Loreto College, St Albans

International migration: An enquiry about the Syrian refugees.In pairs produce a power point or newspaper article about the current refugee crisis in Europe. Put in some photos but PLEASE be sensitive here. These are real people suffering. Use the websites I have given you.Make sure that you answer the following questions and use these questions as sub headings.Where is Syria in relation to Europe? Which countries and which sea does it border? (Show a map here, perhaps showing the migrant routes.) The World Vision website has an excellent google map of a migrant’s journey. at the map, how long does it take for a migrant to reach Serbia in Europe? (In km and in hours?)Why are people leaving Syria? Think about push and pull factors here. How many years has there been a war in Syria?What happens to them, when they leave? Describe a migrant’s journey.Who is moving? Is it the young? Old? Men? Women? Children?Who is helping the migrants? This could be individual countries – e.g. Germany, the UK or named charities / churches.What sort of help is being given?Why are some concerned about helping refugees settle in their own country? Look at the BBC website here. many refugees are the UK agreeing to take? How much will it cost? What is your view? Do you think Europe is doing enough to support the refugees? Why is it such a complex issue? Use the following websites to help; (good maps showing migration, not just to Europe either! You could cut and paste this.) ................

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