South African National AIDS Council | SANAC

center5181600Terms of Reference for the development of a Master Tool to collate and analyse data for Key PopulationsBackground:The main purpose of this consultancy is to develop a Master Tool to collate and analyse Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Tuberculosis (TB), and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) data for both biomedical and non-biomedical indicators tracked by all key population implementers in the 9 Provinces of South Africa. The Master Tool will serve as a dashboard for visualizing key populations data per programme area. The Master Tool will also serve as an information management tool that tracks, analyses and displays key performance indicators and key data points to monitor the performance of Key Populations programmes.Data for the following key populations will be collated, analysed and visualized on the Master Tool:Female Sex Workers (FSW)Men who have sex with men (MSM)Transgender (TG)People who inject drugs (PWID)PrisonersThe Master Tool will be informed by the components of a comprehensive prevention programme for four out of five HIV prevention pillars. The four pillars are as follows: Combination prevention programmes for all key populationsStrengthened national condom and related behavioural change programmesVoluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC)Offering pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to population groups at substantive risk and experiencing high levels of HIV incidenceThe indicators tracked by key population implementers are aligned with the six packages of care as cited in the Consolidated Guidelines on HIV Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Care for Key Populations (). The key packages of care for key populations are also aligned with the eight goals of the National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STIs 2017-2022. The six packages of care are:Peer educationHealth carePsychosocial servicesHuman rightsSocial capital building Economic empowermentPurpose of the Assignment:The main purpose of this consultancy is to create a dynamically improved Master Tool for collating and analysing HIV, TB, and STIs data for both biomedical and non-biomedical indicators tracked by all key population implementers in the 9 Provinces of South Africa.?Assignment Tasks:This assignment is to create a Master Tool based on the indicators from the six core packages of care. The expected specific streamlined deliverables are to:Provide a detailed requirements analysis;Clean and convert the historical data for Key Populations in the databaseDevelop a user manual structured to enhance the user experience.Train all relevant SANAC staff and Key Population Implementers to use the Master Tool.Create Dashboards with agreed indicators for HIV, TB, and STIs for various users of Key Popultions data.Submit Project completion report.Develop extensive knowledge and strong data management skills Develop databases with built in quality assurance/improvement checksMethodology and technical approach:1. Requirement analysisBased on requirements analysis and discussions with the team, the consultant will prepare a detailed inception report including workplan with timelines.2. TrainingThe consultant will conduct training on best-practice data management, analysis and visualization for SANAC staff and relevant Key Populations implementers. Build capacity to improve data analytics and visualization.3. Creation of a dashboard??Create actions which will dynamically refresh various worksheets in the dashboards. The set of indicators will be defined at the beginning of the consultancy. The Dashboards should have free administrative rights.4. Documentation?User Manuals and any other documentation of the assignment have to be completed and handed over to SANAC.Expected Deliverables:?TasksEnd product / deliverablesTime framePayment instalmentRequirements analysis.Detailed report and workplan with timelines on requirements 5 days20%Development of the dashboard for HIV, TB, and STIs for both biomedical and non-biomedical indicators (set of indicators to be defined at beginning of consultancy) and TestedDashboards with agreed indicators for HIV, TB, and STIs for both biomedical and non-biomedical indicators 20 days50%Training on how to use the database and develop different dashboards.Manual on the use of the database and dashboard 10 days30%Conclusion and mutually agreeable termsConsultancy report with recommendations on the way forward submitted 1 day-?? 36 days100%Skills and Experience: A minimum of 5 years of proven experience with database/dashboard developmentAdditional experience in data visualization using products such as click view, tableau, MS Power Business Intelligence (BI), Excel or equivalent.Strong knowledge of capabilities, functionality, and behaviours of BI reporting tools in excel.Strong analytical skills; ability to analyze raw data, draw conclusions, and understand how best to visualizeDemonstrated experience in Map presentation, SQL scripting, data cubes.Excellent enterprise and application level data profiling, architecture, modelling, and analysis skills.Knowledge of Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) principles and a history of executing ETL plans as they relate to data discovery tools.Excellent analytical and problem solving skills.Demonstrated commitment to providing client focused BI and visualization services.Experience working in a fast-paced environment managing and meeting multiple deadlines and priorities.Desirable:Understanding/experience of the consultant in data manmangement and processing related data (for both HIV, TB, and STIs for both biomedical and non-biomedical indicators for key populations.For enquiries please contact Closing date for the application is 20 December 2019 @ 11:00 a.mNB: Please indicate your ability, availability and daily rate to undertake the terms of reference above (including travel and daily subsistence allowance, if applicable). ?Applications submitted without a daily rate will not be considered. ................

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