Helpful A cheetah’s speed gives it an advantage catching ...

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Natural Selection Vocabulary Note-Taking Chart KEY



Example/Image/Showing Sentence

Advantage, Something that is helpful or


useful to you.

A cheetah's speed gives it an advantage

for catching its prey over slower


Carnivorous, Eating meat.


Wolves, lions, dogs and cats are


Competition, Situation in which two or more

There was a lot of competition for


living things are trying to get the awards at school. OR

same thing.

Desert plants compete for water.

Digestive, adj.

Describing the process of

The stomach is the main organ in

breaking down food so that it can human digestion.

be absorbed.

Function, n. What something does, how it

The function of a bird's wing is to fly.


Offspring, n. An animal's or human's young

A salmon has many more offspring at

one time than humans do.

Population, n.

A group of individuals of the same There is a population of salmon in each

species that live together in the

of the rivers along the northern

same area at the same time.

Californian coast.

Predator, n. An animal that lives by hunting

Lions, sharks, and hawks are

other animals for food.


Principle, n. A basic truth, law or belief.

Our government is based on the

principle that all people are created


Structure, n.

The organization of something or

the way that it is put together.

The structure of all vertebrate forelimbs are similar, even if their

functions are very different

Suited, v. Something that is right for a

Fish fins are well suited for life in the

particular purpose.


Survival, n. Continuing to live of exist.

Humans need food and water for


Trait, n.

A quality or characteristic which Having hair or fur is a trait of being a

makes one thing different from mammal.


Variation, n. Differences between things of the There is a lot of variation in the hair same type, diversity is a synonym. color of humans


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