QUESTION)TAGS)),)EXERCISES) - My English Classes



Add the tag questions:

1. She is from a small town in China, _______________? 2. They aren't on their way already, ________________? 3. We're late again, _________________? 4. I'm not the person with the tickets, _______________? 5. Julie isn't an accountant, _________________? 6. The weather is really bad today, ___________________? 7. He's very handsome, __________________? 8. They aren't in Rome at the moment, _________________? 9. You aren't from Brazil, ___________________? 10. John's a very good student, __________________? 11. I like chocolate very much, _________________? 12. She doesn't work in a hotel, _________________? 13. They need some new clothes, ________________? 14. We live in a tiny flat, ________________? 15. She studies very hard every night, ________________? 16. David and Julie don't take Chinese classes, _________________? 17. I often come home late, _________________? 18. You don't like spicy food, _____________? 19. She doesn't cook very often, _______________? 20. We don't watch much TV, ________________?


Match the situations on the left with an indirect question on the right:

1 You're not wearing your watch

A Have you any idea where my keys


2 You need to buy some stamps on

B Could you tell me what time it is?


3 The shop is still shut.

C Do you know what her name is?

4 You're surprised by what he did.

D Can you tell me how to use the


5 You need to copy some documents

E Have you any idea when it opens?

at the library.

6 You would like to introduce yourself F Can you tell me what the capital of

to a beautiful stranger at a party.

Bolivia is?

7 You are revising for a geography

G Have you any idea why he did that?


8 You want to lock the door.

H Do you know where the post office


You have to interview someone for a job in your company.

Choose the correct indirect questions that you'll ask from the options below.



(A) Could you tell us what you studied at university?

(B) Could you tell us what did you study at university?


(A) Can you tell me how long you have been working in sales?

(B) Can you tell me how long have you been working in sales?


(A) Could you tell me why you want this job?

(B) Could you tell me why do you want this job?


(A) Can you tell us how long were you with your last company?

(B) Can you tell us how long you were with your last company?


(A) Would you mind telling me why did you leave your previous job?

(B) Would you mind telling me why you left your previous job?


(A) And finally, can you tell us what salary you expect?

(B) And finally, can you tell us what salary do you expect?


Exercise 1: 2 ? did they, 3 ? wouldn't you, 4 ? haven't I, 5 ? shall we, 6 ? could it, 7 ? didn't they, 8 ? won't she, 9 ? can we, 10 ? don't you

Exercise 2: 1 -- isn't she?, 2 -- are they?, 3 -- aren't we?, 4 -- am I?, i5 -- is she?, 6 -- isn't it?, 7 -- isn't he?, 8 -- are they?, 9 -- aren't you?, 10 -- isn't he?, 11 -- don't I?, 12 ? does she?, 13 ? don't they?, 14 ? don't we?, 15 ? doesn't she?, 16 ? do they?, 17 ? don't I?, 18 ? do you?. 19 ? does she?, 20 ? do we?


Exercise 1: 1--b, 2--h, 3--e, 4--g, 5--d, 6--c, 7--f, 8--a

Exercise 2: 1--A, 2--A, 3--A, 4--B, 5--B, 6--A


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