Sch Dept Appt Type Narrative

Department Appointment Type REQUEST FORMBolded items are RequiredRequested ByRequestor’s PhoneDate of RequestNeeded by Date1Department Name2Department Number or Mnemonic3Appointment Type Name4Preferred Mnemonic5Non-clinic Type?6Duration (in minutes)7Resources Required?aResource Provider OR CategorybResource DurationcResource Sequencing Required?dSequencing Days, Hrs or Min / Before or After8Pre-Scheduling Message9Post-Scheduling Message10Appointment Category11Default Starting Date to Search?12No Charge Appt Type?13AVM visit type to cross map?14Include in Meaningful Use reports?15Is this Transition of Care?NOTE – Consult the appropriate person in your department to determine if this will affect your departments Hold Bills or Alert Manager views.IS USE ONLY:FieldValueNotesDepartment NameAppointment type nameMnemonicNumberUse next available numberNonclinic Type?DurationResourcesIf Y, see Resource section at end of listPre-scheduling messageAppointment categoryDefault starting date to searchT+1No charge Appt type?ResourcesResourceResource CategoryPriority1DurationSequencing req?Days/Hrs/Min Before/AfterEPMS F1, A4 map to visit typeInclude in MU Reporting?Transition of Care?Completed by:Date:Front End Supportcheck for & add mnemonic to spreadsheet I:\HELP DESK\IDX security request Forms & Attachments\Sched Attachments\appt type master list 2011_04.xlsHelp Deskcreate entryFill in table below and include in email to requestorTell requestor that their sched coordinator will need to add the appt type(s) to the provider(s)cc asis@wusm.wustl.educc kaagt@wusm.wustl.educc ingersol@wustl.educc boyerd@wustl.educc Chantelle.Waldron@NameMne#MU?TOCNon-billing?NARRATIVEDepartment - This is a required field. List the department name and number or mne for which you want to set up a appt type.Appt Type Name - Required. Specify the desired long name for the Appointment type that you want to set up. There is a 20 character maximum.Preferred Mnemonic – If there is a three letter short name that you would like to use, let us know. If it is not already in use, we will use that as the mnemonic.Non-clinic Type: - Required. This indicates whether the appt type will be used to schedule appointments (answer N) or to block out time when the provider is unable to see patients (answer Y).Duration (in minutes) - Required for clinic appt types. How many minutes should the system default in for this appt type? This can always be overriden when doing a search. Also, each or any provider in the department can have a different number of minutes duration than the default value. For example if appt type NEW for department A has a appt duration of 30, provider Z could have a NEW appt with a duration of 30, provider Y have a NEW with a 15 minute duration and provider X have a NEW appt with a duration of 20.Resources Required - If this is not marked yes, we assume no resources are required. If you mark Y to require resources, please fill out the resource information. Resources are a way that the system can require and link secondary appts to a primary appt. If you feel you might benefit from resources and/or would like to know more, please talk to the I.S. Support department. Resource Provider OR Category - If you are using resources with this appt type, you must specify the resource provider OR category that you want linked to the appt type.Resource Duration - How long, in minutes, do you want to book this resource?Resource Sequencing Required? Enter Y or N. If you want to book the resource at the same time as the primary appointment, you should enter N to indicate you do not want sequencing of this appointment. If you want the resource booked either before or after the primary appointment, indicate that with a Y.Sequencing Hrs or Min / Before or After - Use these three fields to indicate the number of days, hours and/or minutes that the resource should be booked before (or after) the primary appointment. If you said Y to require sequencing, you must respond to at least one of these three.Hrs - Enter a number between 0 and 23.Min - Enter a number that is a multiple of five, between 0 and 55.Before/After - Enter a B to indicate that the resource should be booked before the primary or an A to show that you want the resource booked after the primary.Pre-Scheduling Message - Enter up to ten lines, with 80 characters each, of free text message that will be displayed by the system when you enter the appt type on the New Appointment screen.Post-Scheduling Message - Enter up to 10 lines of text, 80 characters per line, to be displayed when the appointment is filed.Number of Encounters (0, .5, or 1) - This is what the system uses when it counts appts for statistical purposes. You can count a appt as a whole (1), as a half appt (.5) or not at all (0).Suppress on Med Rec Pull List? - Enter Y if you do not want this appt type to print on the medical record pull list. If you do want this on the medical record pull list, enter ‘N’.Suppress from Wait List? - If you enter Y to this prompt, you will not be allowed to add appointments with this appt type to the wait list. If you answer N or leave it blank, you can add these appts to the wait list should you desire to do so.Appointment Category – Required. Enter the category in which you want this appt type counted for statistical reports. Categories are:1New Patient Visit2Established3Post Op visit4Surgery Visit5Research Visit6Lab Visit7Non Clinical 8Inpatient Visit9Miscellaneous10Pre-op Visit12ProcedureDefault Starting Date to Search - Enter a number between 0 and 99. When you type in the appt type on the New Appointment screen, the system uses this number to determine the default From date:. For example: If you have a appt type that typically gets scheduled 60 days in the future, you can use this to have the system default in a date 60 days from today. This may always be over ridden by the scheduler when they are making the appointment.No Charge Appt Type? - If you enter N here, the system will check for missing charges for this appointment type. If you enter Y, the system will not look for missing charges.AVM Visit type to cross map? Enter the AVM visit type that you want this appointment type. For more information about AVM visit types, see the AVM visit type grid below.Include in Meaningful Use reports? Enter Y if this appointment type should be included in meaningful use reports. Typically MU appointments are face-to-face office visits. Appointments where the patient does not see the provider are typically not included in MU.Is this Transition of Care? Enter Y if this Appointment type will always or most often be used as a transition of care appointment. Enter N if it will not be used as transition of care. Definition of Transition of Care: The movement of a patient from one setting of care (hospital, ambulatory primary care practice, ambulatory specialty care practice, long-term care, home health, rehabilitation facility) to another OR any patient who is new to the provider.AVM Visit Type GridVIsit typeMneDays to Auto-Close #days to cancel pre-admit#days to keep HBsEmergency DepartmentOED1307Group 7OGRP70307Group 8OGRP80307Group 11OGRP110307Group 12OGRP120307Group 13OGRP130307InpatientOIP30307OutpatientOP030 7Procedure-AlertOPPA1307Procedure-No AlertOPPN0307Special BillingOSB03015SurgeryOSUR301207Psychiatry visit types have security assigned so that only users with valid security may access them.Psychiatry InpatientOPSYIPDoes not auto-close3021Psychiatry OutpatientOPSY03021Psychiatry RecurringOPR03021Psychiatry Spec BillingOPSYSBDoes not auto-close3021 ................

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