5. Market Analysis 2

5.1. Identification of immediate regional possibilities for WMC products 2

5.2. Identification of regional possibilities for compost / CLO 5

5.3. Identification of immediate regional possibilities for recyclates 8

5.4. Collection, treatment and disposal service 16

5.5. Conclusion 17


Table 5-1: Classification System for SRF 4

Table 5-2: Physicochemical characteristics of produced fuel from waste 4

Table 5-3: Potential compost end-users 6

Table 5-4: Surface area of utilized agricultural and other land, by categories in project area 6

Table 5-5: Classification System for compost 7

Table 5-6: Mixed and Clear Glass prices, £ per tonne, 2014-2013 11

Table 5-7: Plastic bottles and PP-PE printed prices, £ per tonne, 2014-2013 13

Table 5-8: Mixed paper and cardboard prices, £ per tonne, 2014-2013 14

Table 5-9: Aluminum cans prices, £ per tonne, 2014-2013 15

Table 5-10: Market value of recyclables and energy 16

Table 5-11: Market value of recyclables and energy 16

List of figures

Figure 5-1: Price developments of post user plastic waste EU-27 (€ / tone). 9

Figure 5-2: The system of Regulations concerning beverage packaging in Croatia 10

Figure 5-3: Average Glass prices, £ per tonne, 2014 11

Figure 5-4: Average Plastic bottle prices, £ per tonne, 2014 12

Figure 5-5: Average Plastic film prices, £ per tonne, 2014 13

Figure 5-6: Average Waste paper export prices, £ per tonne, 2014 14

Figure 5-7: Average Aluminum cans prices, £ per tonne, 2014 15

5. Market Analysis

5.1. Identification of immediate regional possibilities for WMC products

Waste derived fuels generally refer to the production of refuse derived fuels (RDF) and solid recovered fuels (SRF). The terms RDF and SRF are often used interchangeably but there is a significant difference between RDF and SRF which determines its ultimate destination. The preparation of RDF requires a basic level of treatment to remove recyclates from predominantly an MSW waste stream, while SRF requires a higher standard of preparation to produce a fuel. RDF is typically destined for standard Energy from Waste (EfW) facilities which also accept unprepared mixed waste streams. SRF on the other hand are solid fuels prepared from non-hazardous waste and are typically utilised for energy recovery in incineration or co-incineration plants (within cement kilns, power stations, etc.) as an alternative to fossil fuels also meeting the classification and specification requirements laid down in the CEN15359 European standard.

These differences can be summarised as follows:

← RDF is a “crude fuel” typically derived from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) or commercial and industrial waste with similar properties to MSW with a Net CV (Calorific Value) of 8-14 MJ/kg (Mega Joules per kilogram). It is typically pre-sorted and shredded residual waste with recyclates removed where practical, or the reject fraction of a MRF (Materials Recycling Facility) operation;

← SRF is produced to a fuel standard specified by the receiving plant and can be produced to the European standard specifications set out in CEN153591. It is typically derived from pre-sorted commercial & industrial (C&I) waste or rejects from MRF activities, and from MSW, typically having a Net CV or >15 MJ/kg.

The development in the production and therefore also use of waste fuels is driven by several factors, these mainly being summarised as:

← the EU Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC, which requires diversion of biodegradable waste from landfill. This led several states to implement a complete ban for organic waste in landfill,

← the Waste Incineration Directive 2000/76/EC as now superseded by 2010/75/EC,

← the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Directive 2001/77/EC,

← the Emission Trading Directive 2003/87/EC,

← rising energy costs and the consequent interest to substitute expensive primary fuels, and

← the development of European Standards (i.e. CEN15359).

RDF and SRF can be used in a variety of ways to produce electricity, heat or a combination of both. It is often used alone or together (as a partial substitute) with traditional sources of fuel in the following industries:

← power plants for energy generation

← industrial power plants

← cement kilns

← incineration plants (R1 –status)

← pyrolysis plants

← steel mills, etc.

