Marco Island Charter Middle School

Office Hours:My office hours will be from 10am-2pm Monday-Friday. ?Please allow 24 hours for a response. ?4/16 Update:?I will update grades today. ?Please refer to this page for instructions daily. ?My lesson template that gets posted is only a general idea of what we will do for the week. ?Please make sure you have logged into Google Classroom with a gmail account. ?Make sure you are in the class that has your period listed and 2020 after it. ?If it doesn't say, for example, ?Period 1 2020, you are not in the right place. I have posted an "assignment" on the streaming page. ?Please read the directions carefully respond appropriately. ?Due by Monday.4/14 Update: I have updated grades. ?The achieve3000 assignments have been available for a month and are no longer accessible. ?The Kahoot has expired. ?Please make sure you are doing your work in a timely manner.1. Please make sure you are in the correct Google Classroom. ?It will say Period # 2020 (The # will be your period). ?Please make sure you are using YOUR first and last name so I know who your are.2. I have posted links for you to access your virtual lessons and your textbook. ?Please take notes, just like we do in class, and supplement any information with your textbook. ?You may email me if you are having difficulty accessing any of this. ?I am learning as I go too.3. Grades will be updated again on Thursday. ?Please do not email me that you turned in your work. ?If it is submitted properly, I will see it when I do grades on Thursday. ?If you are submitting your work and I have marked it missing by the date I am grading, THEN you may email me.4. Please continue to go to this page for instructions and information. ?I will make your virtual lessons available on You Tube and post textbook pages in My Album on this page as a back up.4/9 Update: All grades have been updated. ?Please go into Focus and see if you are missing work.What to do if you are missing work:?1. Achieve3000: If you are missing those assignments there are 2 possibilities- you didn't do the thought question OR it didn't submit properly. ?If you did the work and it is still marked M, please type your work on a WORD document with your?first,?last name and your period with the Title of the Assignment and email me at doxsec@. ?DO NOT SEND ME PHOTOS. ?Please do this by Tuesday of next week.2. Kahoot: Please take this by tomorrow.?? Do not take it more than once please. Use you?FIRST, LAST NAME AND PERIOD?for your screen name. Go to My Links.3. Google Classroom: Many of you have signed in and have attempted the quiz. ?Full credit?will be given if you attempt it. ?I can see that you have made the attempt on my end. ?You do not need to email me. ?I am still working on figuring out how it works so please be patient. ?Once I get a grasp on it I will let you know exactly what I am looking for you to do.4. If you are not completing work by the assigned due date, your grade will not be updated in a timely manner. ?Please try to be on time with ALL assignments and do not email me letting me know that you have completed your assignment. ?5. Please read this page DAILY as I will be updating it with instructions. ?Please follow all instructions carefully.???????4/8 Update: ?I think I have made the "quiz" on Google Classroom available to take. ?Please log into Google Classroom and try to take this quiz. ?You need to make sure you have made a google account to access this. ?Look below for the class code if you are just now signing up. ?4/7 Update: Period 2 Google Classroom: Use lrv6muf Remember the l is a lower case L not a capital i. ?Thank?you Joanna for bring this to my attention. ?The first code was incorrect. ?All of the information below should be correct now. ?Email me if it is not.4/7 Update:?Please sign into Google Classroom this week. ?Look below for the instructions. ?If you are trying to do the Kahoot quiz, you missed the due date. ?I have extended it another week. ?Please do this by Thursday - WHICH IS WHEN I AM DOING ALL GRADES FOR EVERYONE. ?Use the most recent link in My Links or go to the Kahoot! website and enter the code?0938322. ?4/6 Update:??I am trying to set up Google Classroom for you. ?Please refer to My Links for Google Support.Let's try to access Google Classroom!1. It may take 24 hours for you to be able to create an account. ?Be patient. ?2. If you created an account the first time we tried to do this, you will have to unroll from the first class. ?The current class with be your?period?with 2020?after it.3. Class codes:Period 1 2020: 76ria55Period 2 2020: lrv6muf? ? ? (the l is a lower case L not a capital i)Period 4 2020: vgv76og ? ? (the o is a lower case letter O, not a zero)Period 5 2020: 4jykopu ? ? ?(the o is a lower case letter O, not a zero)Period 6 2020: 2mpcc3gPeriod 7 2020: vtcbmy5If you cannot access right away?DO NOT EMAIL ME. ?Check to make sure you entered the right code. ?Give it 24 hours. ?I will see that your name appears so you do not need to email me that you have access.Please go to Mrs. Doxsee's 8th grade science on You Tube and watch the videos and take notes just like in class. ?Your textbook is in My Album. Refer to it.Period 1: Please download the REMIND app onto your phone and text 81010 with the message @cdoxs. ?This is how I will take daily attendance. Please do this by 9am Monday- Friday.? ................

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