|1) |Aluminum |Al |A light metal used in making airplanes, buildings, pots & pans, etc. |

|2) |Bromine |Br |Used in photography, medicines, insecticides, etc. |

|3) |Calcium |Ca |A soft, metallic chemical element found in limestone, marble, chalk, etc. |

|4) |Carbon |C |Found in coal, oil gas, living things, & inks |

|5) |Chlorine |Cl |Used in bleach, in chemicals to kill germs in swimming pools, & found with the element sodium in |

| | | |table salt |

|6) |Chromium |Cr |A shiny metal used on bumpers of some cars, household fixtures, etc. |

|7) |Copper |Cu |A metal used for electric wires, pots, pans, & pennies |

|8) |Gold |Au |A metal used for jewelry & precious decorative pieces |

|9) |Helium |He |A gas much lighter than air used in blimps & balloons |

|10) |Hydrogen |H |A flammable & explosive gas |

|11) |Iodine |I |Used on cuts & wounds to kill germs |

|12) |Iron |Fe |A strong metal used in the construction of buildings, steel, & machines |

|13) |Lead |Pb |A metal used in automobile batteries & in fishing & diving weights |

|14) |Mercury |Hg |A heavy, poisonous liquid used in some thermometers |

|15) |Neon |Ne |A gas used in many lights & signs |

|16) |Nickel |Ni |A metal used in coins |

|17) |Nitrogen |N |The main gas in the air, also used in fertilizers |

|18) |Oxygen |O |A gas necessary for respiration; aids burning |

|19) |Platinum |Pt |An expensive metal used in jewelry |

|20) |Potassium |K |Found in fertilizers |

|21) |Silicon |Si |Used in electronics & in compounds for making glass |

|22) |Silver |Ag |Used in tableware, jewelry, photography, medicines, & coins |

|23) |Sodium |Na |Soft metal that combines with chlorine to make table salt |

|24) |Sulfur |S |Used to make sulfuric acid & some medicines such as pet powders |

|25) |Tin |Sn |Used to make cans |

|26) |Tungsten |W |A metal used in light bulb filaments |

|27) |Uranium |U |A metal used in some nuclear reactions |

|28) |Zinc |Zn |A metal that prevents rust & is used in dry cell batteries |


1. Make index cards for each element

a. One side has the Chemical Symbol

b. Other side has the Elements Name & its Uses

2. Learn all this information by the date index card project is due


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