The main outlets of RDF/SRF are currently found in the cement industry as well as paper manufacturing. The European countries where RDF/SRF production is already well established are Germany but also Austria, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, and Sweden. Countries where RDF/SRF production and energy recovery is currently being developed are Belgium, the United Kingdom and ever more increasingly the eastern European countries for example Slovenia, Serbia, and now Croatia. In various countries several waste derived fuels are produced as different forms of appearance (fluff, pellets, chips, powder).

Regarding the current European market activity, there are cases of importing SRF to Austria or to Germany, some of these being at zero costs at the gate or even with a positive Gate fee (income to the SRF producer) which helps to offset transport costs to these facilities.

A major proportion of the international requirement for SRF utilization (mainly in cement kilns) remains outside of Europe, for example in India and China, these two countries being of the largest producers of cement globally. Any consideration for the export of SRF materials to these regions brings with it other costs (road, port storage/handling, shipping) and regulatory issues. China in particular is globally recognised as a dominating force in global manufacturing specifications and the treatment of recyclables due to being the largest importer of recyclates, also from Europe. Shipments however of SRF from Europe to China or India are not almost non existent due mainly to their relatively low (in comparison to recyclates) market value in relation to their transportation costs. No notable figures for exports of SRF from European countries to Eastern and South Eastern markets were established.

It must be noted that quality management for RDF/SRF plays a key role in efforts to establish viable market outlets, not least by creating confidence in suppliers, end-users, and regulators. However, standardization in isolation cannot guarantee increased market share. The European market for SRF/RDF is developing and remains unpredictable. The RDF/SRF contaminant properties and combustion behavior critically affect its potential applications. Problems with low-quality RDF characteristics, particularly high chlorine and trace metals content, have led to a decline in co-combustion applications.

Within the context of the present study, the produced RDF will be taken over by Kakanj Cement industry. A negotiation through a letter of intent between AGO d.o.o. and cement industry was taken place for cooperation. The annex of chapter 5 presents the relevant letter of intent.

Not all kinds of SRF/RDF are suited for all types of installations. The classes have determined as a tool for identifying and pre-selecting SRF/RDF. However, the performances of the plant where SRF/RDF is used are depending on the properties of the SRF/RDF and more significantly on the design and operating condition of such a plant.

The classification system for SRF, based on the EN 15359:2011 is presented at the following table:

Table 5-1: Classification System for SRF


According to the letter of intend which has been signed between Agencija za gospodanje Otpadom d.o.o. and Kakanj Cement (it is given in Annex of chapter 5), the Cement industry is interested to use up to 10,000 t/y of waste fuel with the following physicochemical characteristics. According to the experience from other Countries and taking into consideration data concerning the disposal of RDF derived from the WMC of Split-Dalmatia County and Karlovac County, an average cost of 30 €/t for transportation and disposal of RDF has been considered in the CBA.

Table 5-2: Physicochemical characteristics of produced fuel from waste

| |Fuel from waste |

|Calorific value |Min 20 MJ/kg |

|Calorific value (dry) |Min 20 MJ/kg |

|Humidity of the material |Max 20% |

|Clorine content |1% |

|Mercury content |1 ppm |

|Material dimensions |30 mm |

Additionally the material must not contain pieces of metal or stone that can damage the conveyor systems and must not contain dioxins, furans, PCBs and other hazardous organic components. SRF must be declared with the category 191210, according to the European Waste Catalogue (EWC).

Generally, the marketability of MBT-produced SRF depends largely on the successful implementation of QA/QC schemes, especially in the light of the wider technical, financial, policy, and legislative challenges.

Other barriers identified for the promotion of production and use of SRF includes the following:

← SRF classified as a waste fuel.

← Governed by Waste Incineration Directive 2010/75/EC

← Likelihood of public opposition

← Increased combustion requirements for existing facilities – i.e. higher temperatures, longer incineration residence times

← High costs associated with transport. SRF products being relatively low in density in relation to calorific value as compared with fossil fuels, increases their relative transport cost, since transport costs are largely based on volume.

← Ash disposal costs.

According to the NWMP, the state will analyze needs and possibilities for SRF treatment facilities in Croatia.

