Clover Sites


Introit Take Time to Be Holy

Take time to be holy, Speak oft with thy Lord;

Abide in Him always, and feed on His word;

Make friends of God’s children’s help those who are weak,

Forgetting in nothing His blessings to seek.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Call to Worship Pastor Jason

Opening Song 15

My Maker and My King

Offering Angel Cordero

Multilingual Ministries/Chaplaincy Ministries

Offertory Biftu Regaa

Children’s Story Pastor Jeremy

Scripture James 3:13-18 Katie Jane Emde

Prayer Victoria Cordero

Special Music Les & Anne Andrus

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sermon Pastor Jeremy

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Closing Song 196

Tell Me the Old, Old Story

Benediction Pastor Jeremy


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Organ: Bennie King & Biftu Regaa

Pianist: Meti & Biftu Regaa

Charge Deacon: Mike Carlton

Chorister Kevin Finley


Leroy Wanamaker

Pianist Jeremy Wetmore

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Today’s Lesson Study In God’s Word:

Jesus in Jerusalem

Sabbath School 9:15 am


Sabbath School 9:15 am

June 20, 2015

Worship 11 am

Sermon Notes

Love ∙ Learn ∙ Live ∙ Lead

The Church

at Worship


Meti Regaa


Pastor Jason

Ministry Focus

Takoma Hospital

Hymn of Praise

Jim Kennedy

600 Hold Fast Till I Come

Fellowship 10:45 am


Adult Classes

Sanctuary Rotation Class, June 20 ........................................Kevin Finley

Sanctuary Rotation Class, June 27……………..............................Lee Elliott

Sanctuary…………...…………………...…..……….....……………..Todd Christensen

Family Room……………….……………….…................................…Jim Clayburn

Fellowship Hall………………………………………….....…….............Ken Mathews

Fellowship Hall…………………………………………..………………………Peggy West

Breakout Room (Adventist Beliefs)…………......……...…..........Chuck Reese

Breakout Room (Spanish Group)…………………….……….……..Jennie Pileggi

Breakout Room (Young Adults)………………………..…........Julie Kretschmar

Children’s and Youth Classes

Cradle Roll Ages Birth - 4

Kindergarten Ages 4 – 1st Grade

Primary Grades 2-4

Earliteens Grades 5- 6

Junior Grades 7-8

Youth Grades 9 - 12

You are welcome to attend the class of your choice.

Greeters in the foyer will be happy to assist you.

Our Vision

Knowing and experiencing God through active, Spirit-led relationships, anticipating Jesus’ soon return

Our Mission

Building relationships with Christ, church, and community through loving, learning, living, and leading.

Our Vision

Knowing and experiencing God through active, Spirit-led relationships, anticipating Jesus’ soon return.

Our Mission

Building relationships with Christ, church, and community through loving, learning, living, and leading.

WELCOME! We are glad you have joined us as we celebrate the beauty of our risen Lord through worship and praise on this, the Sabbath day.

We would like to invite our guests to fill out the connection card they received when they came in and place it in today's offering plate. Let us know how we can serve you, pray for you, or how we might improve our ministry here.

If you are a first-time guest, please note that we have a special gift prepared for you at the table in the foyer. Please stop by after the service to receive your gift.


To submit your photo for consideration in an upcoming bulletin, please send your name and picture to greenevilleadventist@


SAVE THE DATE: Baby shower for Tony & Ashley (Cross) Koskovich. July 12th from 4-6 pm, at the home of Barbara Myers. The baby is due in August and the gender will be a surprise so gender-neutral gifts appreciated. For questions call Christina Miller at 540-421-4305 or Laurie Cover at 613-1116. More details to follow.

BASKETBALL/SOCCER CAMP: We are looking ahead for another basketball/soccer camp July 13-17th. Watch for more information regarding this event in the near future.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR V.B.S.!  This year’s Vacation Bible School will be held July 20-24.  The theme this year is “Missionaries of the Bible,” and ages 4 through high school are invited!  If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Angela Emde (423-318-7031).

ATTENTION V.B.S. STUDENTS!  Get a head start on this year’s scripture memorization challenge!  We will be memorizing Proverbs 3:1-8 NKJV.  Prizes will be awarded for those who can say this passage.

THE WOMEN'S FALL RETREAT—Extravagant Grace—will be held Aug. 21-23. If you are in need of spiritual renewal, this is the weekend for you! Join us at the Villas by the Sea on beautiful Jekyll Island. Register online at registration. or download information from events/womenfall15. Questions? Call Donna Crandall at 800-567-1844, ext 342.


