Club Pairs with Bridgemates using Jeff Smith’s Program

|Multiple Teams of Four with Bridgemates using TeamsScorer Program |

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|3 March 2018 |

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|Jeff Smith |



1.1 Tables 3

1.2 Program Constraints 3

1.3 Sessions 3

1.4 Score Input 3

1.5 Movement 3

1.6 Names 3

1.7 Bridgemates 3


3 Player Database 5

3.1 Event History 6

4 Create Event 7

5 Select Movement 9

6 Player Names 10

7 Enter Scores 11

7.1 Entering or Replacing a score 11

7.2 Repeating a score 11

7.3 Deleting a score 11

7.4 Replacing a score with an Arbitral score 11

7.5 Split Score 11

7.6 Pairs sit in Wrong Direction 11

7.7 Other Adjustments 12


8.1 Reading Names 14

8.2 Running the Session 15

8.3 Scrolling Results 15

9 Reports 16

10 Internet Functions 17

11 Exit Event 17

12 MultiEvents 18

12.1 Create Section B Event 18

12.2 Create Movement 18

12.3 Combine Movements 19

12.4 Event Details 20


This document deals with running a Team-of-Four Event using TeamsScorer.

1. Tables

For a single section event, the tables are organised into a section (A or Red or whatever….) and numbered as normal from Table 1 upwards. For two or more section events, new sections (B or Green etc are used in the same way. Each section can have up to 50 Tables.

2. Program Constraints

The current program limits are: -

• Tables 50 in each section; event total = max 1000 pairs

• Sections 60

• Rounds 30

• Sessions 50

• Boards per Round 24

• Boards per Session 64

3. Sessions

At the start of each session, boards are numbered from 1 by default. This can be changed when setting the movement. Scores are carried forward from one session to the next.

4. Score Input

The program offers several different scoring methods: -

• Imps→VPs - On the stated VP Scale

• Point a Board - 2 points for a win, 1 for a draw on a board

• Pachabo - EBU mixture of Point-a-Board and Aggregate Quotient

• Team of 8 - Add Imps as two Teams of 4, then convert to VPs

• Team of 8 - Add all four scores, then convert to VPs

• Team of 8 - CrossImp scores, then convert to VPs

CrossSection Team of 4 Scoring may be done in a particular Session. Score input can be either manual or via bridgemates.

5. Movement

Either a standard American Whist, Stagger or Scorebreak Movement or any other movement from the system supplied list. The User can store customised movements in the Movement Library.

6. Names

For regular Club use, populate the Player database before using the program. Set the National Bridge Organisation accordingly (EBU assumed in this document), then use Download EBU Member List button to download the current EBU database and set it available for instant Bridgemate display. When a valid EBU number is entered (either manually or via Bridgemate entry), then that player will be automatically added to the Player Database if needed. In addition, you can add new players to the Player database after entering player names for an event. For a single competition, you can import in a list of players onto the Names screen

7. Bridgemates

With only one section the bridgemates are setup as A1 upwards. For two or more section events, bridgemates must be set up as A1…, B1… etc. If set up as one section spread over two or more playing areas via a LAN, it is advisable for each area to work with a different channel.


Start up the PC and Logon. As an example, set up and run a single Session Event for 9 Teams. It uses a single 9 Table 27 board American Whist movement. Later I will combine with a parallel 9-table 27 board Section movement to show how CrossSection Teams of 4 Scoring may be set.

Start TeamsScorer by double-clicking on the desktop icon or select it from the Start menu. It will open and the main menu will be displayed.

When you start TeamsScorer you are presented with the Main Menu.


Player Database

Double-click the TeamsScorer desktop icon or select it from the Start menu. The main menu will be displayed.

Click Player Database in the Main Menu


Set the National Bridge Organisation (to EBU here). New Players may be added by the New Player button. Enter Player details and click Save Player button. A Player ID number will automatically be assigned for each player. Click Set EBU Details button to set a player’s EBU numbers, County, Masterpoint Ranks, Stratification Levels and NGS (or use the Set All Player EBU Details button for the whole database-see below). Players can be assigned a Tag up to 4 characters for name entry or group identification. Download EBU Database button will set the latest EBU Database and make it available for Bridgemate II name display when Player Numbers are entered. Select Player Management Tab.


Players can be imported into the Database using a .csv file – click Import PD from CSV File and follow the on-screen instructions. Click Set All Player EBU Details button to update details for all players.

Clicking on Return takes you back to the Main Menu.

1 Event History

Click on TeamsScorer and the Event History screen is displayed


The Event History screen holds the details of up to 250 events. It is empty at the start but will be populated as new Events are created.

It is advisable to clear out old event files periodically. This is done by highlighting the event and Click Delete Event. To delete all the files in a multi event for an event you must first delete the Multi Control Event – select this event and then click Delete Event. Then click on the first of the component event files, hold down the Shift key and click on the last of the component event files - they should all be highlighted. Click Delete Event. The program will ask you for confirmation – hold down the key and all the component files will be deleted one after the other.