5.2. Identification of regional possibilities for compost / CLO

The marketability of compost is affected by the concentration of contaminants. Some facilities in Europe are processing mixed waste (composting and anaerobic digestion) with the intent of recovering a product suitable for landscaping and for use by the agricultural sector. Compost-like outputs (CLO) are treated differently across Member States. For example, Germany uses MBT mostly as a pre-treatment prior to landfill, partially to stabilize biodegradable municipal solid waste, and does not use CLO on land. In France there are 70 plants processing 1.9 million tones per annum (tpa) of MSW with CLO used on land. Other countries also have substantial MBT capacities and use some of the CLO output on land, including agricultural land, such as Spain which has treatment capacity of 3 million tpa and Italy which has treatment capacity of 11.7 million tpa. In the UK the current regulatory position precludes the use of CLO from mixed waste sources for any agricultural land. The ad hoc and piecemeal standards for applying compost to farmlands make the use of MBT CLO difficult for this purpose. There remains significant uncertainty about potential environmental and human health risks associated with the use of these products on agricultural land. This uncertainty is due in part to the paucity of temporal, physical and chemical product data and also the absence of a robust evaluation of potential human health and environmental effects for numerous potentially hazardous xenobiotic organic compounds[1].

Farm application is a matter of ongoing debate starting from the Second Draft Bio-waste Directive in 2001 and a number of working documents on End-of-waste Criteria for Biodegradable Waste/ sludge. It is a matter of argument whether a mixed waste treatment plant will undertake the additional efforts to achieve the superior End-of-waste standards so as to apply CLO to land. Compost derived from mixed waste is of lower quality and value compared to compost derived from source-segregated materials, largely due to higher contamination levels. Trials on mixed waste derived materials have reported large amounts of physical contaminants (e.g. glass) and potentially levels of other elements above limits. Use of bio-waste and sludges of lower quality would be restricted to non-agricultural lands and would be subject to national legislation. The potential for such an output is thus very low. It is mentioned that in UK for example, the BSI PAS 100 standard is by definition valid only for composts derived from source segregated waste.

Some MBT configurations entail an additional refining step and maybe a more advanced mechanical separation so as to remove contaminants from the finished compost and attract potential end-users. In some countries (France, Spain, Italy) it is considered sufficiently pure and is used in farmland applications. In other countries it may also find some low value applications such as cover material in landfills and brownfields restoration. The following table presents potential compost end-users in general.

Table 5-3: Potential compost end-users

|Potential compost end-user |Description |

|Tree Farms and Nurseries |Mainly sellers of bagged compost |

|Large Retail and Garden Centers |Includes small garden centers, greenhouses, and florists, small quantities, |

| |sell bags to households |

|State Government |For example, transportation projects |

|County Government |Road, bridge and transportation protects, compost is also used in open space,|

| |parks etc. |

|Local Governments |Compost used by municipalities |

|Landscape (contractor, design, maintenance) |Landscape contractors, designers, and maintenance – significant potential |

| |users |

|Agricultural (vegetable and field) |Vegetable growers are the agricultural users of compost |

|Construction (road and reclamation) |Contracted by the County or municipalities to undertake public works, road, |

| |erosion control, and reclamation projects. |

|Universities |Usually, high quality compost is used as top dressing for athletic fields and|

| |compost is used in planting beds |

|School Districts and Private Schools |Compost in gardens |

|Sports Complexes |Covered in the above categories (State, county. Municipal) |

|Landscape Architects |Design landscaping plans most often include soil amendment |

|Households |Purchase bagged compost from retail, nurseries, and garden centers |

Table 5-4: Surface area of utilized agricultural and other land, by categories in project area

(Census 2003)

|Type of land |Surface area (ha) |

|Total utilized agricultural land, ha* |7,119.73 |

|Utilized agricultural land, arable land and gardens, ha |771.63 |

|Utilized agricultural land, kitchen gardens, ha** |134.80 |

|Utilized agricultural land, meadows, ha |400.21 |

|Utilized agricultural land, pastures, ha |879.39 |

|Utilized agricultural land, orchards-total, ha |3,170.00 |

|Utilized agricultural land, orchards in plantations, ha |1,526.45 |

|Utilized agricultural land, vineyards-total, ha |1,757.60 |

|Utilized agricultural land, vineyards in plantations |941.73 |

|Utilized agricultural land, nurseries and osier for basket-weaving etc., ha |6.10 |

|Other land, total, ha |15,505.80 |

|Other land, of that unutilized agricultural land, ha |3,792.80 |

|Other land, of that wooded area, ha |10,650.13 |

*Total utilized agricultural land, ha: Include arable land and gardens + kitchen garden + meadows + pastures + orchards (total) + vineyards (total) + nurseries

