Tips On taking Your Blood Pressure

Gateways Night & Day Pharmacy

Tips On taking Your Blood Pressure

1. The best time of the day to measure your blood pressure is first thing in the morning when you are most rested.

2. Try and take it at the same time(s) each day. Your blood pressure will vary throughout the day.

3. Always sit down and relax for 5 minutes before you put the cuff on.

4. Place the cuff on the LEFT arm (closest to the heart).

5. Do NOT roll up your sleeves as this forms a cuff and thus applies its own pressure and may give a higher reading.

6. Do NOT lean forward or cross your legs.

7. Take blood pressure BEFORE a meal (NOT after).

8. Take it AFTER you have been to the toilet, if you need to go.

9. Try and relax mentally as blood pressure can be affected by stress.

10. Your reading taken in the relaxed atmosphere of your home may be different to the reading taken at the Doctors Surgery, this is commonly known as the ‘White Coat’ syndrome due to the anxiety of the visit.

11. Let the body stabilise for 2-3 minutes before taking a repeat reading.

12. Record your blood pressure readings in a book and you can show these readings to your Doctor, to help optimise your therapy.

With Compliments,

Gateways Night and Day Pharmacy




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