Create Event

Click on Create New Event and the Events Details screen is displayed


Type in the Event Name, Director, Club Name, Club Contact etc

Sessions are numbered 1, 2, 3 etc (and are essential for Multisession events)

Section should be entered as the Section Name

(Ecats Session = supplied Ecats number applicable to Ecats simultaneous events)

Scoring Details

The other tabs across the top allow you to make changes to the Scoring and, Masterpoint details.


Click Scoring and set as Team of 4: Imps. Set WBF Discrete Scale

Master points

Set Masterpoint Scale = County for this type of competition.


Import Deal

Click on Import Deal button for the appropriate session, browse to the Hand Records file and click OK. Hand Records in pbn, dup, dlm or bri format can be imported.


After making any required change, click on OK (bottom right). This will take you back to the Event Menu.

(Event Details will take you back to the previous screen)

Select Movement

Click on Select Movement to open the Movements Screen


Select the number of Tables (=9) under Movements (bottom left)

Then select the required movement from the list that will then be displayed.

Change the number of boards, lowest board number and number of rounds required etc and the appropriate options etc In Session 1, where we run a 9 Table, 8 x3 board Round American Whist, the settings would be as in the diagram above.

You may check the movement by clicking the Show Movement button.

You may LinePrint Table Cards (not really needed here).

Click on OK and confirm the movement details when requested.

This will take you back to the Event Menu.

Player Names

Names can be entered before the event or left till the event has actually started.

Click Player Names in the Event Menu to open the Players screen.


Names can be entered by typing them in full, by the 4 character tag, by the Player Id or EBU number as required, or by selecting the name from the database by clicking on it. The list on display can be reduced by clicking on the appropriate letter at the bottom of the screen – only surnames starting with that letter then appear in the left-hand screen.

To delete a name you have entered, click on that cell and press the Delete key.

Visitors are highlighted in yellow, Non Club Members (marked as nonMembers in the Player Database) are highlighted in purple.

If time is short, you could save time at the start by only entering Player 1 for each pair and then completing the rest of the names later in the event.

Another way of entering the names is to import them from a .csv file prepared in the format shown below: -


Click the green OK button (or the red Cancel button if no change was made) to get back to the Event Menu.

Enter Scores

Select Enter Scores from the Event Menu to open the Travellers


Using the drop-down boxes at the top of the screen, navigate to the appropriate Session, Section. Using the list-box, select the appropriate board. You can use the ‘N’ or ‘*’ key to quickly move to the Next Board or ‘P’ or ‘/’ key to move to the Previous board. Command keys (e.g. N, P etc may be entered in Upper or Lower case)

1 Entering or Replacing a score

Enter the score as 420, -90 or 420+, 90- etc in the Score column followed by Return and the score will be updated. There is an option to omit the final zero e.g.42+ or 9- etc. Alternatively, select the Score by Contract Input option and enter the contract details in the score column. Full details of score entry are shown on the “Score Entry Guide” tab.

2 Repeating a score

Press the ‘R’ or ‘,’ key in the appropriate yellow Score box

3 Deleting a score

To delete a score – click in the appropriate yellow Score box in the Score column on the row corresponding to the NS & EW Pair numbers and press the ‘D’ key (case does not matter) – the score is deleted.

4 Replacing a score with an Arbitral score

Click in the appropriate box and enter the score as 50/50, 40/60, 60/00 etc. followed by

5 Split Score

Using the Weighted Scores box enter the details of both scores.

In the example (NS get 100% of NS+420, EW get 100% of NS+50)

Then click box in the score column and press the ‘W’ key. Split scores may be

shown by pressing the ‘S’ key.

6 Pairs sit in Wrong Direction

The A command may be used on the board to Arrow switch the particular pair’s score(s). Alternatively you may change the pair’s number by clicking on the pair number and following the instructions.

7 Other Adjustments

Return to the Event Menu and click the Adjustments + Categories button

Click on the Adjust Column corresponding to the pair, type in the value of the adjustment, and click OK to exit to Event screen.


You may also set a Category (up to 4 characters) on this screen which will appear on the final Rankings and may be used as a filter on the final Rankings list.


Set out the Bridgemate scoring device and table number as required. When they are turned on, they will ask for confirmation of the section (A) and input of the table number (BM2s only). Please ask North’s to check the table number. Check that the BM server is on (USB / battery power light and battery status light on the controller should be illuminated). Click Bridge Unit Scorer to open the main Bridgemate control screen.


The Expected(Exp) and Received(Rx) number of results is monitored for each Table, with the Missing Board results also listed. There are boxes to show any anomalous results and Names received. These can be read at any time using the supplied Print buttons. The type of Member Numbers expected (Player IDs unless inhibited in Player Database>Management screen, or NBO Numbers or either).

Select BCS Options Tab to set the required Options for Teams Scoring


You can click Restore EBU Pairs Defaults to set the usual BCS options. To allow EBU number entry by the players, (or 0 if unknown) on the Bridgemates, ensure the Member Numbers (NBO Numbers) box is ticked. PairsScorer will decode both PIDs and EBU numbers from the Player & EBU Database. On the Bridgemate II tab, the Name Source determines from where the BMs will search for numbers.

Ensure you set Session = 1 to do the Scoring for Session 1 only.

