AP Language and Composition

AP English 2013_14

Mary Florio

Week 14

| |Period 1 |Period 5 |

|December 1 |We’ll read and review an actual AP synthesis|We’ll read and review an actual AP |

|B Day |response. |synthesis response. |

| | | |

|Objectives | | |

|To understand how to complete a cogent | | |

|synthesis argument | | |

|December 2 |We’ll read and review an actual AP synthesis|We’ll read and review an actual AP |

|C Day |response. |synthesis response. |

| | | |

|Objectives |I’ll give you the sample articles to read in|I’ll give you the sample articles to read |

|To understand how to complete a cogent |preparation for the in-class synthesis |in preparation for the in-class synthesis |

|synthesis argument |essay. |essay. |

|December 3 |NO CLASS |In-class Synthesis Essay |

|D Day | | |

| | | |

|Objectives | | |

|To understand how to complete a cogent | | |

|synthesis argument | | |

|December 4 |In-class Synthesis Essay |NO CLASS |

|A Day | | |

| | | |

|Objectives | | |

|To understand how to complete a cogent | | |

|synthesis argument | | |

|December 5 |What is the impact of the gender roles that |What is the impact of the gender roles |

|B Day |society creates and reinforces? |that society creates and reinforces? |

| |Throughout this unit you will be keeping a |Throughout this unit you will be keeping a|

|The final copy of the synthesis essay is |gender journal. 10 entries, minimum. |gender journal. 10 entries, minimum. |

|due tonight by 11:59 PM. |Implement pastiche. If you need some ideas,|Implement pastiche. If you need some |

| |you can use some of the topics on 588-590. |ideas, you can use some of the topics on |

|Objectives |The journal itself should reflect the |588-590. The journal itself should reflect|

|To define gender |content, so decorate and create a book |the content, so decorate and create a book|

|To understand how gender shapes identity |structure. It needs to be neat and tidy. I|structure. It needs to be neat and tidy. |

| |need to see a certain level of care. No |I need to see a certain level of care. No|

|The first half of Revolutionary Road |sloppy entries written at 3am in crayon, |sloppy entries written at 3am in crayon, |

|(3-166) is due on December 15. I’ll give a|please, unless this choice serves a |please, unless this choice serves a |

|quiz, and then we’ll discuss in a Socratic |rhetorical purpose. How long should each |rhetorical purpose. How long should each |

|seminar the themes of the novel as they |entry be? A page, at least. Major grade. |entry be? A page, at least. Major grade.|

|connect to the BIG QUESTION. You should be|Should be fun but serve a purpose. Keep the |Should be fun but serve a purpose. Keep |

|prepared to use your journals also. |BIG QUESTION in mind. It won’t be due until |the BIG QUESTION in mind. It won’t be due |

| |we’re all done, but periodically I will |until we’re all done, but periodically I |

| |check to see that you are keeping up. You |will check to see that you are keeping up.|

| |should bring it every day. |You should bring it every day. |

| | | |


| | | |

| |Poems and Art: |Poems and Art: |

| |Set 1: “Barbie Doll” by Marge Piercy and |Set 1: “Barbie Doll” by Marge Piercy and |

| |“Clark Kent, Naked” by Fred Moramarco |“Clark Kent, Naked” by Fred Moramarco |

| | | |

| |Set 2: “If” by Rudyard Kipling and “An ‘If’ |Set 2: “If” by Rudyard Kipling and “An |

| |for Girls” by Elizabeth Lincoln Otis |‘If’ for Girls” by Elizabeth Lincoln Otis |

| | | |

| |Set 3: Any Marlboro Man advertisement and |Set 3: Any Marlboro Man advertisement and |

| |The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli |The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli |

| | | |

| |Set 4: “Leda and the Swan” by William |Set 4: “Leda and the Swan” by William |

| |Butler Yeats and “Odysseus’s Secret” by |Butler Yeats and “Odysseus’s Secret” by |

| |Stephen Dunn |Stephen Dunn |

| | | |

| |Set 5: The Clothed Maja and The Naked Maja |Set 5: The Clothed Maja and The Naked Maja|

| |by Francisco Goya |by Francisco Goya |

| | | |

| | |HW: Keep up with your journal and your |

| | |reading. In addition, read “Being a Man” |

| | |by Paul Theroux and be prepared to share |

| | |your analysis. |

| |HW: Keep up with your journal and your | |

| |reading. In addition, read “Being a Man” by| |

| |Paul Theroux and be prepared to share your | |

| |analysis. | |


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