So, you are just starting a pro-life group or you’ve had one for a while, but few people are coming. You ask yourself, “How do I get more people to be a part of this?” Look no further! Here are some suggestions on how to pack them in and, once they are there, how to keep them.

1. Advertise – This sounds obvious; however, if there is not a sign for your pro-life group in every line of sight on campus, it is not enough. Have announcements made on campus radio. Get permission to post flyers, or your homemade pamphlets for your group, in as many public places as possible, including dining halls, classrooms, administration lobbies, and all over the gym. Slipping one under every dorm-room door on campus is a good idea too. (They do it at NYU all the time!) Take out some space in the student newspaper and get listed on the extracurricular list of activities list published by your school.

2. Events – Another idea which ties into advertising is having public events either to raise money or awareness or both. Have some bands on campus get together to do a benefit concert. Have a bake sale in the student center. Declare pro-life ribbon week and hand-out pink and blue ribbons. Hopefully you’ll start to hear conversations like: “Were you at that concert? It rocked!” or “What do all these ribbons mean?”

3. Free Food – Ok, so this sounds a little desperate, but it works! People who never considered joining anything will come out for the free meal. (Pizza and soda works well usually. Try to order a lot.)

4. Trips – Once you get some money together, you can take a trip. Even if people have to pay, everyone is up for a day of fun somewhere. Hit an amusement park or the beach and wear pro-life T-shirts. You’ll be having fun and being witnesses to the movement at the same time.

5. Make It Public – Be sure that you are holding your meetings in easily accessible places like the student center or in the activities building. Try to avoid having a meeting in someone’s dorm because the publicity of a public space is key. Try also to avoid using a church or a chapel. This will alienate pro-life brothers and sisters of other faiths.

6. Visit Other Clubs – Ask permission of other club presidents who are friendly to the pro-life cause to speak for a minute or two at one of their meetings. The Newman Club would be glad to have you. The campus Christian group should welcome you as well.

Now that you have people coming, how do you keep them there?

Set a goal for the end of the semester of a project you wish to accomplish, a life chain, two ribbon weeks, getting a CPC on campus (that’s a good one!), something. Aim high! Then, set weekly goals which will work up to that large goal.

Outside of your main event/function and your weekly or biweekly meeting, there should be a weekly event like, praying at an abortion mill, sidewalk counseling, doing part of the advertising project, or watching a pro-life video and then discussing it. For example: In my group we had a meeting every Wed. after dinner in the student center and then every Sat. prayed in front of an abortion mill. It sounds like a lot, but the more you expect from people, the more they will give you. I was also in another group that met biweekly and had only two small events a semester. You would think that attendance would be high because it was a small commitment, toward the end of the semester, there were only three of us still attending meetings.

No matter what you do, plan it well and have a long term calendar going. Yes, it is difficult to stay on top of things, but if you plan, you can’t go wrong and none of your members will be disappointed because you, as a leader or as a group, are ineffectual.

Good luck and may God bless your efforts.



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