**Utilized agricultural land, kitchen gardens, ha: In backyard, for own consumption

Source: Croatian Bureau of Statistics

The classification system for compost, based on the Ordinance on by-products and end-of-waste status OG 117/14 (Pravilnik o nusproizvodima i ukidanju statusa otpada)[2] is presented at the following table:

Table 5-5: Classification System for compost

|Parameter |Limit values in compost |

| |Class I |Class II |Class III |

| |mg / kg dry matter |

|Cadmium (Cd) |0.7 |1 |3 |

|Chromium (Cr) |70 |150 |250 |

|Mercury (Hg) |0.4 |0.7 |3 |

|Nickel (Ni) |25 |60 |100 |

|Lead (Pb) |45 |120 |200 |

|Copper (Cu) |70 |150 |500 |

|Zinc (Zn) |200 |500 |1800 |

|PAU |- |- |6 |

|PCB |- |- |1 |

(Source: Ordinance on by-products and end-of-waste status OG 117/14[3])

Permitted uses of the produced compost according to the class belonging is the following:

1. Compost Class I: is designed for use in organic production in accordance with the special regulations for organic production and use in agriculture in accordance with the special regulations for fertilizers and soil improvers;

2. Compost Class II: is designed for use in agriculture in accordance with the special regulations for fertilizers and soil;

3. Compost Class ΙΙΙ: is designed for use on the ground that is not used for food production, the forest and decorated park land, for the purposes of planning and land reclamation and for the final layer for landfills recultivation.

In accordance to data from the Agriculture and Rural Development Plan 2007-2013, 13,327 tons of compost was annually imported to Croatia[4]. In 2012, 3% of waste was composted in the Republic of Croatia (45,819 tones).

According to a preliminary research conducted in 2013 in Croatia (College of Agriculture at Križevci – Strossmayer University)[5], it was concluded that the compost from biodegradable municipal waste can be used in the production of seedlings, since there are no inhibitory effects on germination, seedling growth and development of endive as sensitive plant species. According to the article, compost from this waste will certainly be more frequently used in the production of seedlings of flowers than of vegetables, so the future research should be directed towards detecting their possible sensitivity.

The Ordinance on the protection of agricultural land against pollution caused by harmful substances (OG 15/92) prescribes that the maximum amount of PCBs in city sludge and compost made of city sludge and waste can amount to 0.05 mg kg-1 of dry matter[6].

Good quality compost from source-segregated materials will require the co-operation of several stakeholders and much education and promotion to sustain the motivation of waste generators to do the separation adequately. The role of NGOs and other local organizations will be important in promoting separation at source. Education and promotion can include demonstration projects, exhibits, workshops, focus meetings, information brochures. Other regional and local authorities with experience in waste reduction and composting of organic waste can be invited to share their knowledge.

Finally when choosing technical and technological solutions mechanical-biological treatment of mixed municipal waste and non-hazardous waste (input material in the mechanical-biological treatment) in which the process produce compost, is necessary to consider the following:

✓ Compost produced after a. biological treatment of source separated biodegradable waste, b. biological treatment of mixed municipal waste.

✓ Criterion for processing is the AT4 respiration index: The AT4 is a static respiration index (SRI) test, also used to calculate the oxygen consumption of a sample over a period of time. The index determines the biological stability of compost or other organic materials, and is an additional test to prove the maturity of the material being tested. For the landfill disposal procedure D1 (disposal of waste in or on the ground) must be ensured that:

✓ AT4 ≤ 10 mg O2 / g dry mater by 31 December 2019

✓ AT4 ≤ 7 mg O2 / g dry mater from 01 January 2020

Waste that has been stabilized to this standard is assigned a BMW factor of zero.

Note: AT4 is an analytical method that needs to be carried out according to DIN EN 15590: 2012 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of the current value of aerobic bacterial activity using the real dynamic respiration index (EN 15590: 2011).