AYA/VESPERS, June 20, 7:30 p.m.: Join our youth for singing, testimonies, Bible trivia, and more! 

2nd READING TRANSFER OUT: Cheryl Ingersoll to Johnson City SDA Church, Johnson City, TN; Dean & Wanda Wilson to Kingsport SDA Church, Kingsport, TN. – 2nd READING: Monica Campbell, Deaconess.

ABC BOOKMOBILE VAN will be coming Sunday, June 28th, 9:30 am to 11 am. Please mark your calendar.

COHUTTA SPRINGS YOUTH CAMP is having a blessed summer.  Many decisions for Christ & baptism have already occurred - Praise the Lord!  There is still availability for all upcoming weeks, including  Adventure Camp, June 21-26 (ages 7-9) and Tween Camp, June 28-July 5 (ages 12-13).   For information or to register, go to cs-, or contact our office at 706-602-7346.

EACH WEDNESDAY THROUGH JUNE: Come join us for family fun Soccer on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm on the field behind the church. Wear good shoes or cleats and come ready to have some inter-generational fun.

FLETCHER ACADEMY offers a matching scholarship for new students. If the student’s home church sends up to $1000 for a student, the school will match the amount. We have several students who will qualify for this plan this fall. If you would like to be involved in helping new Fletcher students in this way, make your contributions to the church and mark them for the Fletcher Matching Fund. This account will accept donations until August 1 when they will need to be forwarded to the school in time for registration.

CONFERENCE ATLANTA BRAVES FAMILY GAME DAY—AUGUST 16 Come be part of the first annual Georgia-Cumberland Conference Family Game Day as the Atlanta Braves take on the Arizona Diamondbacks at 1:30 p.m. on Aug. 16, 2015. This is a multi-generational event sponsored by the Pathfinder, Youth, and Young Adult departments of the conference and is intended for any and all of our Seventh-day Adventist family members. Come early and enjoy a Pathfinder processional on the field before the game. For more info, visit events/gameday15    

Actual Budget

June $10,818 $25,530

YTD $119,639 $153,180

With 10% for Tithe, remember to include 3.5% for Church Budget.

CHURCH FUND: Our church Capital Fund had been starving for the last 5 years. At the same time, our church facility has been aging. The Finance Committee is asking you to consider including a monthly contribution to help feed this fund. We are currently seeking bids for the replacement of the double back doors. This project will cost around $10,000. Also we are surrounded by more than a dozen aging heat pumps. We are committed to operating within available funds, and appreciate your help in being prepared to meet needs such as these.

Looking Ahead

Family Life[pic]

Church Family Budget

Week at a Glance

TODAY, June, 20

9:15 a.m. Sabbath School/ Leroy Wanamaker

10:45 a.m. Church/ Pastor Jeremy Arnall

12:30 p.m. No luncheon this week

7:30 p.m. AYA/ Jason Vyhmeister

MONDAY, June, 21

5:30 p.m. School Board Meeting/GAA

TUESDAY, June, 23

6:30 p.m. New Start/Jr Rm/FSH


7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Meeting/Sanctuary

10:30 a.m. Prophets & Kings/FSH

6:30 p.m. Family Fun Soccer/Field behind Church

7:00 p.m. Great Controversy/FSH

THURSDAY, June, 25

7:00 p.m. Spanish Prayer Meeting/Youth Room

SABBATH, June, 27

9:15 a.m. Sabbath School/Joy Leffers

10:45 a.m. Church/Pastor Jeremy Arnall

12:30 p.m. Fellowship luncheon host, the Myers team

7:30 p.m. AYA /Elesia Gallimore

The celebration of Sabbath ends today at 8:51 p.m.

Sabbath begins next Friday at 8:52 p.m.

