Answer Sheet for Semester 4 EKGs

[Pages:1]Patient Centered Medicine 2

Semester IV

Answer Sheet for Semester 4 EKGs

WEEK 6, 2/5/08

All the EKGs from this week are from the same patient. EKG 23 through 25 are from April

2, 1999 through April 4, 1999, when the patient had an acute MI. These EKGs demonstrate

serial changes of a myocardial infarction. EKG 26 is from September 2001 when the patient

had another Myocardial infarction.

EKG # 23 2/5/08

Normal sinus rhythm with occasional premature supraventricular Vent. Rate


PR interval

Left atrial enlargement

QRS duration

93 BPM 140 ms 68 ms

Left axis deviation


332/412 ms

LVH with repolarization abnormality

P-R-T axes

75 -36


Cannot rule out septal infarct, possibly acute

Anterior injury pattern

Acute anterior infarction

EKG # 24 2/5/08 (Same patient as EKG # 23)

Normal sinus rhythm Antero-septal infarct T-wave abnormality, consider lateral ischemia

Vent. Rate PR interval QRS duration QT/QTc P-R-T axes

65 150 64 388/403 64 -27

BPM ms ms ms 47

EKG # 25 2/5/08 (Same patient as EKG # 23)

Sinus bradycardia Anterior infarction, possibly recent Marked T-wave abnormality, consider lateral ischemia

Vent. Rate PR interval QRS duration QT/QTc P-R-T axes

57 144 66 482/469 82 -24

BPM ms ms ms 174

EKG # 26 2/5/08 (Same patient as EKG # 23)

Normal sinus rhythm Left axis deviation Cannot rule out anterior septal infarct Lateral injury pattern **************ACUTE MI****************** When compared to last EKG

Vent. Rate PR interval QRS duration QT/QTc P-R-T axes

78 124

74 352/401 42 -43

BPM ms ms ms 44

ST now depressed in anterior leads

Acute lateral infarction, age indeterminate

F:\2007-08\Sem4\EKGs\EKG_answer_23_26_ Sem4_2008.doc

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Revised: 2/1/08


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