ColdFusion tutorial to create same hash as CF in MS SQL

ColdFusion tutorial to create same hash as CF, but in MS SQL!

How cool would it be, being able to create the same MD5 hash as ColdFusion, directly in the MS SQL RDMBSH?

I know there’s been quite some demand for this function, most people create the MD5 hash in ColdFusion and then pass it the Database, this mean a couple more round trips to the db, which we prefer to avoid at anytime.

We’ll make some assumptions in this article to make things easier, and they are;

- you are running MS SQL 2005

- you are running ColdFusion

Ready to get started?

The first thing to do is go into your MS SQL database and create the following function that creates the hash and return a string value.

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_getHash] (

-- Add the parameters for the function here

@myString VARCHAR( 8000 )





-- Declare the return variable here

DECLARE @returnValue CHAR( 32 )

-- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here

DECLARE @binaryValue VARBINARY( 255 )

SET @binaryValue = (SELECT hashBytes( 'MD5', CONVERT( VARCHAR, @myString ) ) )

DECLARE @characterValue VARCHAR( 255 )



DECLARE @hexadecimalString CHAR( 16 )

SELECT @characterValue = ''

SELECT @i = 1

SELECT @length = DATALENGTH( @binaryValue )

SELECT @hexadecimalString = '0123456789abcdef'

WHILE (@i ................

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