contact us

| |FOR YOUR | |


|Senior Pastor |423-620-4690 |Jeremy Arnall |

|Associate Pastor |909-363-5991 |Jason Vyhmeister |

|Head Elder |423-639-5848 |Milton Siepman |

|Head Deacon |423-636-1251 |Mike Carlton |

|Head Deaconess |423-278-9907 |Kezia Finley |

|Community Services Director|828-551-3770 |Ken Coonley |

|General Sabbath School |423-736-0810 |Ken Mathews |

|Sabbath School Secretary |423-329-9213 |Ginger Small |

|Bible Worker |423-608-9123 |Ruben Caro |

|School Board Chairman |423-638-3016 |Fred Myers |

|Treasurer |423-552-6341 |Ed Bermudez |

|Church Office |423-638-5014 |Main Number |

|Church Secretary |423-741-5707 |Brenda Chalfant |

|Community Services Center |423-639-7127 |Main Number |

|GAA |423-639-2011 |Fax:423-639-5002 |

|GAA Principal |352-615-2462 |Randy Nomura |

|GAA Address |305 Takoma Ave | |

| |37743 | |

|Church Address |710 Asheville Hwy |greenevilleadventist@ |

| |37743 | |

|Community Services |120 Idletime Dr |423-639-7127 |

|Center Address |37743 | |

TODAY, Mar, 14

9:15 a.m. Sabbath School/Ken Mathews

10:45 a.m. Church/ Pastor Jeremy Arnall

12:30 p.m. No Luncheon this week

7:00 p.m. AYA/ Elesia Gallimore

MONDAY, Mar, 16

5:30 p.m. School Board Meeting/GAA

TUESDAY, Mar, 17

6:00 p.m. Marriage Enrichment Seminar/Youth Room

6:30 p.m. New Start/Fellowship Hall


10:30 a.m. Prophets & Kings Study Group/Fellowship Hall


| |FOR YOUR | |


|Senior Pastor |423-620-4690 | Jeremy Arnall |

|Associate Pastor |909-363-5991 | Jason Vyhmeister |

|Head Elder |423-639-5848 | Milton Siepman |

|Head Deacon |423-636-1251 | Mike Carlton |

|Head Deaconess |423-278-9907 |Kezia Finley |

|Community Services Director|828-551-3770 |Ken Coonley |

|General Sabbath School |423-736-0810 |Ken Mathews |

|Sabbath School Secretary |423-329-9213 |Ginger Small |

|School Board Chairman |423-638-3016 | Fred Myers |

|Treasurer |423-552-6341 | Ed Bermudez |

|Church Office |423-638-5014 |Main Number |

|Church Secretary |423-741-5707 |Brenda Chalfant |

|Community Services Center |423-639-7127 |Main Number |

|GAA |423-639-2011 |Fax:423-639-5002 |

|GAA Principal |352-615-2462 |Randy Nomura |

|GAA Address |305 Takoma Ave | |

| |37743 | |

|Church Address |710 Asheville |greenevilleadventist@ |

| |Highway | |

| |37743 | |

|Community Services |120 Idletime Dr |423-639-7127 |

|Center Address |37743 | |

| |FOR YOUR | |


|Senior Pastor |423-620-4690 | Jeremy Arnall |

|Associate Pastor |909-363-5991 | Jason Vyhmeister |

|Head Elder |423-639-5848 | Milton Siepman |

|Head Deacon |423-636-1251 | Mike Carlton |

|Head Deaconess |423-278-9907 |Kezia Finley |

|Community Services Director|828-551-3770 |Ken Coonley |

|General Sabbath School |423-736-0810 |Ken Mathews |

|Sabbath School Secretary |423-329-9213 |Ginger Small |

|School Board Chairman |423-638-3016 | Fred Myers |

|Treasurer |423-552-6341 | Ed Bermudez |

|Church Office |423-638-5014 |Main Number |

|Church Secretary |423-741-5707 |Brenda Chalfant |

|Community Services Center |423-639-7127 |Main Number |

|GAA |423-639-2011 |Fax:423-639-5002 |

|GAA Principal |352-615-2462 |Randy Nomura |

|GAA Address |305 Takoma Ave | |

| |37743 | |

|Church Address |710 Asheville |greenevilleadventist@ |

| |Highway | |

| |37743 | |

|Community Services |120 Idletime Dr |423-639-7127 |

|Center Address |37743 | |

| |FOR YOUR | |


|Senior Pastor |423-620-4690 | Jeremy Arnall |

|Associate Pastor |909-363-5991 | Jason Vyhmeister |

|Head Elder |423-639-5848 | Milton Siepman |

|Head Deacon |423-636-1251 | Mike Carlton |

|Head Deaconess |423-278-9907 |Kezia Finley |

