Organization Name: Click here to enter text. - AMS of UBC

Application FormAMS Sustainability Projects Fund (SPF)Memorandum of Understanding for Student GroupsOrganization Name: Click here to enter text. Total Funding Requested: $ Click to enter amount.Non-financial Support Requested: FORMCHECKBOX Access to Nest room bookings FORMCHECKBOX Access to Club Resource Centre equipment rentals FORMCHECKBOX Office space FORMCHECKBOX LockerPrimary ContactMust be a UBC studentFull Name: Click to enter nameEmail: Click to enter emailStudent #: Click to enter numberFaculty:Group (if applicable): Click to enter textAddress: Click to enter addressPhone#: Click to enter number.Secondary ContactIf a faculty, staff or community member is on the project team, please list them. Otherwise this can be another student.Full Name: Click to enter name.Email: Click to enter email.Association to UBC: Choose an item.Stu./Staff #: Click to enter number. Group/Unit (if applicable):Address: Click to enter address.Phone #: Click to enter number.1. Organization InformationOrganization type (e.g. AMS club, UBC unit, etc.): Click to enter titleOrganization description: Please provide a description of your organization, including any relevant background information (for example your organization’s history and organizational structure), along with a link to your organization’s website, if applicable.Click here to enter anization mission/goals/objectives: Please outline your organization’s key mission along with any specific goals or objectives.Click here to enter text.Total number of non-student members: Click to enter numberTotal number of student team members: Click to enter numberStudent team membersPlease provide the name, faculty, year of study, and the role of each student team member. (insert additional rows if necessary)NameFacultyYear of study RoleEnter nameChoose facultyEnter yearClick here to enter text.Enter nameChoose facultyEnter yearClick here to enter text.Enter nameChoose facultyEnter yearClick here to enter text.Enter nameChoose facultyEnter yearClick here to enter text.Enter nameChoose facultyEnter yearClick here to enter text.Enter nameChoose facultyEnter yearClick here to enter text.Enter nameChoose facultyEnter yearClick here to enter text.Enter nameChoose facultyEnter yearClick here to enter text.Enter nameChoose facultyEnter yearClick here to enter text.Enter nameChoose facultyEnter yearClick here to enter text.2. Organizational Impact Alignment with broader campus sustainability initiatives:Please explain which campus sustainability initiatives this project aligns with (examples include the UBC Strategic Plan, the 20-year Sustainability Strategy, the Climate Action Plan, the Zero Waste Action Plan, the Wellbeing Strategic Framework, the AMS Student Driven Sustainability Strategy and the AMS Environment and Climate Change Policy) and how it advances these initiatives. You may also outline how the project aligns with regional, national or global initiatives.Click here to enter text.How does your organization involve students?Please describe how students are involved in and impacted by your organization’s work.Click here to enter text.3. Project Type Your projects should align with and advance the goals of at least one of the six project types that are funded by the SPF: Student empowermentEducation & awarenessCommunity organizingOperationsAdvocacyInfo-sharing & partnershipsDescriptions of the project types are included Appendix A.Please explain which project type(s) your organization aligns with and how it contributes to these. You may reference past or upcoming projects in your explanation. You only need to discuss one project type, but you can discuss more if you wish.Click to enter text.4. Sustainability CompetenciesSustainability competencies describe specific attributes that are critical for creating meaningful change and advancing a sustainable future. The following sustainability competencies have been adapted from the key competencies outlined in the UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development Goals Learning Objectives. They are recognized by the United Nations as necessary for achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Systems thinking competencyCritical thinking competencyEthics competencyCollaboration competencyStrategic competencyDescriptions of the sustainability competencies are included Appendix B.Please explain which sustainability competency your organization applies in carrying out your work. You may reference past or upcoming projects in your explanation. You only need to discuss one sustainability competency, but you can discuss more if you wish.Click to enter text.5. Past Funded Projects Please list all the projects your group has previously received funding for through the SPF along with the project dates, project type, relevant sustainability competencies and goals achieved.Project titleAmount fundedProject datesProject typeSustainability competencies Goals achievedClick here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.6. Upcoming ProjectsPlease list all your organization’s planned projects for the upcoming academic year and identify the project type as well as provide a description and list of expected outcomes.Project 1: Click to enter titleProject type: Click here to enter text.Project description: Click here to enter text.Expected outcomes: Click here to enter text.Project 2: Click to enter titleProject type: Click here to enter text.Project description: Click here to enter text.Expected outcomes: Click here to enter text.Project 3: Click to enter titleProject type: Click here to enter text.Project description: Click here to enter text.Expected outcomes: Click here to enter text.Project 4: Click to enter titleProject type: Click here to enter text.Project description: Click here to enter text.Expected outcomes: Click here to enter text.7. BudgetPlease provide your budget for the upcoming academic year. You do not need to provide specific itemized costs; you only need to provide general categories of expenses. You may organize budget lines by project or by types of expenses (e.g. food, communications, etc.) Please see the SPF Policy for criteria on expenses eligible for SPF funding. If your MOU application is successful, you will be expected to follow these criteria when making purchases. Expenses that do not align with the criteria will not be reimbursed. Note: You may attach a budget in another format.Total budget for the upcoming academic yearExpenseDescriptionAmount ($)Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Total:Click here to enter text.Budget for requested