Region 4 Education Service Center

T-TESS Implementation Calendar of Ideas – Working DocumentThese are NOT recommendations or requirements but a draft of combined ideas to be considered monthly as we begin our 6 month implementation period prior to the new 2016-17 school year. This document will be revised and the updated versions will be posted on the department website: DistrictPrincipalsTeachersFebruary/ March ActivitiesDetermine who will be certified appraisers (principals and assistant principals, central office; will others be trained to support? – i.e.-instructional coaches?)Share Appraisal System info with BOT/Obtain approval (use the Region 4 resources posted here- including TEA videos about evaluation and TEA ppt: who will serve as 2nd appraisersDetermine if the district will use the Teach for Texas Portal (no cost) or choose another vendor (at a district fee) for their online evaluation management systemManage the message - Introduce “why” behind adoption of the T-TESS model/provide overview (see ppt posted on eval blog and rubric overview)If the district is choosing to utilize a locally developed instrument for 2016-17 instead of T-TESS, make sure that TEC is followed through the required site-based development process prior to then obtaining BOT approval – lengthy timeline. Consult Legal and Review Statute Sec. 21.352 for specifics: Sign-up for T-TESS 3 day trainingDeadline for Summer Registrations is Monday, March 28, 2016 (sessions with low registration will be combined after that date)Become familiar with the big picture rubric overview (4 domains; 16 dimensions) Link to this resource: Discuss mode of teacher communications and training of teachers/set calendar dates for roll-out meetings Communicate to teachers that the district is exploring evaluation options that will best meet the needs of teachers/students in the district – even better if teachers are on the committee considering if the district will utilize T-TESS or a locally developed instrument to obtain their buy-in in the process and implementation of the system - their voice is important. March/April ActivitiesDetermine if the district will set a deadline for appraisers to turn in documentation of their ILD/AEL certifications; communicate this to administratorsDetermine if the district will set a deadline for administrators to take the online certification test (based on the date that the district will take the list of 2016-17 certified appraisers to the BOT); district will have access to the list of district staff who have passed the online certification test in the Teach for Texas portal (contact Kelly Ingram, kingram@, for more info); communicate this deadline to administrators early; remind administrators that it is an annual certification test that expires each school year and must be retaken as of June 1st for the following school year. Note: The initial timeline to take the online assessment for the first roll-out year only is April 1, 2016. Administrators who pass their online certification after April 1 will be certified until June 1, 2017.Discuss how the Goal Setting/PD Template will be used to assist teachers in greater need (formerly TINA –remember, this term is no longer in Chapter 150 and not a part of the T-TESS process)Review local decision points and T-TESS Chapter 150 rulesProvide deeper System Overview to BOT; Region 4 resources posted here: and make district decisions on Big Picture trainings (Coaching model to be used to support both administrators and teachers in the new process – dates for the 2016-17 year)Determine what additional trainings (skills refreshers) may be needed to support roll-out (Crucial Conversations, modified T-TESS for Instructional Coaches to support the Process, SMART Goals training for both administrators and teachers, etc. – Region 4 will have sessions available as early as summer 2016 to assist in this).Administrators can now take the online certification test beginning April 1st and become certified through June 1, 2017 (THIS IS A CHANGE)Begin to explore Domain 1 Planning; what would these dimensions look/sound like in our district/campus? Use the Teacher Handbook to answer the District/Campus Connections column reflection questions for each dimension; click here to access the Teacher Handbook: meetings: Ask principals to view the online training modules for domain #1 (all dimensions) prior to attending the next monthly principal meeting – during the meeting you can engage in deeper domain #1 discussion. Alt. option: watch the domain modules during each principal meeting as part of a group rotation activity)Domain #1 modules on the Teach for Texas portal: Communicate to the teachers that the district has chosen to utilize the T-TESS model – even better if teachers are making this presentation to share why/info.Introduce the T-TESS model to teachers and how it correlates to the district vision/plan; explain the “why” behind the model – messaging is key; use a modified version of the district ppt (available online in our blog).Ask for feedback to provide teacher input and hear concerns that can be addressed in future communications about the new system/rubric April/May ActivitiesBegin monthly communication email with principals regarding internal decisionsReview local decision points/discuss timeline and appraisal calendarReview teacher orientation process – when will this be provided/by whom (principals during August inservice on each campus? Discuss documentation of initial and that of late hires)Decision points – local policy (TASB guidance – 2 readings?)Begin to explore Domain 2 Instruction; what would these dimensions look/sound like in our district/campus? Use the Teacher Handbook to answer the District/Campus Connections column reflection questions for each dimension; click here to access the Teacher Handbook: meetings: Ask principals to view the online training modules for domain #2 (all dimensions) prior to attending the next monthly principal meeting – during the meeting you can engage in deeper domain #2 discussion. Alt. option: watch the domain modules during each principal meeting as part of a group rotation activity)Domain #2 modules on the Teach for Texas portal: Introduce the Texas Teacher Standards and explain how they connect to the language of the rubric (rubric was created based on the Texas Teacher standards) Link to TAC: $ext.TacPage?sl=R&app=9&p_dir=&p_rloc=&p_tloc=&p_ploc=&pg=1&p_tac=&ti=19&pt=2&ch=149&rl=1001 Introduce the big picture rubric overview hand-out (4 domains; 16 dimensions): Click here May/June ActivitiesContinue monthly communication email with principals regarding internal decisions/T-TESSDecision points – local