Name __________________________________ Date ...

Name ________________________ Today’s Date _______________ Test Date _______________ Hour___

Chapter 1 & 2 Study Guide: Utah’s Geography and Geology


|Geography – the Stage of History (pgs. 4-5 and focus notes) |

|1. Describe where in the world Utah is located. (relative location = hemisphere, location from Prime Meridian, continent, region) |

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|2. What is location? Describe and give an example of an exact location and a relative location. |

|Location |

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|Exact Relative |

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|3. What is “movement” in geography? Explain three examples of geographical movement, one for each category: people, goods, and ideas. |

|Movement |

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|Examples |

|1) 2) 3) |

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|Physical Features and Natural Resources (pgs. 6-8 and focus notes) |

|4. What is “place” in geography? |

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|Give an examples of physical characteristics and two human characteristics that define Utah. |

|Physical characteristics Human characteristics |

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|5. Give at least five examples of Utah’s physical features (landforms). |

|1) 2) 3) 4) 5) |

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|6. What is human/environment interaction in geography? |

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|7. Give two examples of how Utahns have used or changed the land (human/environment interaction). |

|1) 2) |

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|8. Give two examples of how the people of Utah have changed (evolved) to survive in this area (human/envir.). |

|1) 2) |

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|9. Explain how renewable and nonrenewable resources are different. Give examples of each. |

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|Utah’s Land Regions (pg. 10-15 and focus notes) |

|10a. What is a region? Give some examples (3-4) of different types of regions (in Utah or elsewhere in the world). |

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|Name and describe each of Utah’s three major land regions. (What makes each region different than the others?) |

|1) ___________________________: |

|2) ___________________________: |

|3) ___________________________: |

|11. What is an economy? Use your glossary and page 282 to write a short summary of what economics are. |

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|12. How do Utah’s National Parks and other tourist attractions benefit Utah economy? Look at page 284 in the book and your notes for help with this question. |

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|Utah’s Public and Private Lands (pgs. 16-18 and focus notes) |

|13. What is the difference between public and private lands? Also compare how they are used. |

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|Utah’s Climate (pgs. 20-21 and climate activity) |

|14. What three main factors (hint: these are NOT conditions of the air) affect Utah’s climate? Describe them. |

|1) _________________: |

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|2) _________________: |

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|3) _________________: |

|15. Why is irrigation so important to Utah’s farmers? |

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|Chapter 2: Geologic Eras (pg. 28-29 and focus notes) |

|16. How do geologists learn the history of the land? Describe three ways they figure out what the planet was like in the past. |

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|17. How are fossils formed? (six written steps required, pictures optional) |

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|Dinosaurs (Focus notes) |

|18. Describe how Utah has changed across three different geologic times (such as from the Paleozoic to the Mesozoic to the Cenozoic Eras). |

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|Natural Forces Shape the Land – Mountains, Plateaus and Volcanoes (pg. 32-33 and focus notes) |

|19. Name 3 natural forces and explain how they shape Utah. |

|a) _________________: |

|b) _________________: |

|c) _________________: |

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|20. What is a fault, and what happens when land slips along a fault? |

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|21. Magma that pushes up through the Earth’s crust forms ____________________ rock. |

|22. Sediments that accumulate and cement form ____________________ rock. |

|23. Heat & pressure under the Earth’s surface changes Igneous & Sedimentary rock into _________________. |

|Utah’s Rocks and Mineral Resources (pg. 34-35 and focus notes) |

|24. Much of Utah’s electricity is produced by burning ____________ to produce steam. |

|25. What are some problems and benefits of using it fossil fuels for electricity? |

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|26. Name 5 other important natural resources in Utah’s economy. |

|2) 3) 4) 5) |

|Lake Bonneville and the Ice Age (pg. 36-37 and focus notes) |

|27. Name Utah’s Ice Age lake and describe three ways it shaped Utah. |

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|28. What does a paleontologist study? What can we learn about the past from their work? |

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|Natural Forces Today (pg. 38-39) |

|29. Describe 3 ways natural disasters have changed the land during the last 50 years and will continue to shape Utah in the future. |

|1) |

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|2) |

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|3) |

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|30. Utah has many small _________________________ every year. |

|31. What are some ways to stay safe in a natural disaster? (4 ways) |

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|Reading Test |

|You will need to be able to demonstrate knowledge of how to use maps, including locating cities, using a compass rose and legend, and identifying physical |

|features such as lakes and rivers on a map. Review the map assignments. |


|word: arid |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

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|word: basin |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

|word: climate |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

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|word: domestic |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

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|word: economy |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

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|word: era |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

|word: erosion |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

|word: excavation |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

|Extension Activity: Can you name some of Utah’s state symbols? |

|Tree: Flower: Fruit: Grass: Animal: Fish: Bird: Insect: |

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|word: fault |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

|word: fossil fuel |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

|word: geography |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

|word: geologist |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

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|word: indigenous |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

Extension Activity: (These can be found, usually, in the textbook or with a quick search on the internet)

What are Utah’s three largest animal industries?

1) 2) 3)

What Utah landmark (human characteristic-created by people) can be seen in satellite images taken from space?

|word: irrigation |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

|word: landform |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

|word: natural resource |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

|word: plateau |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

|word: quarry |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

|Extension Activity: What is Utah’s oldest living tree and where is it located? |

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|What kinds of fossils can you find in Logan Canyon? |

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|word: renewable |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

|word: sediment |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

|word: tributary |My Understanding: 4 3 2 1 |

|Definition: |Draw a picture of it: |

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|Sentence: | |

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|Synonym/Example: |Antonym/Non-Example: | |

Extension Activity: Name the eons and eras of the Earth in order from earliest to latest.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Antelope Island has some of the oldest rocks in Utah. What era are they from?

