sentence: The wilderness is usually a placid place where one can relax.

Derivatives: placidity, placidly, placidness

17. Revere reh VERE

Definition: to honor, to regard with respect

Synonyms: adore, venerate, worship

Antonyms: to despise

Example Sentence: Near all Catholics revere the Pope.

Derivatives: reverence, reverent, reverential, reverentially

18. Savory SAY vuh ree

Definition: appetizing

Synonyms: palatable, toothsome

Antonym: unappetizing

Example Sentence: My mother is known for her savory meals.

Derivatives: savor, savored

19. Succinct suk SINGKT

Definition: brief, compact

Synonyms: compendious, concise, laconic, pithy, summary, terse

Antonyms: frequently digressing

Example Sentence: Because her comments were succinct and to the point, the ceremony was brief.

Derivatives: succinctly, succinctness

20. Tentative TEN tuh tiv

Definition: not fully worked out, provisional, uncertain

Antonyms: permanent

Example Sentence: We have a tentative arms-control agreement, but we hope to have a signed agreement by the end of the year.

Derivatives: tentatively, tentativeness


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