The Behavior Assessment Scale for Children – 2nd Edition ...

The Behavior Assessment Scale for Children – 2nd Edition (BASC-2):

The BASC-2 is a norm-referenced, standardized behavioral assessment system designed to facilitate the differential diagnosis and classification of a variety of emotional and behavioral disorders of children and to aid in the design of treatment plans. The computer generated report that results should not be the sole basis for making important diagnostic or treatment decisions. Scores that fall in the Clinically Significant range suggest a high level of maladjustment. Scores that fall in the At-Risk range suggest a significant problem that may not be severe enough to require formal treatment or a potential or developing problem that needs careful monitoring.

Teacher Rating Scales (TRS):

|Composite |T-score |Percentile |Descriptor |

|Externalizing Problems |      |      | |

|Internalizing Problems |      |      | |

|School Problems |      |      | |

|Behavioral Symptoms Index |      |      | |

|Adaptive Skills |      |      | |

Mr. XXX is XXX’s Math and P.E. teacher, and he has know him for approximately 3 months.

Mr. XXX rated XXx       In the Externalizing Problems Index, there are three categories including, Hypearctivity, Aggression, and Conduct Problems. Mr. XXX indicated concerns in the areas of       (T-score =      ) and Conduct Problems (T-score =      ). With regard to Aggression, Mr. XXX reported XXX “     ”. In the area of Conduct Problems Mr. XXX shared that XXX “sometimes”      . However, Mr. XXX stated XXX “     .

In the area of Internalizing Problems, there are three area that generate the index including, Anxiety, Depression and Somatization. Mr. XXX rated XXX       from both Depression (T-score =      ) and Somatization (T-score =      ). With reference to Depression, Mr. XXX described XXX as “often” appearing sad and pessimistic, and he shared XXX “sometimes” gets upset easily and seems lonely. In reference to Somatization, Mr. XXX indicated XXX “sometimes” visits the school nurse, gets sick, and complains about health and about feeling pain.

In the area of School Problems there are two subcategories including, Attention Problems and Learning Problems. In relation to Attention Problems, Mr. XXX stated XXX “often” is easily distracted from school work, does not pay attention to lecture and has a short attention span. He continued to describe XXX as “sometimes” listening carefully and paying attention. When asked about the differences in the rating, Mr. XXX indicated it depended on what XXX was doing or what he was asked to do within the classroom. XXX has the capability to pay attention, but does not sustain well when bored or uninterested.

The Behavioral Symptoms Index is comprised of Atypicality and Withdrawal, Mr. XXX rated XXX       in both areas. In reference to Atypicality, Mr. XXX shared XXX “often” seems out of touch with reality and has strange ideas. He also shared that XXX “sometimes” acts strangely an seems unaware of others.

Finally, the Adaptive Behavior index consist of five scales including, Adaptability, Social Skills, Leadership, Study Skills and Functional Communication. Mr. XXX indicated in the areas of Study Skills (T-score =      ) and Functional Communication (T-score =      ). Regarding Study Skills, Mr. XXX described XXX as “sometimes” reading assigned chapters, completes his homework, and takes careful notes during lecture. Mr. XXX shared that XXX does not always come prepared and/or motivated for class. In relation to Functional Communication, Mr. XXX indicated XXX “never” tracks down information when needed and “sometimes” has trouble getting information when needed and has difficulty explaining rules of games to others.

Parent Rating Scales (PRS):

|Composite |T-score |Percentile |Descriptor |

|Externalizing Problems |62 |89 | |

|Internalizing Problems |52 |66 | |

|Behavioral Symptoms Index |58 |81 | |

|Adaptive Skills |61 |87 | |

Ms. XXX filled out the BASC at home and returned it to the school completed. She indicated in the area of      

On the Externalizing Problems Index Ms. XXX rated XXX       Hyperactivity (T-score =      ) and Aggression (T-score =      ) and       for Conduct Problems (T-score =      ). Regarding Hyperactivity, Ms. XXX described XXX as “often” acting without thinking. She also stated he “sometimes” cannot wait his turn, has poor self-control, acts out of control, and interrupts when others are speaking. In the area of Aggression, Ms. XXX indicated XXX “     With reference to Conduct Problems, Ms. XXX stated XXX “often” uses foul language, breaks the rules and gets into trouble. She also stated XXX “sometimes” lies to get out of trouble, disobeys, uses illegal drugs, is in trouble with the police, sneaks around and steals.