fundingExpenseDescriptionAmount ($)Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Total:Click here to enter text.Other funding sourcesList all other funding sources for the upcoming year. Please mention, if applicable, which expenditures of your total project budget (from above) these funding sources are covering.SourceDescription/detailsAmount ($)Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Total:Click here to enter text.Please submit your completed application form electronically to the Sustainability Funds Administrator at sustainadmin@ams.ubc.caAppendix A: Project TypesProjects must fall under at least one project type, and applicants must explain how their project advances the objectives under the project type description.CriterionDescriptionStudent EmpowermentThe project empowers students by offering leadership opportunities, training and/or mentorship. Students will gain skills and knowledge. The project enables student leaders to continue to make change in the realm of sustainability following project completion.Education & AwarenessThe project raises awareness of sustainability issues and solutions, including information that is beyond common knowledge. The project may involve traditional education, publicity, outreach campaigns or other methods. Education should be evidence-based but artistic and/or creative expression is also munity OrganizingThe project grows the sustainability movement – or a sustainability-related movement – by engaging UBC community members, equipping them to act and growing the network of individuals dedicated to a cause. The project may target individuals that do not already identify as part of the movement and/or help people already interested in sustainability in building skills and growing their networks. The project helps build a sense of community. OperationsThe project improves the environmental, ecological and/or socially sustainable operations of the AMS and/or UBC Vancouver. The project should ideally connect to sustainability and wellbeing planning efforts or goals already underway at UBC. AdvocacyThe project advocates for an institution (e.g. the AMS, UBC, city, province, etc.) to adopt a policy or make a commitment that aligns with environmental, economic and/or social sustainability. The initiative should align with the priorities laid out in the AMS Student Driven Sustainability Strategy and/or the AMS Environment and Climate Change policy. The project builds community support to achieve the -sharing & PartnershipsThe project expands the impact of initiatives already underway on campus by sharing information, models and results with off-campus stakeholders and communities. The project builds collaborations with off campus sustainability organizations and/or communities that would benefit from sustainability support. Appendix B: Sustainability CompetenciesSustainability competencies describe specific attributes that are critical for creating meaningful change and advancing a sustainable future. The following sustainability competencies have been adapted from the key competencies outlined in the UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development Goals Learning Objectives. These competencies are recognized by the United Nations as necessary for achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Applicants must show how they have demonstrated at least one of these competencies in developing their projects and explain how they will employ that competency throughout project implementation. Applicants only need to demonstrate one competency but are invited to discuss more if they so wish. The purpose of this section is to encourage applicants to think about how they can make their projects most effective and avoid unintended negative petencyDescriptionSystems thinking competencySystems thinking is the ability to recognize the various systems involved in any one problem and consider the interactions between whole systems and their individual components. Systems thinking involves examining different domains (e.g. society, ecology, economy, culture, politics, science, etc.) across different scales (e.g. local, regional, global).Projects that embrace systems thinking will consider the broad, complex systems under which the issue they are tackling falls, and will recognize the interconnections between relevant domains, systems and structures.Critical thinking competencyCritical thinking is the ability to recognize the assumptions underlying our knowledge, worldviews and opinions and to question our norms and current practices.Projects that employ critical thinking will challenge the status quo, embrace risk taking and offer new lenses to think about sustainability. They may also embrace new viewpoints that run contrary to the dominant political, cultural and social discourse.Ethics competencyThe ethics competency is the ability to consider the ethical impact of sustainability projects and use this understanding to develop solutions that are ethical for people and the planet. This competency recognizes that multiple issues must be considered when developing solutions and that sustainability intersects with other principles like justice, human rights, accessibility and community building. Projects that invoke the ethics competency will critically consider the impacts of the project on environmental, social and economic justice. They should help build a more just future, for example by empowering marginalized communities, promoting social equity or addressing the interconnections between environmental and social issues.?Collaboration competencyThe collaboration competency is the ability to work together with different stakeholders. It involves learning from others, understanding and respecting their needs and developing solutions that integrate different perspectives.Projects that embrace collaboration will bring together stakeholders from a variety of disciplines and/or backgrounds to share their perspectives and develop holistic solutions together. Strategic competencyThe strategic competency is the ability to analyze various options and determine the most effective and impactful solutions. It involves proposing innovative solutions, thinking outside the box and overcoming constraints.Projects that embrace the strategic competency will find leverage points within the institutions they are working in and take advantage of these leverage points to create change. They will also be sure to avoid redundancy with other initiatives. They may choose to focus on solutions that address gaps in sustainability efforts. ................

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