5.3. Identification of immediate regional possibilities for recyclates

In a ISWA, MEPPPC & UNEP stakeholder workshop titled “Plastic-Packaging Waste Recycling in South East Europe”, held on 25 November 2011, in Zagreb, it was stated that the concession system for companies that are active in waste management services secures a minimum quality standard of the services provided.

The processing of quality secondary materials is needed to ensure the sustainability of the recycling sector i.e. through source separated collection and imposing standards for the processing of packaging waste. Thirteen companies have a concession for the collection and recovery of packaging waste within Croatia.

The conditions exist for an increased use of secondary raw materials in the manufacture of new packaging due to the good quality and sufficient quantities available. Development of new business such as PET to PET is needed.[7].

Croatia has a chemical and plastics industry, as well as a clothing & textile industry. Developing the local industry to use locally available recycled material (such as clean recycled PET flakes) as a substitute for raw materials (such as fibers) will build a more competitive local manufacturing industry and also benefit the recycling industry.

The graph below shows the average price obtained for recycled plastic (a mix of packaging and non-packaging, predominantly high quality plastic) in the EU27 countries across a 10 year period. During this time a price fluctuation of more than €100/tonne can be observed. While the price for PET increased from 2010 to 2011 by more than 25% the price for PE-foil decreased sharply in the same period.


Figure 5-1: Price developments of post user plastic waste EU-27 (€ / tone).

Source: Eurostat ) completed with data from EUWID.

In Croatia, the legislation system has been implemented including aspects of waste minimization as well as recycling and the avoidance of littering. The “stimulative” fee and the disposal fee are tools making one-way-packaging less economic and reusable bottles more advantageous for bottling companies. The deposit is a strong tool to encourage the return of bottles, to collect type-specific bottles and to reduce littering.

Croatia is one of a few countries in SEE that has implemented steering tools to force the use of refillable bottles and to force the separate collection and the recycling of one-way-bottles as well as beverage cans.

Each producer/importer of beverages must fulfill targets for the share of refillable packaging, depending on the type of product. The target is 25% for alcoholic beverage containers (excluding beer which is 75%), wine bottles, juice and water bottles.

To encourage multiple use or reusable packaging, beverage producers are required to pay a “stimulative” fee (of about 3 euro cents per PET-bottle with a volume from 0.5 to 1.5 liter), up until the point that the national target of ordinance is reached Once the national target is reached the producer is no longer required to pay the stimulative fee.

Additionally a disposal fee has to be paid according to the amount and type of packaging placed on the market. This fee is to be paid once at the time it is placed on the market. Refillable bottles have to pay this fee just once independent of how often they are used. The fee is 56 EUR per tone for PET which is about 0.15 euro cents per PET-bottle.

To encourage the collection of one-way-bottles, retailers have to collect a deposit of 7 euro cents per bottle which is given back to the consumer when the bottle is returned.

The fees are used by the Environmental Protection and Energy Fund for:

• Paying efforts of the shops for taking back beverage packaging and handling the deposit

• Financing separate collection and recycling

• Financial supports for improving waste management.

In the Republic of Croatia there are 24 authorized waste packaging management centers to where one-way-packaging can be brought back by the consumer. The company Coca Cola Hellenic operating in Croatia reports an increase in use of recycled PET from its supplier Alpla operating in Zagreb. Coca Cola Hellenic also reports 15% recycling of its glass packaging in Croatia.


Figure 5-2: The system of Regulations concerning beverage packaging in Croatia

Source: Vučinić, A, 2011

Overall, local separation of the recyclates stream and delivery to a commercial buyer will remain only opportunistic in nature and cannot be relied upon in terms of stability of revenues or cost. Another factor to consider is that buyers need large consistent amounts of recyclates to be viable; they want guarantees that the materials will always be available in the quantities required.

Local Authorities cannot guarantee this. Setting up public private partnerships, or making contracts with private companies can help local authorities achieve 100% waste collection. However municipalities may need assistance to ensure appropriate contracts are established and are supported by legislation.