Click Create Database (bottom left) to create the Bridgemate Control Database (.bws file)

Ensure the “Reset Server” box is ticked, click Launch BCS and confirm if asked to do so.


The Bridgemate Control Software Program (BCS) will be started and you should see the Tables being added as clients to its Server. Minimise the BCS Display.

1 Reading Names

Players can enter their NBO number at the start. Any player without an NBO number can enter zero or blank. After the first round is well underway, check if all players have entered their number by clicking on the “Print Numbers” button. If any names are missing, make a note of their table and position and get their name.


You can go back to the Names screen and then reenter Bridgemate screen to add further Names manually (or correct spelling). You can send the corrected values back to BCS by clicking Write Names to BCS so they will appear correctly on the Bridgemate screens. ( You can also write Names/Numbers using the BCS Names Tab in the BCS program.)

2 Running the Session

Progress can be monitored on the Results Screen, so for Round 1, the display indicates that it is expecting 27 scores. Exp is the total scores expected in a particular round, Rx is the total scores received to date. Missing results are also shown along with any anomalous results. The number of scores received for individual tables is shown under the appropriate table column. Any score amendments or adjustments are best corrected on the BCS screen or on the BMs. Alternatively, they may be corrected on the Enter Scores screen at a later stage.


3 Scrolling Results

Too display scrolling results, select the Reports tab at the top of the Bridgemate screen. Tick Scroll and Cycle. The results should appear on the bridge room screen. You can click Reports/Names > Travellers button to quickly check any results.


At the end of the session when all scores are in, select Return to get to the Event Menu and select Display Reports. If Bridgemates are in use, close BCS via File > Close > File > Exit


From Reports menu, you can publish the final rankings, travellers etc. For example, to print Ranks with Masterpoints, Select Ranks in the Print Menu and Masterpoints in the Print Options. Now Select Display on Screen to show ranks in Notepad File, Send to Printer to print or Printer Preview to check the layout (mainly page breaks). A wide range of reports are available in a variety of formats. If you choose Notepad (= Screen Text), CSV, XLS or Web Table/Text the report is displayed on screen in the selected format and a copy saved in the Reports folder in the PairsScorer installation folder. Text will be output to Notepad Text Editor.

Clicking Printer Settings button opens the Printing Properties screen where you can also specify which printer to use from those installed in your Printers Folder. This will not affect the PCs default Printer. To leave the Printing Settings screen click Return.

To leave the Reports screen, click Return > Event

Internet Functions

Click Internet Functions button on the Reports screen.

Click Send Results to Bridgewebs button to create and upload the results to Bridgewebs.

Click Create EBU P2P File button to create an EBU Pay to Play file.

Click Go to EBU Website button to upload the P2P file.


Exit Event

Click Return to Events Menu and on the Events Menu, click Exit Event. This will take you back to the Events History screen.

Select Return to Main Menu to get back to the main menu and then Exit to close Pairs Scorer.

It is worthwhile to periodically backup the data files (TSEvents.dat, TSBoards.dat, TSContracts.dat) into the Backups Folder in the PairsScorer installation folder using the Backup Files command on the Administration menu.

Shut down the PC, turn the printer off and turn the Bridgemate server off by pressing the “Battery OFF” button for two or three seconds.


To run MultiSection and Multisession events, you combine single events together and you can run the whole event using the Multi event (on one server). Sometimes with a large even number of Teams, it is easiest to run as two sections in session 1 and then as a Cross Section so the Teams play against teams in the other section. So as an example,, with 18 teams they can play 9 x 3 boards in their own section in session 1 and then 9 x 3 board across Sections in session 2. An example follows:


Session 1 Section A 9 Tables AW

Session 1 Section B 9 Tables AW

Run the two sections as separate.


Session 2 Section A 9 Tables AW

Session 2 Section B 9 Tables AW


Combine Session 2 Events

Set Parallel scoring in session 2 on the scoring screen

To build Session 2, you combine the 9-table 27 board American Whist movements into a Multisection- where the Teams in each Section play against Teams in the other Section. This is known as Parallel (or Cross Section) Teams Scoring.

1 Create Section B Event

The procedure is exactly as for the Section A Event.

Click Create New Event button in Event History screen


The Scoring Method need only be set for the MultiSection event.

2 Create Movement

The procedure is similar to the single section setup. Set up two American Whist Movements as in the diagram.


3 Combine Movements


To make a combined Scorer Control event, return to the Event History screen and click the two events. Now Merge Sections. Confirm and a message ‘Combined to Event 3’ appears and that may be used to control the Multi event throughout.

4 Event Details

Retrieve Event>Event Details


Set the Scoring to Team of 4 : Imps->VPs (WBF Discrete SScale)

Tick the’ Sessions for Scoring across 2 Paralllel Sections’. This will force Cross section scoring and the Teams in Section A will be 1-9 and Teams in Section B will be 10-18 on the Ranks listing etc

The Scoring now proceeds as normal.

Section A Team 1 plays against Section B Teams 10-18

Section A Team 2 plays against Section B Teams 10 and 12-18

Section A Team 9 plays against Section B Teams 10-17




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