Euphemism and Doublespeak Worksheet

What Is a Euphemism?

A euphemism is a word or series of words, which replaces sad, unpleasant or shocking ideas with softer and nicer expressions. For instance: “departure from life” is a euphemism for “death”.

What is Doublespeak?

Doublespeak, often called "double talk," is the distortion, changing or switching of words to make an unpleasant, tricky or otherwise negative situation not sound as awful. For example, many times people say that someone has "passed on" as opposed to saying that the individual has died. Instead of focusing on the negative aspect that the person has left this world, the speaker places emphasis on the fact that the person has gone on into the next one.

Euphemism and Doublespeak Worksheet

The expressions in italics are euphemisms. What do they probably mean?

1. She was less favored by beauty.

2. Tom’s driving ability had plenty of room for improvement.

3. They are now at their final rest.

4. Tears were my only company.

5. Someone borrowed money without asking from my purse.

Match the following euphemisms and doublespeaks to their real meaning.

1. Sufferer from fictitious disorder syndrome A. Stolen goods

2. Sub-optimal B. Junkyard

3. Temporarily displaced inventory C. Plastic

4. Negative gain in test scores D. Bag of ice cubes

5. Synthetic glass E. Bribe

6. Normal gratitude F. Death

7. Vegetarian leather G. Liar

8. Thermal therapy kit H. Vinyl

9. Substantive negative outcome I. Failed

10. Reutilization marketing yard J. Lower test scores

One of the primary uses of euphemism or doublespeak is the military.

1. Department of Defense A. Mistakenly attacked by own allies

2. The Peacekeeper B. Invade country before they can attack yours

3. Collateral damage C. Land mine

4. Liquidation D. Formerly War Department

5. Wet work E. Peace

6. Area denial munitions F. Large non-nuclear bomb

7. Friendly fire G. MX missile

8. Pre-hostility H. Civilian casualties

9. Preemptive war I. Assassination

10. Psychological deterrent J. Murder

Another frequent user of the euphemism is the political arena.

1. Final Solution A. Armed political rebel

2. Concentration camp B. Armed political rebel

3. Ethnic cleansing C. Prison

4. Freedom Fighter D. Imprisonment without due process

5. Terrorist E. Genocide

6. Protective custody F. Genocide carried out by Hitler

7. Executive action G. Assassination

8. Shared sacrifice H. Death camp

9. Public speaking without a permit I. Taxes

10. Internment facility J. Freedom of speech

Now try these from society where people’s worries about being “politically correct” create these types of euphemisms.

1. Job seekers A. Disabled

2. Asylum seekers B. Beat

3. Pacify C. Refugees

4. Unsavory character D. Blind

5. Involuntary conversion E. Unemployed

6. Differently abled F. Old person

7. Visually impaired G. Hippies

8. Senior citizen H. Plane crash

9. Urban I. Criminal

10. Counter culture J. African American

Connotation, denotation, euphemisms, and doublespeak all make up what we refer to as diction. Diction simply means word choice. As you know already, some words are better than others in certain situations. Complete the following sentences by choosing the appropriate word from the words in parentheses.

1. My mother wrote a note about my absence saying I was too to come to school. (diseased, ill, sick)

2. My best friend is . (fat, overweight, obese, flabby, plump)

3. After death, the body will . (decay, decompose, rot)

4. She is . (ignorant, naïve, unschooled)

5. The police report said she was in possession of .

(controlled substances, drugs, dope)

How does propaganda use euphemisms and doublespeak to achieve its goals?


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