Development in the sectors of collection and recycling create business and employment opportunities. Development of the local market to take recyclables is a key opportunity to help support the establishment of a viable recycling sector. This removes the pressure of having to compete on the international level against other more well established companies and maintains resources locally[8].

The following graph presents the flunctuation of glass prices in UK for the year 2014, according to the website . It must be noted that the prices shown are for tonnages of container glass (essentially bottles and jars) delivered to a cullet collector who will clean and sort the glass ready for use, or for further checking, by a glassmaker. The guide price for mixed glass typically reflects the sum that may be paid at the weighbridge by the aggregates sector and some glass industry recyclers for the mixed material. It must also be taken into account that the quality of mixed glass varies.

According to the website, some believe that including glass in commingled collections makes it harder to separate from other materials at MRFs, meaning for some that MRF glass is not of such a high quality compared to separated mixed glass.


Figure 5-3: Average Glass prices, £ per tonne, 2014

(Source: )

According to the website, UK glass manufacturers prize clear glass most highly because, while most glass made in the UK is clear, by far the largest proportion of the glass waste stream is green. For this reason, green is prized the least. Completely mixed glass cannot be used in the container re-melt industry, where colour purity is vital, and must instead go to alternative uses such as aggregates. However, companies abroad in wine-producing countries such as Italy, Spain and Portugal are willing to import mixed glass to process green container glass. These countries are the main recipients of exported UK glass, which is then used to create wine bottles. For mixed and clear glass, comparative prices are presented in the table below for years 2014 and 2013.

Table 5-6: Mixed and Clear Glass prices, £ per tonne, 2014-2013

|  |2014 |2013 |


|  |Low |High |



|  |Low |

| |2014 |2013 |

| |Low |High |Low |High |

|J |690 |720 |685 |710 |

|F |660 |690 |760 |790 |

|M |650 |680 |760 |790 |

|A |650 |700 |765 |790 |

|M |660 |710 |760 |790 |

|J |660 |710 |770 |780 |

|J |660 |710 |770 |800 |

|A |665 |715 |780 |810 |

|S |680 |725 |800 |830 |

|O |680 |725 |790 |820 |

|N |675 |720 |780 |815 |

|D |680 |730 |775 |800 |

|AVERAGE |668 |711 |766 |794 |

In order to calculate the revenues from recyclable sales from MBT, the market values of the recyclables as well the the contaminations of them has been taken into consideration. The market values of recyclables that have been used in the CBA are shown in the following table:

Table 5-10: Market value of recyclables and energy

|Sell prices for recyclables and products |Price |

|Al |600 €/t |

|Fe |140 €/t |

|Plastics |28 €/t |

|Paper/Cardboard |15 €/t |

|Glass |2 €/t |

The revenues of “recyclables sales” from source separated recyclables took into account the average market values of the recyclables. Thus, the market values of recyclables that they have been used at the following calculations are shown in the following table. The revenues have been calculated for the paper & cardboard and the plastics. The others fractions have been managed by the municipalities.

Table 5-11: Market value of recyclables and energy

|Sell prices for recyclables and products |Price |

|Plastics |56 €/t |

|Paper/Cardboard |30 €/t |

5.4. Collection, treatment and disposal service

Collection of MSW is a natural monopoly under many, though not all, circumstances (OECD Competition Committee[11]). Several empirical studies indicate that costs increase when more than one collector is used. Consequently, municipalities usually arrange for MSW to be collected from households by a provider that is granted the monopoly for this service, either the municipality itself (directly or as a municipal company) or a private company. This is also applicable in the project area.

Markets for collection and disposal tend to be geographically small. Nevertheless, restrictions on disposal can harm competition among disposal options. Relatively high transport costs limit the distance over which MSW, once collected, is carried.