policy (TASB guidance – 2 readings?)Determine local documentation processes – train/communicate information to administratorsDetermine how ratings will be calculated (summed or kept disaggregated at the dimension level) – train/communicate information to administratorsDetermine how/if/# walkthroughs that may be included in calculating ratings (district decision)District determines how teacher orientation will be provided (who/how long – must be provided face to face/how documentation will be kept for teachers trained at beginning of year and also how orientation will be provided/documented for late hires during the year)Begin to explore Domain 3 Learning Environment; what would these dimensions look/sound like in our district/campus? Use the Teacher Handbook to answer the District/Campus Connections column reflection questions for each dimension; click here to access the Teacher Handbook: meetings: Ask principals to view the online training modules for domain #3 (all dimensions) prior to attending the next monthly principal meeting – during the meeting you can engage in deeper domain #3 discussion. Alt. option: watch the domain modules during each principal meeting as part of a group rotation activity)Domain #3 modules on the Teach for Texas portal: the detailed legal-sized rubric; ask teachers to begin to self-assess regarding their current practiceDiscuss the orientation and goal setting process that will be used at the beginning of the new year (what teachers can expect)Help teachers connect their own learning to the creation of a personalized learning goal that is SMART (specific, measurable, motivating, attainable, realistic and time-bound). Provide resources for this possible skill development area – ground this work in the school data/CIP as a foundational place to start in the new year. Invite teachers to be a part of a summer PLC team to further explore the rubric using the resources in the portal – voluntary.June/July ActivitiesContinue monthly communication email with principals regarding internal decisions/T-TESSProvide training for administrators in local policy and processes for maintaining documentation, # of observations, score calculations, etc.Provide review of teacher orientation process for all administrators and provide overview of materials (available on Teach for Texas portal after participants attend the 3 day training); determine if administrators will be providing this on campus in August (if so they will need to reserve time during the campus inservice) or decide if the district will provide it in another face to face formatBegin to explore Domain 4 Professional Practices and Responsibilities; what would these dimensions look/sound like in our district/campus? Use the Teacher Handbook to answer the District/Campus Connections column reflection questions for each dimension; click here to access the Teacher Handbook: meetings: Ask principals to view the online training modules for domain #4 (all dimensions) prior to attending the next monthly principal meeting – during the meeting you can engage in deeper domain #4 discussion. Alt. option: watch the domain modules during each principal meeting as part of a group rotation activity)Domain #4 modules on the Teach for Texas portal: with teachers how they can access the portal/review additional resources over the summer if they choose – recommend that they review the following (based on their interest):Process Overview (Evaluation Process tab)Rubric Overview (Rubric training tab)Provide access to the Teacher Handbook available onlineDetermine how lead teachers might be involved in assisting/deepening the orientation discussions or how instructional coaches can also provide valuable feedback on how they are connected to provide feedback and supportJuly/August ActivitiesContinue monthly communication email with principals regarding internal decisions/T-TESSCommunicate training requirements and coordinate services for late hire campus administrators to receive T-TESS training over the summer at the cohort sitesSet calendar, including dates for observation windows (if used) and practice calibration sessions for campus administrators as a standing agenda item on district principal meeting agendasLearn/review the components of the teacher orientation/process presented by district in June; determine presentation team and time period during inservice week (if this is the model used); print all necessary materials form the Teach for Texas portal website (access to hand-outs, agenda, ppt, trainer notes, etc.)Determine if lead teachers or instructional coaches will be involved over the summer in skills support for teachers (assisting with orientation and/or in providing additional feedback to support roll-out)August Final ActivitiesRecommend a T-TESS boot-camp for administrators to review final requirements prior to orientation presentationsProvide the teacher orientation (if district decides it is held at campus level); maintain documentation of process and participationProvide district appraisal calendar to teachersTeachers participate in T-TESS teacher orientation and begin self-assessment/goal setting process according to local calendarBeginning in September 2016: Recommend that principals/assistant principals take a deeper dive into the T-TESS rubric and that this be a standing item on each month’s principal meeting. Additionally, calibration videos on the Teach for Texas portal can be used or administrator teams can go on walk-throughs for coaching purposes in order to further calibrate on the rubric and align it to district expectations. Utilize the calibration videos on the Teach for Texas portal website: teams should also use the Teacher Handbook to answer the Possible Teacher Behaviors/Possible Student Behavior columns (in the same way the administrators used it throughout spring 2016) so that connections can be made to previous district-campus conversations from spring 2016. T-TESS is recommended to also be a standing agenda item on the monthly PLC and campus faculty meetings with the inclusion of a T-TESS Quick Fact/Tip in regular email communications. It is also important to consider how instructional coaches will support this work throughout the year – deep conversations around instructional feedback linked to reinforcement and refinements. Link to Teacher Handbook for ideas: It is suggested that 2016-17 will be a year-long opportunity to deepen understanding of the rubric, so a domain might be highlighted/targeted each month throughout the year in order to target feedback and support and build deeper understanding on each campus. ................

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