Mr Goodyear Environmental (Earth Science)

Scale of universe Activity (powers of 10) Name: __________________________________ at 10 to the zero power and move outward >The circle in the center has a diameter of _________ meters.Click on human figure: The average human is ________ meters in height, there are over 7 _______________ of us. If you could meet all of them at one a second, it would take you how long? __________________________A beach ball is ____ __________________ in diameter. Beach balls where invented in _________________.Dodo bird is 1 _____________ in size. It became extinct during the ____________________What is a Rafflesia ? ___________________________________ What does it smell like? How long is the giant earthworm? _______________________________How high can a sunflower grow? ________________________________, Is the sun flower a single flower? _____The albatross has the largest wingspan of _____ meters, What is their population? ______________The Japanese’s spider crab can grow up to ______ __________________ it is the largest ____________________The elephant is the largest ___________ animal is _____ meters in height, and weighs up to ____ tonsThe giraffe are as tall as ______ meters, its ___________ is half its height, the only way predators kill them is to push them onto their ____________________. Tyrannosaurus Rex was ________ meters long, Was he the largest? ______________ The Apollo lunar module was ______ meters in height, it weighs _______ _____________________, this is the part of the space craft that landed on the ___________________.The saguaro cactus can be _________ meters in height, It takes ______ years to grow an arm The average human house is _______x _________ meters, The average house today can fit __________ people ..The average oak tree is _______ meters tall, they produce 1000’s of ______________ a year. Amphilicoelias fragililms was ______ meters long it was the ____________ dinosaur ever and weighed ________ of tons. The blue whale is _______ meters long, weighs ________ _________________ tons, humans have lowered their population down to only _____________________.A Boeing 747 is _______ meters long, made in ____________, it wing span is longer than the _________________ brother’s 1st flight of ___________ meters. The redwood is the worlds ____________ tree about ______metersThe satue of liberty is ____ meters and is the symbol of ________________. It was built in _________________, and it was based on the ________________________ sun god Helios.A football field is ______________ meters, Football fields are used to __________________ large objects sometimes.The Saturn V is the __________________ and heaviest ______________________ ever. It was used from ________ - ____________, it was the rocket that sent men to the ______________________.The ISS is __________________________ ____________________ ______________________ and has humans in it for the last _________________ years. The great pyramids of Giza are ___________ meters high, It was the tallest man-made structure for __________years.Gateway arc is ______________ meters high and is located in ______________________, you can see the _______________________ river.The Titanic was ____________ meters high before it sank when it got hit by an __________________. There where ___________________ people on the Titanic.The Eiffel tower is ________ meters tall, for _______ years was the tallest man-made structure. __________ million people have been there.The Washing ton monument is _______ meters high and is the world’s tallest ______________________.The Hoover day is _________ meters tall, and is located on the _________________ river, it creates lake ____________________ the largest __________________________.Half Dome is ______ meters high, is located in ____________________ national park. It is made of the rock __________________ (Mr. Goodyear has been to the top in 1998)Angel falls is __________ meters, and is the tallest ___________________ and it is located in ___________________, most of the water _________________________ into mist before hitting the ground.Burj Khalifa is ______________ meters tall is the tallest ____________________ in the ___________________. It is how many millimeters tall: ______________________ what floor has a swing pool ? __________________Vatican city is _________________ meters wide, and is the smallest ____________________ The Boeing Everett factory is 1 ____________________ wide and is the largest ______________________ in the world. Uluru is _______ kilometers long is also known as ___________________ is ___________ meters tallAM radio waves are 1 _____________________ longCentral park is ______ kilometers wide, the most visited ________ park in the USA, and ____ people live there.Cruithne is _____ kilometers wide, how long does it take to go around the sun ? _________________40. Mount Everest is _______ kilometers high, not many can climb it without using _______________ tanks.41. Deimos is one of the smallest __________ of Mars, you could walk around it in a ___________.42. The large Hardon collider is ________ kilometers in diameter, It smashes ____________ into _______________ to study the tiniest things in the ____________________________ like the ________________ and _________________.43. Halley’s comet is ________ kilometers wide, the tail when near the sun is ____________________ of kilometers in length, it loses __________ of its mass every thousand orbits.44. Palm Jebel Ali is ______ km is the largest man-made __________________ . it will house in the future ___________________ people.45. Mariana trench is _______ km deep, in the _________________ Ocean. People wanted to dump _____________ _______________ there not good …46. Phobos is _______km in diameter, is the larger of _______________ two moons, if you threw a ____________ on this moon it would not come back down …very low gravity !!!47. Neutron average size is _______ km, they are extremely _______________. One milliliter of a neutron star would weigh _________ ________________________ kilograms.48. A marathon is _________ km or ___________ miles, about one in a ________________ have run one.49. Rhode Island is the ________________ state, __________ km wide, however you could fit the worlds ______________ on it. It also has the _____________ official state name.50. Nix is ________ km, it is the _____________________ known moon of _______________. The name comes from the primordial ______________________ goddess, of the night.51. Hydra is also one of _________________ moons, named after the _______________ - headed serpent.52. Brunei is ________ km wide, it is a country in __________________, and they drive on the ___________ hand side of the road.53. Dysnomia is _______ km in diameter, only ____________ of the asteroid Eris, discovered in ______________.54. West Virgiana is ________ km wide, It split from Virginia in _______________ because of the _____________ _____________. The make a lot of glass ___________________.55. The Grand Canyon is ________ km long, carved by the ____________________ river, which took _______ million years. The oldest layers of rock are ______ ______________________ years old.56. Italy is _____________ km long, it was home to Leonardo _________________________ who was an inventor, painter etc. 57. California is ____________ km long, it is nicknamed the _______________ state, It is home to ______ ___________ people.58. Texas is _________ km wide, in population and land it is ranked __________________.59. Ceres is ________ km in diameter, and is the largest __________________________, (it is a dwarf planet)60. Pluto is ____________ km wide, It used to be a ____________________ its official name now is _________________61. Eris is _____________ km wide, it is the _________________________ dwarf planet. It is larger than _____________.62. Ganymede is _______________ km wide, is the ___________________ moon in the ______________ ___________ It orbits the planet ______________________ and was discovered by _________________________.63. IO is _____________ km wide , has a lot of ________________________, its geysers emit frozen ________________ ______________________ up to 500 km into space.64. The Moon is __________________ km wide, also known as ______________, It is the __________________ object in the night sky. It orbits the Earth in _________ days,7 hours, 43 min. 65. Triton is _________ km wide, it is __________________ largest moon, The winds of triton move close to the speed of _________________________ !66. The Great wall of china is ____________ km long, Is it visible from space ? ___________.67. The great barrier reef is ___________ km long, which is found of the coast of _____________________, is the biggest single structure made by _________________________ organisms. 68. Mercury is ______________ km wide, it is _______________________ to the sun, One Mercury year is ______ days. (which is the time it takes to orbit)69. United states of America is _______________ km across, which is bigger USA or Pluto ? _____________________70. Titan is _________________ moon and is ___________________ km wide, it has an atmosphere made of ______________________, It has liquid _______________________ seas.71. Mars is _______________ km wide, it is known as the __________ planet.72. Earth is _____________________ km wide, Earth is our only ____________________ (we need to take care of it!!!)73. Asia is _________________ km wide, Earth largest ________________________, holding over 4 _________________ people, which is over ________________ the worlds population.74. Venus is ____________ km wide, Its atmosphere is mostly ________________ __________________ and it _______ the sun’s heat !75. Sirius B is ____________________ km wide, it is a ________________ ______________ star, Sirius B is known as the _____________. 