Further, markets for disposal have high barriers to entry. This means that there is potential for local market power in the provision of disposal services. Restrictions specifying in which facilities a municipality’s MSW must be disposed and prohibitions on the acceptance of waste originating from outside the local area strengthen market power in disposal markets. In Croatia’s and in the case, county waste management plans specify where MSW will be disposed. By contrast, competition could be stimulated by not designating a disposal facility, so that the facilities may compete for a municipality’s or a collecting company’s custom. Alternatively, municipalities may hold competitive tenders for disposal among several of the nearer facilities. The balance between the “proximity principle” and the welfare gains from a reduction in market power should be examined to ensure overall efficiency. In other words, the legal framework constrains the geographic and product dimensions of markets, as well as the price levels of some inputs and outputs.[12]

5.5. Conclusion

Within the context of the present study, if SRF will be produced, it could be given to cement industry. Not all kinds of SRF are suited for all types of installations (CEN /TR 15508). The classes have determined as a tool for identifying and pre-selecting SRF. However, the performances of the plant where SRF is used are depending on the properties of the SRF and more significantly on the design and operating condition of such a plant. The classification system for SRF is based on the EN 15359:2011.

Additionally the material must not contain pieces of metal or stone that can damage the conveyor systems and must not contain dioxins, furans, PCBs and other hazardous organic components. SRF must be declared with the category 191210, according to the European Waste Catalogue (EWC).

As for compost, in accordance to data from the Agriculture and Rural Development Plan 2007-2013, 13.327 tons of compost was annually imported to Croatia[13]. In 2012, 3% of waste was composted in the Republic of Croatia (45,819 tones). According to a preliminary research conducted in 2013 in Croatia (College of Agriculture at Križevci – Strossmayer University)[14], it was concluded that the compost from biodegradable municipal waste can be used in the production of seedlings, since there are no inhibitory effects on germination, seedling growth and development of endive as sensitive plant species. According to the article, compost from this waste will certainly be more frequently used in the production of seedlings of flowers than of vegetables, so the future research should be directed towards detecting their possible sensitivity.

The classification system for compost is based on the Instructions for compost quality assurance, given from the Ministry of Environment and Nature (class 351-04/14-13/20 Reg 514-05-2-1-14-2 Zagreb, 1 October 2014). Permitted uses of the produced compost according to the class belonging is the following:

1. Compost Class I: is designed for use in organic production in accordance with the special regulations for organic production and use in agriculture in accordance with the special regulations for fertilizers and soil improvers;

2. Compost Class II:. is designed for use in agriculture in accordance with the special regulations for fertilizers and soil;

3. Compost Class ΙΙΙ: is designed for use on the ground that is not used for food production, the forest and decorated park land, for the purposes of planning and land reclamation and for the final layer for landfills recultivation.

Finally, when choosing technical and technological solutions mechanical-biological treatment of mixed municipal waste and non-hazardous waste (input material in the mechanical-biological treatment) in which the process produce compost, is necessary to consider the following:

➢ Compost produced after:

✓ a. biological treatment of source separated biodegradable waste,

✓ b. biological treatment of mixed municipal waste.

➢ Criterion for processing is the AT4 respiration index

As for the recyclables Croatia has a chemical and plastics industry, as well as a clothing & textile industry. Developing the local industry to use locally available recycled material (such as clean recycled PET flakes) as a substitute for raw materials (such as fibres) will build a more competitive local manufacturing industry and also benefit the recycling industry.

Overall, local separation of the recyclates stream and delivery to a commercial buyer will remain only opportunistic in nature and cannot be relied upon in terms of stability of revenues or cost. Another factor to consider is that buyers need large consistent amounts of recyclates to be viable; they want guarantees that the materials will always be available in the quantities required.



[1] Environment Agency (2009). Science Report - Review of current European practice of MBT compost-like output use. Retrieved from:




[5] Vukobratovi |[pic], Z., Vukobratovi |[pic], M., Lon

[pic]ari |[pic], Z., Erthati |[pic], R., (2014). Potential oture/enlargement/countries/croatia/ipard_en.pdf

[6] Vukobratović, Z., Vukobratović, M., Lončarić, Z., Erthatić, R., (2014). “Potential of composted biodegradable municipal waste in seedlings production”. Retrieved from:


[8] ISWA, (2012). “SUB-REGIONAL REPORT – Plastic/PET waste recycling in the South-East Europe sub-region, with a focus on Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia”. Retrieved from:







[15] Vukobratović, Z., Vukobratović, M., Lončarić, Z., Erthatić, R., (2014). “Potential of composted biodegradable municipal waste in seedlings production”. Retrieved from:


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