|Community Services Director|828-551-3770 |Ken Coonley |

|General Sabbath School |423-736-0810 |Ken Mathews |

|Sabbath School Secretary |423-329-9213 |Ginger Small |

|School Board Chairman |423-638-3016 | Fred Myers |

|Treasurer |423-552-6341 | Ed Bermudez |

|Church Office |423-638-5014 |Main Number |

|Church Secretary |423-741-5707 |Brenda Chalfant |

|Community Services Center |423-639-7127 |Main Number |

|GAA |423-639-2011 |Fax:423-639-5002 |

|GAA Principal |352-615-2462 |Randy Nomura |

|GAA Address |305 Takoma Ave | |

| |37743 | |

|Church Address |710 Asheville |greenevilleadventist@ |

| |Highway | |

| |37743 | |

|Community Services |120 Idletime Dr |423-639-7127 |

|Center Address |37743 | |

| |FOR YOUR | |


|Senior Pastor |423-620-4690 | Jeremy Arnall |

|Associate Pastor |909-363-5991 | Jason Vyhmeister |

|Head Elder |423-639-5848 | Milton Siepman |

|Head Deacon |423-636-1251 | Mike Carlton |

|Head Deaconess |423-278-9907 |Kezia Finley |

|Community Services Director|828-551-3770 |Ken Coonley |

|General Sabbath School |423-736-0810 |Ken Mathews |

|Sabbath School Secretary |423-329-9213 |Ginger Small |

|School Board Chairman |423-638-3016 | Fred Myers |

|Treasurer |423-552-6341 | Ed Bermudez |

|Church Office |423-638-5014 |Main Number |

|Church Secretary |423-741-5707 |Brenda Chalfant |

|Community Services Center |423-639-7127 |Main Number |

|GAA |423-639-2011 |Fax:423-639-5002 |

|GAA Principal |352-615-2462 |Randy Nomura |

|GAA Address |305 Takoma Ave | |

| |37743 | |

|Church Address |710 Asheville |greenevilleadventist@ |

| |Highway | |

| |37743 | |

|Community Services |120 Idletime Dr |423-639-7127 |

|Center Address |37743 | |

00 p.m. Great Controversy/Fellowship Hall

7:00 p.m. Three Angels Message/Junior Room

FRIDAY, Mar, 20

7:00 p.m. Dr. Subodh Pandit - Is Atheism Rational and Theism


SABBATH, Mar, 21

9:15 a.m. Sabbath School/Leroy Wanamaker

10:45 a.m. Church/Dr. Subodh Pandit

12:30 p.m. Fellowship Lunch/ The Myers team

2:00 p.m. Comparison of Founders of World Religions

3:15 p.m. Resurrection, the Unmatched Basis

4:30 p.m. Q & A

6:30 p.m. Justice and Mercy, A Stunning Christian Perspective

The celeb

| |FOR YOUR | |


|Senior Pastor |423-620-4690 | Jeremy Arnall |

|Associate Pastor |909-363-5991 | Jason Vyhmeister |

|Head Elder |423-639-5848 | Milton Siepman |

|Head Deacon |423-636-1251 | Mike Carlton |

|Head Deaconess |423-278-9907 |Kezia Finley |

|Community Services Director|828-551-3770 |Ken Coonley |

|General Sabbath School |423-736-0810 |Ken Mathews |

|Sabbath School Secretary |423-329-9213 |Ginger Small |

|School Board Chairman |423-638-3016 | Fred Myers |

|Treasurer |423-552-6341 | Ed Bermudez |

|Church Office |423-638-5014 |Main Number |

|Church Secretary |423-741-5707 |Brenda Chalfant |

|Community Services Center |423-639-7127 |Main Number |

|GAA |423-639-2011 |Fax:423-639-5002 |

|GAA Principal |352-615-2462 |Randy Nomura |

|GAA Address |305 Takoma Ave | |

| |37743 | |

|Church Address |710 Asheville |greenevilleadventist@ |

| |Highway | |

| |37743 | |

|Community Services |120 Idletime Dr |423-639-7127 |

|Center Address |37743 | |

| |FOR YOUR | |


|Senior Pastor |423-620-4690 | Jeremy Arnall |

|Associate Pastor |909-363-5991 | Jason Vyhmeister |

|Head Elder |423-639-5848 | Milton Siepman |

|Head Deacon |423-636-1251 | Mike Carlton |

|Head Deaconess |423-278-9907 |Kezia Finley |

|Community Services Director|828-551-3770 |Ken Coonley |

|General Sabbath School |423-736-0810 |Ken Mathews |

|Sabbath School Secretary |423-329-9213 |Ginger Small |

