Antonyms and Synonyms

[Pages:3]Antonyms and Synonyms

Summary This lesson will involve antonyms and synonyms as part of the 4th grade language arts core. I will implement technology in the form of a prezi vocabulary chart, in addition to the use of computers. This presentation will introduce the concepts of antonyms and synonyms to students and prepare them for the activity portion. For the first activity, students will be given a chart with various word pairs on it. The goal is for the students to label if the word pairs are antonyms or synonyms. From there, students are then presented with a free writing prompt, which gives them the chance to use the computer to find synonyms and antonyms to enhance their writing.

Main Core Tie

English Language Arts Grade 4 Language Standard 5 c.

Time Frame

2 class periods of 60 minutes each

Group Size


Life Skills


Materials The materials for this lesson involve both technology and standard classroom supplies. Students will need paper and a writing utensil for their activity and free writing. Students will also need access to a computer lab and the internet for their word searching. The teacher will also need a computer, internet access and a projector to conduct the prezi introduction.

Background for Teachers Teachers should understand the basics of antonyms and synonyms prior to conducting this lesson. They should also have a good level of proficiency in working with the various hardware and software present in classrooms. This includes, but is not limited to, projectors, computers, word processing programs and presentation software.

Student Prior Knowledge Students should have beginning proficiency working with computers and accessing the internet. They should also have some prior experience with speaking in front of the class.

Intended Learning Outcomes The intended outcomes for this lesson are for students to understand why synonyms and antonyms are important in writing. After completing this activity, students will be able to use technology to find similar and different words to use in their writing.

Instructional Procedures 1. The teacher prepares the class for the lesson by getting all students in their seats and paying

attention for instruction. 2. The teacher explains that the class will be learning about synonyms and antonyms. 3. The instructor ask students if they know what synonyms and antonyms are. Depending on the response, the teacher will present them with some examples or take some examples from the class. 4. When the students are prepped to begin the actual lesson, the teacher will go deeper into the content using a "Prezi" presentation. 5. Students will watch the presentation and have an opportunity to ask any questions that they may have. 6. When the class completes this portion of the lesson, they will begin to transition to the individual work. 7. The teacher will hand out a worksheet that requires students to label various word pairs as either "antonyms" or "synonyms". 8. Students will collect the necessary supplies to complete this activity. (writing utensils, scrap paper, erasers) 9. Once all students are finished with their assignment, the teacher will lead a group check. 10. Students will calmly raise their hands and give their answers for each word pair, the class will check to make sure they have the correct answers and understand their mistakes, and then they will move on. 11. Once the class has completed the worksheet and has a decent grasp on antonyms and synonyms, they will move on to free-writing. 12. Using scrap paper and a writing utensil, students will begin to write about anything that they want. The teacher will inform the students that their writing should have at least 5 sentences. 13. Once all students are finished with their drafts, the teacher will escort them to the computer lab. 14. The students will begin to write out their stories in a word processing program, making sure to spell check and save periodically. 15. The teacher will ask the students to raise their hands when they have finished typing so that the teacher can check their work. When a student's work is acceptable, the teacher will give them the go ahead to begin searching for new words. 16. Students will select at least 5 words from their stories and find antonyms or synonyms for those words using . 17. Students will input these words back into their story, taking note of what changes happened in their writing. 18. At the bottom of the page, students will write a short reflection on what the antonyms/synonyms did to their writing. 19. When all students finish with their writing, the teacher will escort them back to class for sharing. 20. Students will sit cross legged on the class rug and will be reminded by the teacher about the proper procedures for listening to public speaking. 21. The students will be asked if they want to share their stories. If they do, the student stands up and reads, highlighting the changed words. 22. When all the students who wanted to read had the opportunity to, the teacher will close the lesson with a recap. 23. The teacher will ask the students questions about antonyms and synonyms, with the students responding back. 24. When the teacher is satisfied that they have grasped the concept, she will move on to the next lesson. 25. The students will be assessed at the end of the week through questions on their language arts quiz.

Strategies for Diverse Learners

Gifted Student: The lesson would be structured to allow for gifted students to be more restricted in the words they select to change. These students would need to provide antonyms and synonyms that actively enhance the story, rather than just change it. Struggling Student: A struggling student has the opportunity to work with another student to complete this activity. This student is still required to complete the necessary components, but the burden is being lessened by working with a partner. Special Needs: A special needs student can have more direct assistance from the teacher in completing this assignment. In addition, a special needs student can have the opportunity of extended time to complete the assignment.

Assessment Plan Students will be assessed through both formative and summative tools. As the lesson is carried out, the teacher will be monitoring each individual student for their individual growth in the subject area. Once the lesson is concluded, student's work will be graded based on a rubric. Ultimately, students will be tested again on their understanding on antonyms and synonyms during their weekly language arts quiz.



John Tolokan


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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