MuniMetriX Systems Corp.

(800) 457-3733


Introduction......................................................................................................................... 3

Available Projects ............................................................................................................... 3

General Searching Rules..................................................................................................... 3

Searching Within a Project ............................................................................................. 3

Full-Text Searching ........................................................................................................ 4

Global Searches: ............................................................................................................. 6

Adding New Documents..................................................................................................... 6

Viewing and Retrieving Documents................................................................................... 6

Viewing a Document ...................................................................................................... 7

Alter Document Index Values ........................................................................................ 7

Deleting Documents: ...................................................................................................... 7

Batch Print, Email, or Export Documents ...................................................................... 8

Navigation....................................................................................................................... 8

Viewing Documents and Images .................................................................................... 8

View Full Text Search Results ....................................................................................... 9

Adding Annotations to Images ....................................................................................... 9

Printing Documents .......................................................................................................... 11

Printing the Displayed Region ...................................................................................... 11

Printing the Current Page of a Document ..................................................................... 11

Exporting Documents ....................................................................................................... 12

Opening Files in their Native Application........................................................................ 12

Emailing Documents......................................................................................................... 13

Creating Document Grants ............................................................................................... 14

Altering Document Index Values ..................................................................................... 15

Finding Text in a Document ............................................................................................. 16

Copying Data to the Clipboard ......................................................................................... 16

Versioning......................................................................................................................... 16

Checking a Document Out............................................................................................ 16

Checking a Document In .............................................................................................. 17

Undoing a Document Check-Out.................................................................................. 17

Viewing Check-Out Status ........................................................................................... 18

Viewing Revision History............................................................................................. 18

Security ............................................................................................................................. 19

ImageSilo Quick Guide

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The key to ImageSilo is its extremely easy, yet powerful, search capabilities, allowing you to

locate any desired document in seconds. ImageSilo offers the ability to easily perform either

extremely detailed or very broad searches within a project. You can perform multiple searches

across multiple index fields at the same time, as well as perform limiting searches (allowing you

to specify ranges of values) on dates and numbers.

Available Projects

You can search one of listed projects by simply selecting the project you wish to search and

clicking Search.

You may also perform a global search (a search across multiple projects at once) by clicking

Global Search.

General Searching Rules

You can specify the number of documents to return in a single query on the Configuration page.

All numeric and date fields allow you to perform "limiting searches" to limit the results to a specific

range of values. If both range limits are not filled for a particular index field, ImageSilo will search

for the one specific value you have entered.






Index field searches are NOT case sensitive. In other words, entering the name "smith"

will find "Smith".

ImageSilo allows you to utilize the "*" wildcard to specify any number of unknown

characters. For example, searching for T* in a name field would locate any document that

had a name beginning with the letter T. Furthermore, searching for *T* would locate any

document that included a letter T anywhere in the name. Finally, searching for *T would

locate any document whose name ended with the letter T.

You can perform multiple searches within a single index field by using the & (and) and ^

(or) operators. To perform a search on a name field for names that begin with an A or Z,

you could simply enter A*^Z*. To perform a search on a name field for names that begin

with an A and end with a P, you could enter either A*P or A*&*P.

You can perform searches on multiple fields at once. Simply enter the search criteria into

the desired fields and select a Search Type of "And" (to find documents where all

criteria has been met) or "Or" (to find documents where any of the criteria has been met).

During the search, ImageSilo will initially sort the results in ascending order based on the

Sort By field selected. Please note that "long text" fields are not available to be sorted on.

Searching Within a Project

1. Enter the search criteria in the desired fields.

2. If you entered criteria in multiple fields, select the type of search you wish to perform from

the Search Type list.

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3. Select the Search button to perform the search. The server will perform the search and

list the documents that meet the search criteria in the Search Results screen.

Full-Text Searching

ImageSilo offers extensive Full-Text searching capabilities. The full-text database is populated

whenever a new document is added to the system if they are either external documents (i.e.

Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF), COLD documents, or images that have been full-text OCR'ed.

You will only see full-text search capabilities available in projects that have a full-text database

populated with information.

There are a number of options available when performing a full-text search. By default, the

majority of those options are hidden from view. To enable use of those options, simply select the

Configuration link and place a checkmark next to "Show Full-Text Options."

Full-text searches may be performed in combination with standard index-field-level searches. In

other words, you can specify your index field search criteria and then have those documents

further filtered by adding a full-text search criteria. When performing a combined search, both the

index field criteria and the full-text criteria must be met in order for the document to be found.

There are two basic types of full-text searches that can be performed: Boolean and Natural


To perform a Boolean search:

1. Ensure the "Boolean Search" search type is selected.

2. Enter words or phrases linked by connectors. A Boolean search request consists of a

group of words or phrases linked by search connectors such as AND and OR to precisely

indicate the relationship between them.

AND: both words must be present

OR: at least one of the words must be present

NOT: the next word must not be present (use with AND or OR)

W/5: the words must occur not more than 5 words apart (you can also use W/10, W/20,


*: matches any number of letters

?: matches any single letter


apple AND pear

*apple w/6 pear

apple sauce w/27 grape ju?ce

apple and (pear W/5 bana*a)

apple and not pear

Boolean searches treat two or more words appearing together as a phrase, so a search

for apple sauce w/10 grape juice would search for the phrase apple sauce within 10

words of the phrase grape juice.

3. Click the Search button.

The server will perform the search and display a list of documents, ranked in order of

their relevance based on the criteria you entered.

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To perform a Natural Language search:

1. Ensure the "Natural Language" search type is selected.

2. Type in a plain text search request.

Example: Get me Sam's memo on the 1999 takeover of CorpX

Finds: All documents that contain the words that match the individual search terms: Sam,

memo, 1999, takeover, CorpX

In natural language searches, ImageSilo does intelligent relevancy ranking using

automatic term weighting based on the frequency and density of hits in documents. In the

above example, if 1999 appeared in 3,000 files and Sam appeared in only two files, the

files containing Sam would get a much higher relevancy ranking. Noise and connector

words in the request, such as AND and OR, are ignored, and words in phrases are

searched individually (not as a phrase).

3. Click the Search button.

The server will perform the search and display a list of documents, ranked in order of

their relevance based on the criteria you entered.

Full-Text Search Options:


Variable Term Weighting: Allows you to weigh some words more heavily than others in

ranking search results.

Example: apple:5 and pear:3


Stemming: Extends a search to cover grammatical variations of a word. For example, a

search for fish would also find fishing. A search for applied would also find applying,

applies, and apply. You can either perform stemming for all of the words in your query by

selecting the Stemming checkbox, or for specific words by placing a tilde ~ character at

the end of the desired word(s) in your criteria (i.e. fish~).


Phonic: Looks for a word that sounds like the word you are searching for and begins with

the same letter. For example, a phonic search for Smith will also find Smithe and

Smythe. You can either perform phonic searching for all of the words in your query by

selecting the Phonic checkbox, or for specific words by placing a # character in front of

the specific word(s) in your criteria (i.e. #Smith).


Fuzzy Searching: Finds a word even if it is misspelled. For example, a fuzzy search for

apple will find appple. Fuzzy searching can be useful when you are searching text that

may contain typographical errors, or for text that has been created using optical character

recognition (OCR). You can enter the level of fuzziness as a value between 1 and 10. A

search for alphabet with a fuzziness of 1 would find alphaqet; with a fuzziness of 3, it

would find both alphaqet and alpkaqet. You can either perform fuzzy searching for all of

the words in your query by selecting the Fuzzy Searching checkbox and entering a

fuzziness value, or selectively by using the % character in the specific word(s) in your

criteria (see examples below).

ba%nana = Word must begin with ba and have at most one difference between it and


b%%anana = Word must begin with b and have at most two differences between it and


ImageSilo Quick Guide

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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