The Behavioral Symptoms Index was rated in the At-Risk range by Ms. XXX and the areas of Atypicality and Withdrawal were elevated. In the area of Atypicality, Ms. XXX indicated XXX “sometimes” seems unaware of others, stares blankly, babbles to himself and seems out of touch with reality. In relation to Withdrawal, she rated XXX as “sometimes” refuses to join group activities, is shy with other adolescents and prefers to be alone.

In the area of Adaptive Skills, Ms. XXX shared concerns in the areas of Social Skills (T-score = 35) and Adaptability (T-score = 36). With regard to Social Skills, Ms. XXX stated XXX “sometimes” compliments others, offers to help others, and tires to bring out the best in others. She also indicated he “never” volunteers to help with things. In reference to Adaptability, Ms. XXX described XXX as “often” acts stubborn and “sometimes” adjusts well to change and to new teachers.

Self Report of Personality (SRP):

|Composite |T-score |Percentile |Descriptor |

|School Problems |71 |96 | |

|Internalizing Problems |42 |21 | |

|Inattention/Hyperactivity |50 |56 | |

|Emotional Symptoms Index |65 |92 | |

|Personal Adjustment |43 |24 | |

XXX completed the self-report form of the BASC in the school psychologist’s office. He was asked the questions and he responded either “True” or “False” or on a 4 point scale (0=never to 4=almost always).

XXX rated himself in the areas of      . The School Problems Index consists of three subcategories including Attitude to School, Attitude to Teachers, and Sensation Seeking. XXX rated himself in the range for Attitude to School (T-score = 70) and Attitude to Teachers (T-score = 74). In the area of Attitude to School, XXX answered true to questions such as, “often” annoys others on purpose, teases others, and loses his temper too easily. She also shared that XXX “sometimes” calls other adolescents names, threatens to hurt others, argues when denied his own way, and seeks revenge on others. ” He also shared he “almost always” thinks school is boring and gets bored at school. Regarding Attitude to Teachers, XXX answered false to questions such as, “my teachers understand me,” and “my teacher cares about me.” He also stated he believes teachers “almost always” look for the bad things that you do and feels that “often” teachers are unfair and that they want too much. XXX rated himself in the       range for Sensation Seeking (T-score =      ) and shared that likes taking chances. He also indicated he “almost always” likes it when his friends dare him to do something, and likes riding in a car that is going fast.

The Inattention/Hyperactive Index contains two subtests including, Attention Problems and Hyperactivity, which were both rated Clinically Significant. With regard to Attention Problems XXX described himself as “almost always” having trouble paying attention to the teachers. He also shared he “often” forgets things and has trouble paying attention to what he is doing. XXX answered true to questions such as “people tell me I should pay more attention, I think that I have a short attention span, I have attention problems, and I give up easily.” In the area of Hyperactivity, XXX indicated he “almost always” has trouble standing still in lines, talking when others are talking, has trouble sitting still and feels like he has to get up and move. XXX also shared he “often” feels he talks without waiting for others to say something and “often” has other people tell him to be still.

| |Parent |Teacher |Self |

|Behavior | | | |

| |T-Score |Percentile |T-Score |Percentile |T-Score |Percentile |

|Aggression |      |      |      |      | | |

|Depression |      |      |      |      |      |      |

|Somatization |      |      |      |      |      |      |

|INTERNALIZING |      |      |      |      |      |      |

|Atypicality |      |      |      |      |      |      |

|Withdrawal |      |      |      |      | | |

|BEHAVIORAL SYMPTOMS |      |      |      |      | | |

|INDEX | | | | | | |

Adaptability |      |      |      |      | | | |Social Skills |      |      |      |      | | | |Leadership |      |      |      |      | | | |Activities of daily living |      |      |      |      | | | |Study Skills |      |      |      |      | | | |Functional Communication |      |      |      |      | | | |ADAPTIVE SKILLS |      |      |      |      | | | |

Adaptive scales Clinical Scales T-Score Range

Very High Clinically Significant 70 and above

High At-Risk 60 - 69

Average Average 41 – 59

At-Risk Low 31 – 40

Clinically Significant Very Low 30 and below

Impairment and Diagnosis –


•70+ Functional impairment in multiple settings, Often diagnosable condition

•60-69 Functional impairment in one or more settings, sometimes diagnosable condition

•45-59 No functional impairment or condition

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