|School Board Chairman |423-638-3016 | Fred Myers |

|Treasurer |423-552-6341 | Ed Bermudez |

|Church Office |423-638-5014 |Main Number |

|Church Secretary |423-741-5707 |Brenda Chalfant |

|Community Services Center |423-639-7127 |Main Number |

|GAA |423-639-2011 |Fax:423-639-5002 |

|GAA Principal |352-615-2462 |Randy Nomura |

|GAA Address |305 Takoma Ave | |

| |37743 | |

|Church Address |710 Asheville |greenevilleadventist@ |

| |Highway | |

| |37743 | |

|Community Services |120 Idletime Dr |423-639-7127 |

|Center Address |37743 | |

| |FOR YOUR | |


|Senior Pastor |423-620-4690 | Jeremy Arnall |

|Associate Pastor |909-363-5991 | Jason Vyhmeister |

|Head Elder |423-639-5848 | Milton Siepman |

|Head Deacon |423-636-1251 | Mike Carlton |

|Head Deaconess |423-278-9907 |Kezia Finley |

|Community Services Director|828-551-3770 |Ken Coonley |

|General Sabbath School |423-736-0810 |Ken Mathews |

|Sabbath School Secretary |423-329-9213 |Ginger Small |

|School Board Chairman |423-638-3016 | Fred Myers |

|Treasurer |423-552-6341 | Ed Bermudez |

|Church Office |423-638-5014 |Main Number |

|Church Secretary |423-741-5707 |Brenda Chalfant |

|Community Services Center |423-639-7127 |Main Number |

|GAA |423-639-2011 |Fax:423-639-5002 |

|GAA Principal |352-615-2462 |Randy Nomura |

|GAA Address |305 Takoma Ave | |

| |37743 | |

|Church Address |710 Asheville |greenevilleadventist@ |

| |Highway | |

| |37743 | |

|Community Services |120 Idletime Dr |423-639-7127 |

|Center Address |37743 | |

| |FOR YOUR | |


|Senior Pastor |423-620-4690 | Jeremy Arnall |

|Associate Pastor |909-363-5991 | Jason Vyhmeister |

|Head Elder |423-639-5848 | Milton Siepman |

|Head Deacon |423-636-1251 | Mike Carlton |

|Head Deaconess |423-278-9907 |Kezia Finley |

|Community Services Director|828-551-3770 |Ken Coonley |

|General Sabbath School |423-736-0810 |Ken Mathews |

|Sabbath School Secretary |423-329-9213 |Ginger Small |

|School Board Chairman |423-638-3016 | Fred Myers |

|Treasurer |423-552-6341 | Ed Bermudez |

|Church Office |423-638-5014 |Main Number |

|Church Secretary |423-741-5707 |Brenda Chalfant |

|Community Services Center |423-639-7127 |Main Number |

|GAA |423-639-2011 |Fax:423-639-5002 |

|GAA Principal |352-615-2462 |Randy Nomura |

|GAA Address |305 Takoma Ave | |

| |37743 | |

|Church Address |710 Asheville |greenevilleadventist@ |

| |Highway | |

| |37743 | |

|Community Services |120 Idletime Dr |423-639-7127 |

|Center Address |37743 | |

| |FOR YOUR | |


|Senior Pastor |423-620-4690 | Jeremy Arnall |

|Associate Pastor |909-363-5991 | Jason Vyhmeister |

|Head Elder |423-639-5848 | Milton Siepman |

|Head Deacon |423-636-1251 | Mike Carlton |

|Head Deaconess |423-278-9907 |Kezia Finley |

|Community Services Director|828-551-3770 |Ken Coonley |

|General Sabbath School |423-736-0810 |Ken Mathews |

|Sabbath School Secretary |423-329-9213 |Ginger Small |

|School Board Chairman |423-638-3016 | Fred Myers |

|Treasurer |423-552-6341 | Ed Bermudez |

|Church Office |423-638-5014 |Main Number |

|Church Secretary |423-741-5707 |Brenda Chalfant |

|Community Services Center |423-639-7127 |Main Number |

|GAA |423-639-2011 |Fax:423-639-5002 |

|GAA Principal |352-615-2462 |Randy Nomura |

|GAA Address |305 Takoma Ave | |

| |37743 | |

|Church Address |710 Asheville |greenevilleadventist@ |

| |Highway | |

| |37743 | |

|Community Services |120 Idletime Dr |423-639-7127 |

|Center Address |37743 | |

ration of Sabbath ends today at 7:37 p.m.

Sabbath begins next Friday at 7:42 p.m.

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