76. Neptune is ____________________ km wide, it is the __________________ planet in the solar system, it takes _____ to orbit the sun.77. Minecraft world is ____________________ km wide, it has 130 __________________________ blocks in it!78. Uranus is _________________ km wide, it is the ____________________planet from the sun.79. Saturn is _______________________ km wide, ___________________ was the 1st to see the ________________.80. Wolf 359 is a small ________________ _____________ star, it is the ______closest star to Earth, it is a very dim star.81. Jupiter is _____________________ km wide, is the _________________ planet, It has ___________ moons82. Proxima Centari is ________________________ km wide, it is the closest _____________ after the sun.83. TrES-4 is ____________________ km wide and is the ________________ planet discovered , we found it by the gravity effect on its star it causes it to ______________________ slightly.84. Distance to the moon is ____________________ km, if the distance to the moon was a meter the Earth would be the size of a ____________________ and the moon the size of a ___________.85. Kapteyn’s Star is _____________________ km wide, it is only 13 _______________ _______________ away.86. The Sun is ____________________________ km in size, The sun is over ____________ times large in diameter than the Earth.87. Alpha Centauri is the largest of a _______ star system, it is ________________________ km wide, it is the _____ brightest star in the night sky.88. Sirius A is _______________________ km wide, it is the ___________________ star in the night sky, it is only ______ light years away. 89. Altair is _______________________ km in size, it is part of the _____________________ triangle stars.90. Vega is __________________________ km wide, it is found in the constellation _______________.91. Regulus is _________________________ km wide it is located in the constellation of ___________ (in the spring sky)92. Pollux is ______________________ km in size, located in the constellation of _____________________.93. Total human height, if all ___ __________________ humans stood on top of each other it would equal __________ _______________________________ km tall.94. Capella is _______________________ km wide, it is a type ________ giant star, the sun is also this class but it is a main sequence.95. Arcturus is _____________________ km wide, and is the __________ brightest star at night, it is located in the constellation of _____________________. We use the handle of the big dipper to find it.96. Albireo is __________________ lm in size, it is made up of ________ stars, 2 are _______________ 1 is ___________ in color.97. Polaris is ____________________ km in sze, It is known as the _______________ star.98. Aldebaran is __________________________ km in size, it rotates in ________________ days on its axis.99. Alnitak is a star in _____________________ belt.100. Rigel is _______________________ km in size, it is ________________________ in color it is located in the constellation of _____________________ it is his left foot. 101. Distance from Earth to sun is ____________________________ km, This distance is called a ___________________ unit or A.U. for short.102. Gacrux is found in _________________ it is part of the southern ______________________.103. Enif is ________________________km in size, it is a ____________________ supergiant, its name means _______ in Arabic and is part of the constellation of ___________________________.104. Deneb is the brightest star in _____________________ (which is a swan) it is 1500 L.Y. away, It is one the 25 _____________________ stars seen from Earth. 105. La Superba is ______________________ km in size, it is one of the _______________ stars, and one of the __________________ stars also.106. R Doradus is ____________________ km in size, and is ___________ light-years away.107. Pistol star is one of the most _________________ stars, In 20 seconds produces more energy than the sun does in a __________________.108. Antares is a red ____________________ star. It is the heart of Scorpio, It will ________________ later in life.109. VY Canis Major is the ________________ known star, which is __________________________ km in size, it would extend beyond the orbit of _________________________. - We are now 1 day from Earth – this is how far light would travel in 24 hours110. The Kuiper belt is _______________________ km wide, it is the region of the __________________ system beyond ________________________.111. The Voyage space probe is _______________________ km away from Earth, it took _______ years to get that far away.112. Homunculus nebula is _________________________ km in size, in the center lies a _______________.113. Stingray nebula, is ______________________ km it is a ______________________ nebula.114. Gomez’s Hamburger is _______________________ km in size and _______________ light-year away.115. Cat’s eye nebula is ________________________ km in size, its temp. is ______________________ degrees C116. The Blinking Nebula is ________________________________ km wide FLIER stand for : ______________________________________________________________________________________________.117. The Hourglass nebula is ________________________ km wide. It is called this because it has two _____________.118. A light years is __________________________ km long, it is the distance ______________ travels in one year.119. The ring nebula is _______ light years across, it is a ______________________ nebula.120. The Eskimo nebula is ____________ L.Y. across, it was discovered in _____________, it is remnants of a exploding star.121. The Oort cloud, is ______ l.Y. across , it is the outermost region of our ______________ _____________, it is also the boundary of the Sun’s __________________________ pull.122. The boomerang nebula is ________ l.Y. across its temp = one degree