Portfolio / Study Guide



Locate at least three academic articles on a migration and / or refugee group. Research and use the following rubric to write a paper on your topic. Your migration may fit one or more reasons for leaving, but probably not all. At least define and discuss each example and why yours does or does not fit. Same with definitions.


| |What |Needs Improvement |Very Good |Excellent |

| |Happened?!! |70-79% | | |

| |Less than 70% |4-5 pts |80-89% |90-100% |

| |0-3 pts | |6-7 pts |8-10 pts |

|DEFINE Term | | | | |

|Refugee / Migrant | | | | |

|IDP / Asylum Seeker | | | | |

|ECONOMIC | | | | |

|REASONS for leaving | | | | |

|SOCIAL | | | | |

|REASONS for leaving | | | | |

|POLITICAL | | | | |

|REASONS for leaving | | | | |

|ENVIRONMENTAL REASONS for leaving | | | | |

|Migration FORCED OR VOLUNTARY? | | | | |

|Explain | | | | |


|COUNTRY | | | | |

| | | | | |


|GRAPHICS | | | | |

|Must include MAP and one other – chart, | | | | |

|photo, graph | | | | |


|Also, at least 3 FOOTNOTES | | | | |

| | | | | |

|TOTAL | | | | |

| | | | | |

Migration / Refugee

Article Research Project

Some possible topics:

• Syrian Migrant Crisis

• Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh fleeing Myanmar

• Sri Lankan Tamil refugees

• South Sudan

• Refugees seeking asylum in Australia

• Refugee crisis in Greece

• Muslims from N. Africa to France & other W. European countries for work( can include a study of guest worker policies

• Sub-Saharan African refugees

o Hutu & Tutsi in Rwanda

o West Africa-Liberia & Sierra Leone civil wars

o Sudan’s Dafur region

• Kurds

• There are numerous refugees situations in the Middle East and Asia to choose from

• IDP’s in Columbia and other countries

Historical Migrations of Refugees:

• Palestinian refugees to Jordan, Syria, & Egypt after the creation of Israel

• Cubans to the US, “Mariel boatlift”

• Blacks to cities in the N. E. after WWI

• Convicts who settled Australia

• Stalin’s relocation of non-Russians to central Asia & Siberia

• Vietnamese to US after Vietnam taken over by Communists

• 1990 Balkan conflict

• Irish potato blight & subsequent migration in the 1840’s

• Dust Bowl relocation to California in the 1930’s

• Westward movement of Germans out of Eastern Germany after Communists took over at end of WWII

• Kurds to Turkey after 1st Gulf War

• If you have come across one not mentioned that you would like to research, clear topic with the teacher.


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