Email Template - Storyblok

Email Template 1Week 1:Testing & Advocate recruitmentSUBJECT LINE: Can you participate in Uprise and provide a quick review?[insert your logo banner + uprise logo (see resources in zipped attachment)] LINK Excel.Sheet.12 /Users/Christine/Desktop/comanyname.xlsx Sheet1!R1C1 \a \f 4 \r \* MERGEFORMAT Company name test is launching a new skills-based employee support program to the whole team in a few weeks and we would like you to be part of the beta-program for early access.?We'd ask you to participate for at least two weeks and provide a short testimonial that we can use for marketing the program during the rollout. There also might be some bugs due to our firewalls and spam filters so please let us know if you find any. If you're willing to take part you can click on the button below to get started. Please send your testimonial to and myself in about two weeks from now after you've had a chance to take a look.?What is Uprise?Uprise is a digital resilience app with an option to use a dedicated wellbeing coach. Time Required:Watch a 4 min video once per week for 2 weeks. Book in a 30 min call with an Uprise coach and they provide coaching on how to use one of the skills in the video. How To Get Started:Via Mobile App:Download the iPhone app here or the Android version hereCreate an account using the code LINK Excel.Sheet.12 /Users/Christine/Desktop/comanyname.xlsx Sheet1!R8C1 \a \f 4 \r Company code test LINK Excel.Sheet.12 /Users/Christine/Desktop/MasterEmailExcel.xlsx Sheet1!R1C1 \a \f 4 \h TestName3Via Desktop:Go to the Uprise website on ‘Signup for Upskill‘Create an account using the code LINK Excel.Sheet.12 /Users/Christine/Desktop/comanyname.xlsx Sheet1!R8C1 \a \f 4 \r Company code testWhat to put in your testimonial?Send a few short sentences that cover any or all of these points: (i) what were your reservations/questions before starting? (ii) what was the best part or the biggest value to you? (iii) why would you encourage others to sign up?Thanks in advance for your help if you’re able to.Best,[insert signature] ................

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