Informational Essay Practice (Steps to writing a perfect essay!)

I will grade your essay based on your ideas and examples, and whether you have organized your essay logically. If you want, you can check off what you think your essay will get in pencil and you can compare your score with the one I mark.


|Above Standard (12 pts) |Standard (9 points) |In Progress (6 points) |Minimal (3 points) |No Evidence (0) |

|Ideas: |Ideas: |Ideas: |Ideas: |Ideas: |

|( My information is accurate, |( My information is mostly |( My information is somewhat accurate, |( My information is vague, |( My essay is not on |

|clear, & focused. It includes many |accurate, generally clear, and |but broad. My knowledge is general |unclear, and may be |topic. |

|details and supporting examples |focused. It includes some details|and/or not always accurate. It includes|inaccurate. It includes | |

|about the topic. |and supporting examples about the |a few details and examples about the |little detail about the | |

| |topic. |topic. |topic. | |

|Above Standard (8 pts) |Standard (6 points) |In Progress (4 points) |Minimal (2 points) |No Evidence (0) |

|Organization: |Organization: |Organization: |Organization: |Organization: |

|( I have a thesis statement, 3 |( I am missing a sentence (thesis,|( I am missing two sentences (thesis, |( I am missing three or |( No judgment can be |

|supporting topic sentences |supporting, or concluding). The |supporting, and/or concluding). |more sentences (thesis, |made about my essay. |

|incorporated into the body of the |thesis is very simple, not a |Thesis statement is incomplete. I did |supporting, or concluding).| |

|essay, and a concluding statement. |detailed plan for the essay. The |not change the question into a | | |

|The thesis is a complete and |conclusion does not fit the essay.|statement/introductory sentence. | | |

|detailed plan for my essay. | | | | |

First Step: Brainstorming on the topic. Think of at least three important pieces of information and examples for each essay question. It is very helpful to create a thinking map to organize your thoughts.

|Question #1 - How do latitude, elevation, and |Question #2 – How does Utah’s geography affect its |Question #3 - How do natural forces shape the land, |

|distance from large bodies of water influence and |people? In what ways have people in Utah had to adapt |resources, and environment of Utah in the past, and how|

|affect Utah’s climate? |to the land they live on? |are they shaping Utah today and in the future? (natural|

| | |disasters) |

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|1st detail |1st detail |1st detail |

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|2nd detail |2nd detail |2nd detail |

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|3rd detail |3rd detail |3rd detail |

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Second Step: Which question do you think you know the most about or have the best information for? Circle one of the following: Question #1 Question #2 Question #3

That is the only question you will have to write a full essay about. Cross out the other two brainstorms. Don’t use the information from them in your essay!!!

Third Step: Write the whole question you chose here: (Yes, I know it is right above but do it anyway. It will help you!!)


Cross out the words and punctuation that make it a question. Rewrite it below as a statement of fact. (Example: How do natural forces continue to change the environment of Utah today? Natural forces continue to change the environment of Utah today.) If you want to move the words around to make it sound better, go for it, but you don’t have to do so. (Utah’s environment is continually changing due to natural forces reshaping the land.) Write what you came up with.


Guess what?! The sentence you came up with is the thesis sentence of your essay! Write it below on the topic sentence line.

Fourth Step: Now we need to come up with some supporting detail sentences for the rest of your essay. Pick three things from your brainstorm and write them here.

Detail and example 1: ____________________________________________________________________________

Detail and example 2: ____________________________________________________________________________

Detail and example 3: ____________________________________________________________________________

Then, write a complete sentence that answers your question of the first line of the next page. Then do the same thing for the other supporting sentences. (Example: Detail 1= _earthquakes__ becomes Every year earthquakes in Utah change the land is small ways, such as mountains being uplifted because of plate movements.)

You can now write an outline for your whole essay:

Thesis Statement (So what…is the essay about?): _______________________________________________________


Supporting Idea 1: _______________________________________________________________________________

Supporting Example 1: ___________________________________________________________________________

Supporting Idea 2: _______________________________________________________________________________

Supporting Example 2: ___________________________________________________________________________

Supporting Idea 3: _______________________________________________________________________________

Supporting Example 3: ___________________________________________________________________________

Concluding Statement (So why…is this important?): _____________________________________________________


Fifth Step: You’re almost done! It is time to close your essay with a parting thought for your reader. An easy way to do this is by changing your topic sentence a bit and adding a concluding phrase. (Example: Natural forces continue to change the environment of Utah today. becomes something like As a result of these and other natural forces, Utah’s environment changes gradually each year and could be very different in the future.) Write your concluding sentence on the line above.

Final Step: Write a final draft of your essay using your best handwriting, punctuation and spelling. We will give you this paper.

You now know all of the steps you should follow to write a perfect essay. For now, you need to do all of the steps so I can see them, but in the future you may be able to take short cuts to save time.


Map Skills Practice - Label the parts of the map using these terms: grid, map index, legend, title, scale, latitude lines (parallels), longitude lines (meridians), compass rose. Write the purpose for that part of the map next to the bubble for its name.


Geography of Utah

Learning where important land forms are in Utah will help you better understand our state and its history. Each unit I will add ~5-10 more places to the map for us to learn. These places will appear on our unit tests. Pages 9 and 25 in the book will help. Find these places on this map and label them (write their name next to them). Color the rivers and lakes with blue, shade the mountains with brown, and deserts color in yellow. Only color what you label!


Great Salt Lake

Utah Lake

Sevier Lake

Great Salt Lake Desert

(big map) Black Rock Desert

Colorado River

Green River

Jordan River

Sevier River

Wasatch Mountains

Uintah Mountains

Oquirrh Mountains


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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