Key Concepts Chart (Western Expansion)

Key Concepts Chart (Western Expansion)

|Key Concept |+ |? |- |Explanation |Extra Information |

|Assimilation | | | |The process in which a minority group adopts the|Native Americans were forced to give up |

| | | | |beliefs, ways of life, attitudes, and culture of|their beliefs and way of life to assimilate|

| | | | |the dominant population |into the white culture of the United |

| | | | | |States. |

|Dawes Act | | | |Enacted in 1887, this act tried to “Americanize”|Broke up reservations and gave each Native |

| | | | |or assimilate Native Americans. |American adult head 160 acres for farming |

| | | | | |or 320 for grazing their livestock. |

|Chinese Exclusion Act | | | |Enacted in 1882, this law prohibited the |Exceptions to the Chinese Exclusion Act |

| | | | |immigration of Chinese to the United States. |were students, teachers, merchants, |

| | | | | |tourists, and government officials. |

|Exodusters | | | | | |

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|Battles with Plains | | | | | |

|Indians | | | | | |

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|Dispersal of the Plains | | | | | |

|Indians | | | | | |

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|Ghost Dance | | | | | |

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|Boom and bust nature of | | | | | |

|mining towns | | | | | |

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|Effects of the Homestead | | | | | |

|Act | | | | | |

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|End of the open range | | | | | |

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|Transcontinental trade | | | | | |

|from the railroad | | | | | |

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|Agrarian Movement | | | | |People’s Party/Populist Party |

| | | | | |bimetallism |

|Patrons of Husbandry/the | | | | | |

|Grange | | | | | |

|Populism | | | | | |

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|Free Silver | | | | | |

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|William Jennings Bryan | | | | | |

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|“Cross of Gold” speech | | | | | |

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|Date: |Topic: Western Expansion Primary Sources Activity |

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|What is the title of the document? | |

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|Why was the document written? | |

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|What words or phrases were used that | |

|would be considered uncommon today or | |

|would mean something different? | |

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|How would you explain the document to | |

|someone who was completely unfamiliar | |

|with it? | |

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|When would it be more useful to use | |

|primary sources in analyzing historical | |

|events? | |

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|When would it be more useful to use | |

|secondary sources in analyzing historical| |

|events? | |

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|Native American Perspective |Government Official Perspective |

|Loss of beliefs and way of life to become part of the white culture |“Americanization” of the Native Americans |

|Loss of independent living |Assimilation into white culture |

| |Breaking up of reservations |

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|Construction of the Transcontinental Railroad: |

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|Impact on Native Americans: |

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|Impact on Chinese Immigrants: |

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|Impact on society: |

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|Impact on the economy: |

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|Impact on the environment: |

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|Impression Words: wide-open West, sheepherders, cattle ranchers, battles, starvation, droughts, extreme temperatures, barbed wire,|

|fenced in ranches and farms |

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|Impression Text: |

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|Positive effects of the Homestead Act: |

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|Negative effects of the Homestead Act: |

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|Role |Audience |Format |Topic |

|Exoduster in Kansas |Family back home in Louisiana |Letter |Come/Do Not Come to Kansas |

Write the final draft of your letter below.


|Directions: Explain what you learned about the boom and bust periods of western mining towns below. |

|Boom Towns |

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|Boom towns mushroomed overnight when gold was found in the area. |

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|Bust Towns |

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|These same towns died just as quickly as soon as the gold ran out. |

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Granger Movement Anticipation Guide

|Before reading about the Granger Movement, read each statement and circle if you agree or disagree with the statement. After |

|reading, go back to each statement and decide whether “before” reading responses need to be changed. For all statements provide |

|evidence from the primary and secondary sources for “after” reading responses. |