above ________________ _______________.123. A Parsec is ________ l.Y. it is a unit of ______________________. The shifting of stars by the Earth orbiting the sun is called __________________________.124. The Helix nebula is ______ L.Y. across and is __________ L.Y. distance from Earth.125. The horse head nebula is ______L.Y. across, It is located in Orion and was discovered in _______________.126. The Bubble nebula is ________ L.Y. across, it is an ___________________ nebula (type)127. The Crab nebula is ________ L.Y. across, It is known as M1 the 1st ____________________ ________________, It is remnants of a _______________________ was seen in ______________ AD.128. The cone nebula was discovered the day after ____________________ in ____________________.129. The Pillars of Creation is ________ L.Y. across, it is inside the _________________ nebula.130. The Orion nebula is ________ L.Y. across, It is one of the most ______________________ nebulas.131. The cave nebula is ________ L.Y. across, it is a very _______________________ nebula.132. The Eagle nebula is _________ L.Y. away, it is a huge ________________ nursery.133. The North American nebula is ______ L.Y. across, it appears _______ times as large as the full moon.134. An Exameter (Em) (diameter) is 10 to what power of ten ? _______________135. The Lagoon nebula is ______ L.Y. across, was named in _______________ and is ____________ L.Y. away.136. The Omega Centauri is _________ L.Y. across, it is a ______________________ cluster of stars.137. The Rosette nebula is _______ L.Y. across, it has the mass of _________________ sun’s.138. The Barnard’s Loop is _________ L.Y. across, and is __________________ L.Y. away. It covers the area of the constellation ______________________.139. Messier 54 is ___________ L.Y. across, It is a __________________ cluster in the ____________________ dwarf galaxy.140. The Tarantula Nebula is __________ L.Y. away, It is the ________________ known nebula, it is the _____________ non-stellar object known.141. Leo II Dwarf galaxy is __________ L.Y. across, it orbits around our galaxy the _____________ _______________, it is a satellite of our galaxy.142. Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy is ___________ L.Y. across, it is the _______________ galaxy to the Milky Way.143. The Small Magellanic cloud is __________________ L.Y. across .144. The Large Magellantic cloud is _______________ L.Y. across.145. NGC3310 is _____________________ L.Y. across, it is a ________________ galaxy with beautiful arms and is ______ million L.Y. away.146. The Sombrero Galaxy is _______________ L.Y. across, There is a supermassive __________________ in the center.147. The Milky Way is _________________ L.Y. across, You can’t see the ______________ thing at once, of course.148. The Pinwheel Galaxy is __________________ L.Y. across, It was the _________ messier object to be catalogued.149. The Andromeda galaxy is _________________ L.Y. across, It is the Milky Way’s ______________, In a few billion years the two galaxies will ________________________.150. NGC 1232 is _________________ L.Y. across, is the ________________ galaxy we know of to date.151. Virgo A is ____________________ L.Y. across, It is a supergiant ____________________ galaxy.152. The Tadpole galaxy is __________________ L.Y. across, It has a _______________ of stars extending from it formed when another galaxy ____________________ into it.153. NGC 4889 is _______________________ L.Y. across; its speed is ______________________km/sec. At this speed it could travel around the Earth ____________ time in a second. 154. Abell 2029 is a galaxy cluster _____________________ L.Y. across, in the constellation of ___________________, (the snake) 155. IC 1101 is _______________________ L.Y. across and is the largest known _______________________.156. The Local Group is ______________________ L.Y. across, It is the ________________ of galaxies we live in, it contains around ____________ galaxies.157. The Virgo cluster is _____________________ L.Y. across, It was discovered in ________________.158. The Great Attractor is ____________________ thousands of galaxies toward it, including the Milky Way.159. Eridanus Superviod is ____________________ L.Y. across, region of the sky slightly _______________ than normal, it is barely above __________________ ____________ which is 2.7 K.160. The Shapley Supercluster is _____________________ L.Y. across.161. The Pisces-Cetus Supercluster complex is _____________________________ L.Y. across.162. Sloan Great Wall is ____________________________ L.Y. across, It is a galactic ______________________.163. A Gigaparsec is _______________________________ L.Y. in distance or ________________________ parsecs.It is one of the largest measure of ________________________. The observable universe is _______ gigaparsecs.164. The Observable Universe is _____________________________ across, Which is a distance of __________ billion L.Y. away.165. The Universe is at least _______________________________ L.Y. in size, It is everything we know. We know nothing of what lies _____________________. We reached the end of the known universe as we know it today ………….??????? ................

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