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|Before After |

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|1. Railroads charged western farmers more Agree Disagree Agree Disagree |

|to ship their goods than they charged |

|eastern farmers to ship their goods. |

|Evidence _________________________ |

|_________________________________ |

|__________________________________ |

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|2. The farmers tried to persuade the Agree Disagree Agree Disagree |

|government to increase the money supply |

|by printing more greenbacks. |

|Evidence _________________________ |

|_________________________________ |

|_________________________________ |

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|3. The Grange’s original purpose was to Agree Disagree Agree Disagree |

|provide a social outlet and educational |

|forum for farm families. |

|Evidence ________________________ |

|________________________________ |

|________________________________ |

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|4. Grange membership was strongest in the Agree Disagree Agree Disagree |

|South and West. |

|Evidence _________________________ |

|_________________________________ |

|_________________________________ |

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Goals and Queries for Questioning the Content

|Goal |Query |

|Initiate discussion |What is the content about? |

| |What is the overall message? |

| |What is being talked about? |

|Focus on content’s message |It says this, but what does it mean? |

| |Why was the word used? |

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|Link information earlier? |How does that connect with what was said earlier? |

| |What information has been added here that connects or fits in with |

| |________? |

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|Identify problems with understanding |Does that make sense? |

| |Is this explained clearly? Why or why not? |

| |What do we need to figure out or find out? |

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|Encourage students to refer to the text to find support for |Did the content tell me that? |

|interpretations and answers to questions |Did the source provide the answer to that? |

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Bimetallism or the Gold Standard Anticipation Guide

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|Before reading about bimetallism and the gold standard, read each statement and circle if you agree or disagree with the statement. |

|After reading, go back to each statement and decide whether “before” reading responses need to be changed. For all statements, provide |

|evidence from the primary and secondary sources for “after” reading responses. |

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|Before After |

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|1. Bimetallism is the government policy Agree Disagree Agree Disagree |

|that would give people either gold or |

|silver for their paper money or checks. |

|Evidence________________________ |

|________________________________ |

|________________________________ |

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|2.The Populist Party called for Agree Disagree Agree Disagree |

|bimetallism and the free coinage of silver. |

|Evidence___________________________ |

|___________________________________ |

|___________________________________ |

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|3.In 1896, the Republican Party nominated Agree Disagree Agree Disagree |

|William McKinley for President and |

|committed to the gold standard. |

|Evidence____________________________ |

|____________________________________ |

|____________________________________ |

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|4.The Democratic Party nominated William Agree Disagree Agree Disagree |

|Jennings Bryan for President and committed |

|to bimetallism. |

|Evidence______________________________ |

|______________________________________ |

|______________________________________ |

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| |Goldbugs |Silverites |

|Beliefs |Adoption of the gold standard |Government would give either gold or silver |

| |More stable, but expensive currency |for paper money or checks. |

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|Supporters | | |

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|Presidential | | |

|Election of 1896 | | |

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|Populist Goals |Resulting Reforms |Positive or Negative Impact on Famers? Briefly |

| | |explain. |

|Australian Ballot |Secret ballot enacted for federal and state | |

| |elections. | |

|Direct Election of Senators |Amendment 17 | |

| | | |

|Initiative |Process where citizens propose laws or state | |

| |constitutional amendments that are voted on in | |

| |elections. Enacted in LA and most states. | |

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Sample Rubric for Assessing Letters

|Score Level |Description of Score Level |

|4 |The response demonstrates in-depth understanding of the relevant content and/or procedure. |

| |The student completes all-important components of the task accurately and communicates ideas effectively. |

| |Where appropriate, the student offers insightful interpretations and/or extensions. |

| |Where appropriate, the student chooses more sophisticated reasoning and/or efficient procedures. |

|3 |The response demonstrates understanding of major concepts and/or processes, although less important ideas or |

| |details may be overlooked or misunderstood. |

| |The student completes the most important aspects of the task accurately and communicates clearly. |

| |The student’s logic and reasoning may contain minor flaws. |

|2 |The student completes some parts of the task successfully. |

| |The response demonstrates gaps in conceptual understanding. |

|1 |The student completes only a small portion of the task and/or shows minimal understanding of the concepts or |

| |processes. |

|0 |The student’s response is totally incorrect, irrelevant, too brief to evaluate, or blank. |


U.S. History


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